"Oh, I'm sorry, I have a friend over there. Let's go first..." Ye Xiao apologized and laughed, and then walked out of the elevator. It's not that he suddenly became noble. In fact, after a long time with such a gorgeous woman as yiguyun, his appreciation ability has improved a lot. Although the appearance of the woman in front of her is not as bad as that of the girl like huayuewu, ye Xiao can't find that feeling in her body

In a word, we don't look up to this kind of woman.

God sees pitifully, they usually go to some bar girls, really have not flashed the temperament so excellent beauty

However, ye Xiao didn't seem to see their changed faces, and went out directly beyond them

In front of him, there are three men standing. One is tall, about one meter eight, wearing a suit of black suit. At first sight, people from the upper class are yelling and scolding at a man in the same suit. Next to the tall man, there is a man dressed as a secretary standing respectfully, looking at the scolded man from time to time with sympathy in his eyes ……

What ye Xiao is familiar with will not be the man who is arrogant and arrogant, but the man who is accepting drinking and scolding. He is not others, but the father of Huayue charm, who has no tears.

"What are you talking about? That's the childe of belenfin group. It's a business worth more than one billion yuan. You've screwed up. Don't you marry a daughter? Why did you refuse? Now, we can't sign the contract. Our company has suffered heavy losses. What can we do? " The man looks like he hates iron but not steel.

"Chairman, I am also a member of the board of directors. The company loses, and I also have losses. But that is my daughter's unwillingness. Can I force her to fail?" Flower no tears is also a face of displeasure, this company is not your company alone, although you are the largest shareholder, but I am not your direct subordinate, what is your tone of voice talking to me?

Besides, there is going to be a Xingyao meeting soon. There are so many big people coming and going here. You don't want to face, but I still want to face?

Of course, if it wasn't for the family behind this person, the tone of no tears would not be so euphemistic

"Of course, parents decide the marriage of their children. As a father, don't you understand that?" Seeing that Hua Wulei dared to contradict himself, the man was even more upset. He was a major shareholder of the company. Although Hua Wuyi was also a shareholder, he did not hold many shares. On weekdays, everyone got on well with each other. But this time, it was related to the future of the whole company. Then a huge contract was destroyed by him. How could a man feel comfortable?

Of course, these things should have been discussed in the company, but he didn't know that such a big list had been lost by Hua Wuyi. He just met Beck here just now and found out that Hua Wulei was yelling loudly

Seeing that the other party scolded him so much, Hua Wu's face turned blue and white. You didn't give this list to me. It was also baker who came to me at the beginning. Even if there was no agreement, what was it to do with you? Is it amazing that you are a big shareholder?

However, there are some big people behind him, and I have to rely on him in the future. If I really offend him, it's not good if I really offend him. I was about to suppress my anger and say a few nice words, but I heard a loose voice

"What is advocated now is free love. Who stipulates that the marriage of children must be decided by their parents?" Ye Xiao came over slowly and said indifferently.

Seeing that the visitor is Ye Xiao, Hua Wulei's eyebrows jump. Even now, he doesn't know ye Xiao's identity. But if he can appear here at such a young age, he must be the son of a large family? But now there is no big family named ye in Jinghai city? If it's not because of family power that it's here? Is it by your own ability? That's even more impossible. How old is he?

However, thinking of Ye Xiao's daring to beat Beck like that on that day, she still lives well now. Hua Wulei feels that maybe it is possible

"Who are you? Did I speak to you? " Hua Wuya can also guess Ye Xiao's identity, but the man in front of him doesn't know who he is at all. If it wasn't for the fact that today is the day of Xingyao meeting, all the people who can come here may be big people. He really wants to scold him!

A guy who doesn't have a long hair will come here to interrupt. It's just that there is no tutor? Of course, Chen Yu doesn't think that this guy is the son of a big family. Which family's son will be followed by two straw bags?

Yes, in his eyes, even in the eyes of many people, Xiao Nan and ye yubai can only be described as straw bags

"I'm his daughter's boyfriend..." Ye Xiao didn't give his real name directly. Frankly speaking, his identity was only circulated in the top society. This guy didn't know his name, but pointed to the flower without tears.

Although he didn't like flowers without tears, he was Hua YUEWU's father after all, and he didn't sell his daughter completely in the face of baker's harsh conditions on that day, which was somewhat human. Otherwise, ye Xiao didn't care about his life and death"Hua sensible, your daughter has such a look at such a person?" Hearing that ye Xiao claims to be Hua Wuyi's son-in-law, Chen Yu looks at Hua Wulei with sarcasm, but he doesn't want to see ye Xiao more. It seems that it's a loss of identity to say more words with such a person.

After hearing this, ye Xiao has nothing to do. Xiaobai and Anan will not do it. Who is Ye Xiao? Ye Xiao is their elder brother. He even called him a bastard and pretended to be noble just now. But he is their elder brother after all. Now this guy dares to belittle Ye Xiao in front of them, which completely angers them

"What did you say, son of a bitch?" Ye yubai is the most impulsive and arrogant, saying that he has already started to roll up his sleeves and prepare to beat people

Although Ye Xiao and I had received some education when they were around the old man, in the final analysis, they were rough people. Especially in recent years, they were ruffian, but they couldn't get rid of their ruffian spirit.

Especially when it comes to the problem of Ye Xiao's face, he prefers to solve it in his own way, that is, violence, absolute violence

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