"Taboo martial arts" are absolutely life-saving things for these "saints". Only when they really endanger their own lives, will one by one spare no effort to lose their "original power" and display their incomparably powerful "taboo martial arts". In the end, what is it to consume a little bit of "original power" compared with losing their lives in the other party's hands What about it? At this moment, even those martial artists in the "seventy-two cave" can see that the whipping of God's whip by the old leader of "Taixu gate" has caused great damage to Ye Xiao. However, compared with Ye Xiao's appalling recovery ability, the damage caused by "beating the whip" can be ignored. Moreover, all the people around the old leader sect are "saints." The strong of realm.

With their eyesight, how can they not see that ye Xiao's amazing recovery ability.


After all, no one wants to let Ye Xiao change. Otherwise, if the old leader of Taixu sect dies in Ye Xiao's hands, they will not be able to survive. Therefore, after hearing from the old leader of the Taixu sect, ye Xiao will die When they released their "taboo martial arts", they all released their "taboo martial arts" at the same time without any hesitation.

A breath of suffocating breath burst out from the strong men in the realm of "saints".

Ye Xiao, who has always resisted the "whip" of laozhangjiao, felt the terrible smell from these "saints". His face also changed slightly, and he did not dare to hesitate. Even he felt a trace of life-threatening breath from the strong men in the realm of "saints". His mind moved, and he originally invaded the "heavenly way" in the sea of knowledge The thunder sword appeared in an instant. Although, subconsciously, he knew that his "heavenly thunder sword" could easily kill the "saints" on the scene, ye Xiao, holding the "heavenly thunder sword", also found that he had forgotten how to use the "heavenly thunder sword"


"Tiandao thunder sword" was taken back. A dark iron chain with a destructive smell appeared in his hand. Seeing the iron chain in Ye Xiao's hand, the faces of all the "saints" including the old leader of "Taixu gate" changed dramatically. Before they could display their "forbidden martial arts skills", they could see ye Xiao's hands The iron chain, like a snake, has been lingering around them, winding around the body of several "saints" who are closest to him.


Several "saints" were entangled in the iron chain of Ye Xiao's hand, and they gave out a shrill scream. Only in a flash of time, we could see that the spirits of these "saints" were completely drained. Only one body without "spirit" was left, and fell to the ground, killing several strong "saints" in one breath Ye Xiao did not stop, but continued to attack several other "Taixu gate" sages.

"This is what the emperor of heaven left behind."

Before one of the "saints" could finish speaking, he saw that the iron chain in Ye Xiao's hand had been wrapped around him, and a "spirit" was absorbed into the iron chain in an instant. Although the remaining "saints" were greatly awed by Ye Xiao's hand, the speed of performing "forbidden martial arts" was still not slow, The powerful "taboo martial arts" were released from their hands, and the target was Ye Xiao in front of them.

"This is a 'forbidden martial art'..."

A disciple of the seventy-two cave took a deep breath. When he saw that ye Xiao had been drowned by the "forbidden martial arts" in the hands of the powerful saints in the "Taixu gate", he could not help but take a breath of cold breath and murmured: "now he must die! This is a "taboo martial art" by a strong man in the "sage" realm. If he doesn't die in this way, he will be a little rebellious. " And standing on one side of the stone Jing Tian, is a face nervous looking at Ye Xiao in the field.

With his strength and experience, it is not clear what the concept of taboo martial arts in the hands of these "saints" is. However, the only thing he knows is that the taboo martial arts of these "saints" are not simple. At least, they are much better than all the martial arts he knows. This is an undoubted thing.

"Die for me

Just when everyone thought that ye Xiao was doomed this time, he saw Ye Xiao in the light group suddenly burst out with a terrible force.

One after another, figures appeared in front of these "saints" realm. They were fists, iron chains, or the "thunder sword of heaven" in the sea. They attacked the saints in Taixu gate one after another. The speed was almost as fast as people's imagination. The old leader of Taixu gate, who had already discovered that it was wrong, was in Ye Xiao Before the outbreak, it had quietly retreated more than ten meters, and her face was full of panic, looking at Ye Xiao inside the light group.

A warrior in the "later stage of heaven level" can kill so many "saints" in idle space. Even the "forbidden martial arts" released by these "saints" can't kill the "late Tian level" martial arts. Is this still human? It's just a goddamn monster, and it's a monster among the demons."Bang!"

After a series of dazzling attacks, we can see that only a few of the "Taixu gate" sages and strong men on the scene all fell straight to the ground.

There is no "sage" warrior in Taixu gate, except for the old master of the "sage" in the middle period. You know, even if this "Taixu gate" is at the bottom of the 72 cave, it is one of the forces in the 72 cave! But now, even one person picked out all the "saints" strong.

The disciples of the "Taixu gate" standing in the distance were all dumbfounded.

Obviously, they didn't expect that things would come to this point, which is beyond everyone's imagination.

Seeing the leader of Taixu gate, he withdrew from the battle circle with a pale face. Ye Xiao did not immediately chase after him. Instead, he looked coldly at the members of the 72 caves around him and said, "your bet should be taken out."


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