There was a scuffle.

The whole "Haitian College" is now in a state of chaos. Apart from the first round of flying swords like a rain of arrows, which caused a lot of damage to the people of the "seventy-two cave", once they get close to each other, the strength of these people in the "seventy-two cave" will be released, and the students of "Haitian College" will not be able to see it, let alone the "seventy-two cave" The number of students is not comparable to that of Haitian college. Therefore, just in an instant, we can see that Haitian college, which was originally in an advantageous position, is at a disadvantage in an instant.

"Heartless sword..."

When I heard the sound of "poo Chi", I saw a member of the "seventy-two cave" and killed them with one knife. More than a dozen students of Haitian college were cut in half with this knife. Blood was gushing everywhere. Even the sea around the island of Haitian college began to be dyed red. The sea monsters in the nearby sea areas were even more early in the battle He has been attracted by the shock and watched the battle between "Haitian College" and "72 cave" from a distance.

The strength of these sea monsters remaining in the nearby sea area can only be regarded as average. In the vast "open sea", they are far from being hegemonic. How can people sleep when they lie on their beds? No matter whether they are "Haitian College" or "72 cave", they will not allow a "outer sea" overlord to appear in their sphere of influence, while those in the "open sea" are not Naturally, the demon overlord will not allow the influence of "Haitian academy" and "72 cave" to appear in their sphere of influence.

Ten breaths at most.

How many swords did Yang Dingtian wield?

Chu Hentian didn't know, even Yang Dingtian himself didn't know. Now there are only a few thin pages left in the original thick "Haoran book". Seeing that Chu Hentian's "Haoran book" has become thinner and thinner, Yang Dingtian's face also flashed a proud smile, and said: "I'd like to have a look at your" Haoran book " When will it last... "

"Bang! Bang! Bang

The book of Haoran, which was originally pure white and flawless, has now turned into a black one. Every page is full of the evil spirit released by yangdingtian. However, the original book of Haoran shows signs of collapse. When we see that Chu Hentian's "Haoran book" is no longer able to support, Yangding has become a black book The day's momentum, once again soared a large section, crazy smile: "destroy it for me!"


Countless Dao Qi, like destroying the heaven and destroying the earth, were buried in the past to Chu Hentian's "Haoran book". However, Chu Hentian was still not warm, fire, and impatient. He did not feel any nervous because of the sword Qi released by Yang Dingtian. With a wave of his sleeve, he saw the originally calm "Haoran book", and suddenly began to react Suddenly, it burst out from the book of Haoran, just like another yangdingtian performing the spring rain Sabre technique.

The evil spirit of each road cleaved in all directions.


When the two evil spirits collide together, you can hear a series of dull explosions. The most popular ones are the disciples of the "seventy-two cave" around Yang Dingtian. Yang Dingtian can resist the evil Qi in the book of Hao Ran with the sharpening knife in his hand. How can the disciples of the 'seventy-two cave' resist the attack of Yang Dingtian The evil spirit of Taoism cleaved on them. All of a sudden, the disciples of the "seventy-two cave" died one by one in the hands of the book of Hao Ran.

And Yang Ding Tian is stupid.

His face was full of dullness. He never dreamed that Chu Hentian's "Haoran book" could store his own magic Qi. Then, he returned the evil Qi to himself intact. He knew that his "spring rain Sabre technique" Yang Dingtian didn't avoid it. Instead, he quickly waved the magic knife in his hand to offset the evil Qi in the book of Haoran.

Just in the blink of an eye, you can see that the sky is full of "magic Qi" exerted by Yang Dingtian.


At the same time.

The outside of Haitian college is a life and death battle, while ye Xiao, who is refining "Haoran Zhengqi", sits quietly in the library without being affected by the battle outside. However, ye Xiao, whose mind is in the library, seems to know nothing about the outside of Haitian college. Because of him, ye Xiao is in the open sea The two forces, have been unable to fight together, countless deaths and injuries, blood dyed the Sea red.

It's a pity that neither Chu Hentian nor Zifeng is in the library. Otherwise, if you see the trace of "Haoran Zhengqi" in Ye Xiao's body, I'm afraid it will drop a lot. Now ye Xiao has not only refined a little bit of "Haoran Zhengqi", but also a trace of "Haoran Zhengqi" flowing all over his meridians SHANGCHU Hentian, a martial artist who has practiced "Haoran Zhengqi" for many years, is not a little stronger than those of the students who have practiced "Haoran Zhengqi" for many years in Haitian college.

A trace of "Haoran Zhengqi" followed his pores and entered into his body. He swam in the eight meridians. Finally, all of them converged to the depth of his knowledge. The black trace in the deep part of the eyebrow seemed to be aware of the threat of these "Haoran Zhengqi". The originally quiet "great curse" began to break out I am not willing to be washed away by these "Haoran Zhengqi".Two forces of terror began to collide.

The black trace in the deep of the eyebrow began to flicker.

Shi Jingtian, who had been to the library for a long time, didn't join the battlefield outside. He knew very well that even if a warrior of his own strength rushed to the library, he was also killed as cannon fodder. What's more, he came to the library with the permission of Chu Hentian. Seeing ye Xiaojing sitting there reading, he didn't even find that he came in, and Shi Jingtian didn't rush rashly He used to disturb Ye Xiao. Instead, he found a quiet corner and began to read the books in the "library" quietly.


A glimmer of "Haoran Zhengqi" suddenly appeared on Shi Jingtian's fingertip. If Chu Hentian saw this scene, he might immediately vomit blood. Ye Xiao, the pervert, had only spent half a day practicing a trace of "Haoran Zhengqi". His apprentice, it seems, is even more abnormal in the "Haoran Zhengqi" skill, but he is just casual After reading a few pages of ancient books, he has developed a trace of "Haoran Zhengqi". Although the number is not a little bit worse than that of Ye Xiao, Shi Jingtian is just a yellow level martial artist, and he has not reached the metaphysical level

Naturally, it is impossible to be as fierce as a flood.

This pair of teachers and apprentices sit quietly in the library of "Haitian College" and quietly look at the books in their hands. However, in the battlefield outside, the next work has become more and more intense.

After all, Chu Hentian's "Haoran book" is only a magic weapon, a magic weapon condensed by "Haoran Zhengqi". It is not like yangdingtian. As long as the magic knife is in hand, you can display endless Sabre Qi to kill enemies. After only a dozen breathes, you can see that the sabre Qi in the book of Haoran is wasted, and Chu hen is not Tian's "Haoran book" also collapsed in an instant. Seeing that Chu Hentian's "Haoran book" was finally scrapped, Yang Dingtian also heaved a sigh of relief, narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Hentian opposite, with a faint smile: "your" Haoran book "should consume Haoran's righteousness extremely! I also want to see how many times you can display the book of Haoran to see whether your "Haoran Zhengqi" is more powerful or our sharpening knife is better. "

"The road is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high. Let's see if it's your Taoist height or our own Devil's height!"


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