
Hearing that ye Xiao behind Shi Jingtian confessed that the "Shijia" of Chiyou island had killed the chief disciple of Taixu sect, Li Yun's pupils also contracted violently. The faces of the children of "Haitian College" standing behind Li Yun were dull and shocked. Obviously, like Li Yun, they did not believe Zhang Yansong's words It seems to us that there are some misunderstandings. After all, even if the stone family of Chiyou island is given 100 courage, I am afraid they will not dare to fight against the Taixu clan. What's more, is the chief disciple of the Taixu gate so easy to kill?

What skill does the stone family of Chiyou island have to kill the chief disciple of Taixu gate?

After listening to Zhang Yansong, the master of Taixu gate, the guests of cave 72 in the hall began to discuss in whispers. There are hundreds of islands, large and small. There are only dozens of famous islands, such as the 72 cave mansion and Haitian college. Most of the other islands are just ordinary and ordinary Many smart islands, even most of the people in the cave 72 have never heard of Chiyou Island, let alone the stone family on Chiyou island. A member of the forces who is not a little bit higher than the Taixu gate has never heard of Chiyou island. He frowned slightly and said, "Master Zhang is joking! The "stone family" of Chiyou Island you are talking about is just a small family! How can they dare to kill the chief disciple of "Taixu gate"? Even if they are insane, how can they kill the chief disciple of the "Taixu gate"

"Weiyang palace?"

Zhang Yansong's face sank slightly when he saw the first person from Weiyang palace jump out. Although on the surface, the seventy-two cave is united, but this is also under the same external situation. If there are no foreign enemies around, many forces inside the 72 cave are secretly intriguing. After all, the territory is so large, including the island of people There are only more than 1000 islands in the sea area nearby. Even some islands are occupied by sea monsters. Even if they want to rob the islands from the hands of those sea monsters and compete for the resources on the islands, they don't know what price to pay. Therefore, the resources they can grasp in the cave 72 are very limited.

No business, no killing.

Once there is an entanglement of interests, even if it is a rigid alliance, there will be cracks in an instant. For example, Taixu gate and Weiyang Palace are almost the same thing. As everyone here knows, three years ago, when Weiyang palace and Taixu gate were competing for resources on an island, Taixu gate United several people from the cave to join hands from Weiyang palace From that day on, the "Taixu gate" and the "Weiyang Palace" even though they had a bridge, they have not yet untied the bridge.

It's just that generally no cave will participate in their affairs.

The Deacon's voice dropped. Many members of the cave began to whisper. Obviously, most people didn't believe Zhang Yansong's words. After all, a small family of nameless islands dared to challenge Taixu gate, one of the seventy-two caves. This is just a fantastic thing. As for Zhang Yansong's expert, he was in the Most people think it's just nonsense. As for the purpose of Taixu gate, they don't know what they want to do to deal with the small forces on an unnamed island.

Seeing that most of the people were whispering, few believed in themselves. Zhang Yansong's brow was also tight and his face was full of displeasure.

At this time, an energetic old man stepped out step by step, looked at the people in the 72 cave, and said, "everything the master said is true. Our" Wang family "is also on Chiyou island. Just a few days ago, I suddenly felt that our" Wang family "had been destroyed, and the entire family members of the" Wang family "had been killed. Fortunately There are a few fish in the royal family that have not been killed by the people of the stone family, so we send such a message to me. It is said that an expert suddenly appears in the "stone family", and the master does not seem to have any good feelings for our 72 cave cave. Therefore, I would like to remind you not to despise this time... "

Another person from the "Taixu gate" came forward to emphasize this issue.

It's a pity that he is a member of the "Taixu gate". Let alone one of them, even the whole "Taixu gate" people all jump out to emphasize this matter. In their eyes, there is still not much credibility. One by one, they still gather together in groups and discuss in private what tricks Zhang Yansong of Taixu gate is playing? If Chiyou island had any resources, I'm afraid Zhang Yansong would have eaten it secretly, instead of asking everyone to join him to destroy the stone family in Chiyou island!

Li Yun was the only one who believed Zhang Yansong's words. First, Zhang Yansong emphasized the matter. Then, the man standing beside Shi Jingtian also admitted it. Li Yun, who was in a hurry in his mind, thought that if Zhang Yansong's words were true, I'm afraid that because of the Shi Family's affairs, they might even be involved Even Li Yun, who is a member of Haitian college, will be implicated.After all, Li Yun doesn't want to cover up Shi Jingtian.

Then, Shi Jingtian was recognized by the people of the seventy-two cave. Li Yun did not think that he could leave the "Taixu gate" with his own strength. After all, compared with most of the people present, his strength was far behind. A disciple of Haitian college secretly looked at Ye Xiao and Shi Jingtian and then met him Li Yun, who was nearby, said in secret: "master, if we let the people of the 72 caves know that we are now with the people of the stone family, and we will take the people of the stone family up the mountain. I'm afraid that it is not only the" Taixu gate ", but the rest of the 71 caves will be angry at us. Moreover, the" Shi Family "has completely offended Taixu gate and died Now they are coming to the "Taixu gate". Their hearts are punishable. We must not be implicated by them

Li Yun's face changed a lot after listening to the disciple of Haitian college. Now he begins to ponder. What are ye Xiao and Shi Jingtian doing in Taixu gate? If you come to Taixu gate to ask for trouble, how can you only come to two people? Of course, if you come to ask for mercy from Taixu gate, you won't stand here all the time. So, for a moment, Li Yun also began to mess up.

He couldn't understand what ye Xiao and Shi Jingtian were doing at the Taixu gate. Seeing that Li Yun didn't speak, he first advised Li Yun to hand over the disciples of Shi Jingtian and ye Xiao's Haitian college, bit his teeth, and continued to persuade him: "master, at this time, we can't be merciful to women. Otherwise, all of us should not want to leave Taixu gate Even if we are not careful, there will be a war between the "seventy-two cave" and our "Haitian College". At that time, if some of the seniors in the "College" know that this incident was caused by the master, I'm afraid that even if we can leave this "Taixu gate" safely today, those seniors in the college will not let us go... "

After listening to this disciple of "Haitian College", Li Yun's face also changed wildly.

Not only the disciples of Haitian college, but also the other students of Haitian college, all looked at Li Yun eagerly. After weighing the pros and cons, Li Yun bit his teeth and looked at Zhang Yansong and said, "Zhang Zhangjiao, I have a stone family person here. If you want to know whether the matter is true, just ask me …”


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