Seeing his father, as well as Zifeng and Guili, the two most powerful and heinous figures, they all treat the array arranged by the "Temple" seriously. Lin Jingyu, standing beside Lin Aotian, looks puzzled and says, "this array is very powerful?"


Lin Aotian nodded and said, "this should be one of the three arrays of the temple. It is said that the three arrays of the" Temple "were created by immortals in the fairyland, just like the" magic power "on the wordless book of heaven. Even if the people who set up the array are just ordinary Xuanwu, if the warriors of the 'heaven level realm' are trapped in it, only It's fate to be hanged... "

Ye Xiao is also a master of array.

Although there has never been such a live array arranged by martial artists before us, we can see that the "array" in front of us is not simple. Even if it is a ten step array, it may not be able to match the array in front of us. When we are inside the "Tiandi treasure house", the illusory "magic weapons" are arranged outside It's a ten step array. When people like Niubi Laodao and Shenhuo cult leader come across the ten step array, they are helpless. Now, the array arranged by the temple is beyond the existence of the tenth order.

You can imagine its power.

Purple Maple and ghost are dangerous.

"Do it..."

After hearing the "ghouli Li" strike, the Purple Maple holding the golden sword immediately moved. With a divine thought, the "golden sword" in his hand suddenly glowed. The whole human being raised the "golden sword" in his hand and danced out a sword flower. The crisscross "golden" sword spirit suddenly shot out of the "golden sword", and each of them was like a dragon Compared with the Purple Maple, the dragon's ferocious attack is more powerful than that of the Purple Maple. After rubbing his paws for a while, he sees a shadow of Taotie, which covers the whole world. He bites the disciples of the temple around him.

"Shifang Yanyue..."


After a loud noise, we can see that more than 100 "Temple" disciples have their own magic weapons flying at the same time. One revered "heaven and earth Dharma" forms a series of bronze walls and iron walls. These original magic weapons, which were originally only "ancient immortal tools", seem to have increased their power by dozens of times in the mutual generation and counteraction of the "blue sky Yanyue array", even compared with the ordinary "Shang" I'm afraid the ancient artifact is still a little stronger. With this dazzling skill, you can see that all the ancient immortal artifacts in the "blue sky and Yan Yue array" have become the power of the "ancient artifact", which envelops the ghost and the Purple Maple.

Both the magic weapons released by these "Temple" disciples and their "heaven and earth FA Xiang" have been enhanced countless times under the cover of the "blue sky Yanyue array". The attack of Purple Maple and ghoulish Li on the "heaven and earth FA Xiang" of these disciples in the "Temple" is just like a wave of water rippling, and you can see the attack power of yourself and GUI Li However, they could not break through the defense of the rashzi array. The faces of Zifeng and Guili became ugly. Although both of them were the real strongmen of the later peak of the sage, they had to hide in confusion in the face of the crushing of one or two hundred ancient artifacts.

After all, neither Zifeng nor Guili can be compared with Ye Xiao's abnormal constitution.

These "ancient artifacts" hit Ye Xiao, although they can also make him suffer a lot of heavy damage, but his body has a "ancient sacred things" of the world tree, the damage caused to him by these ancient artifacts, I'm afraid, is not as fast as the "tree of the world". However, Zifeng and Guili are different. There is no "tree of the world" in their bodies ’The defense level of Ye Xiao's body is not as good as ye Xiao's. once they are crushed by these ancient artifacts, they will not be killed by these ancient artifacts. However, over time, these array costs can also kill both of them.

"The gun of trial..."


A "Purgatory flame" sprang up in the sky and buried the disciples of the "Temple" opposite. Seeing the "Purgatory flame" burying all over the sky, Zhou Wen's face also changed wildly. Since Zifeng and Guili appeared here, Zhou Wen's attention has been completely attracted by Zifeng and Guili. If not, Zhou Wen's face will change It is Ye Xiao who is the main character of today. I'm afraid that he has long forgotten him in the corner. Now, seeing ye Xiao's sudden attack, the target is the "Temple" disciples who are in charge of the array. As the elder of the temple, Zhou Wen naturally knows that although the power of the "blue sky Yanyue array" is powerful and even somewhat bizarre, it is only aimed at the people in the array It's not the people outside the array. For the people outside the array, they have no defense at all.

Never leave your back to an animal.

The ancients did not deceive me.

After seeing ye Xiao's wrist turn over for a while, more than 100 "trial guns" instantly condensed.

In order to avoid Zifeng and GUI Li, Zhou Wen retreated to a far away place. At the moment, it was too late to stop Ye Xiao. He could only watch the more than 100 "guns of justice" to penetrate the disciples of the "Temple". If the people in charge of the "blue sky Yan Yue array" were all strong in the realm of "saints", they might not be afraid of Ye Xiao's exertion "The gun of judgment", but now, the only people responsible for the "sky Yanyue array" are the "Heaven level realm" and "the peak of the later stage of the heaven level". Even if it is a one-on-one confrontation, ye Xiao can kill these "Temple" disciples with all his actions."Pooh

A trial gun burning the "Purgatory flame" directly penetrates the bodies of those "Temple" disciples who are responsible for maintaining the array. Endless "Purgatory flame" madly burns these "Temple" disciples.

One after another painful faces appeared in front of Zhou Wen.

At the moment, the tears of regret are about to flow out.

What he regretted most was that he didn't put Ye Xiao and other people together in the "blue sky and Yan Yue array". This was also caused by his negligence. After all, Zifeng and GUI Li were so powerful that he completely ignored Ye Xiao's fact that he could kill a "Saint" in his later period with one sword. It was precisely because of this little negligence that he made painstaking preparations for "Qing" The "sky Yanyue array" was shattered in an instant. Seeing that the array was broken, a handful of "ancient immortal utensils" fell to the ground. Both Purple Maple and GUI Li, trapped in the array, were relieved.

It's hard to feel trapped in the array.

Now that they are out of trouble, who can stop them from killing?


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