"Mountain and river disaster..."


Seeing that ye Xiao's "soul searching chain" was entangled with the three of them, the sage who led the "seventy-two cave" did not dare to be careless. Although Ye Xiao was not the "ancient body refiner" in their "72 cave", some records about the "ancient body refiner" can be seen in some ancient books Ye Xiao is not a stranger to these "ancient exercisers". They know that once these "ancient exercisers" fight with them, their nightmare will definitely begin.

The "sage" who takes the lead has a strong mind.

A majestic momentum burst out in an instant. The mountains and rivers all over the sky and yellow sand immediately covered Ye Xiao. Thunder, lightning, wind blade, hail, and all kinds of natural visions were condensed in an instant. It was like a small world full of disasters and disasters. Ye Xiao was enveloped with no vitality, only endless force of catastrophe, and the remaining two At the same time, the most powerful one is not hesitant.

Is it so simple for a strong man in the realm of "sage" to display his martial arts skills?

Ye Xiao is also the first time to really compete with the "sage" in his later peak. Moreover, he still has three at a time. Compared with the "mountain and river catastrophe" of the leader of the "sage", the other two "sage" strong men display much less martial arts. In Ye Xiao's eyes, there is no big threat at all, only the "mountain and river Hao" who leads the "Saint" is the "great mountain and river" He felt a sense of danger. Before ye Xiao created this small world, he saw thunder, lightning, storms and hurricanes rolling down on him.

The momentum is amazing and the scene is brilliant.

Compared with the battle between Chu Hentian and Yang Dingtian, the battle field between Ye Xiao and the three "saints" is much more wonderful. Especially in the small world, we can see that the disciples in the "Haitian College" are full of yearning. However, the sage strong man who has been suppressing the "seventy-two cave" can not be killed Purple Maple, see ye Xiao is "mountain river catastrophe" this kind of powerful martial arts cover up, the face is also a change.

He, who is also the peak of the sage's later period, naturally knows how strong the martial arts skills of "mountain river catastrophe" have reached. Even if he is a strong man at the later peak of "sage", even if he is a strong person in ordinary "Heaven's way", once he is covered by "mountain river catastrophe", the consequences will be absolutely fatal Lifetime.


As the name suggests, just listen to this name, you can know how terrible this move is. What's more, it was put forward by a strong man in the realm of "Saint".


As soon as Xiaodao's body was hit by the flood, he saw that the blade of Xiaodao was suddenly torn off by the wind and the earth, and the other leaves were not covered by the wind In his body, even a trace of white smoke, obviously, even ordinary floods, in the mountains and rivers in the catastrophe, is extremely toxic.

This is the disaster of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers.

Zifeng didn't expect that the martial arts skills of Yan Di, one of the three emperors and five emperors, had fallen into the 72 cave cave, and some people had cultivated three points of heat. Of course, if the caster was a strong one in the "Heaven's way", I'm afraid that even if ye Xiao was so strong, he would soon become a pile of gravel and dissipate clean, just as he didn't know When he was trying to help Ye Xiao, he saw that the white bones on Ye Xiao's body grew fresh meat again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No matter how violent the natural disasters in the "mountain and river catastrophe" are, ye Xiao can not be killed in seconds. This guy can recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the strong sage who displayed the "mountain and river catastrophe" also had a huge change in his face. He looked at Ye Xiao in the small world in an incredible way. After a long time, he looked frightened and said, "there is an ancient holy thing in his body..." When ye Xiao heard that there was an "ancient sacred object" in Ye Xiao's body, the faces of the other two "saints" standing beside him changed dramatically. What are these "ancient sacred objects"? This is something that even the "emperor of heaven" dreamed of at the beginning. If the original "emperor of heaven" could get a "sacred thing of ancient times", I'm afraid that in today's world, no one can kill an immortal unless he comes to the world

"Emperor of heaven"?

Who can kill him with one move? Even if the strength of the existence is more powerful than him, as long as one move can not kill him, he can recover as quickly as possible. This is the strength of the "ancient sacred relic".

It's a pity that even if the emperor Xiaoyang catches one of the most dangerous things in Xiaoyang's eyes, he is surprised to see that there is a strong spirit in Xiaoye's eyes If you don't have the chance, you can't get the "ancient sacred things" in Ye Xiao's body"Master Yang, don't procrastinate with the old Chu Hentian! It seems that there are a lot of treasures in the body of the "ancient body refiner". I can guarantee that it is not only the "thunder sword" and the "soul chain". If you delay it, it will be bad if you have a long dream... " Another mansion master who had already set out to ambush Chu Hentian with Yang Dingtian had a grim smile on his face. If he hadn't joined hands with Yang Dingtian to attack Chu Hentian, I'm afraid that it would not be so easy for yangdingtian to defeat Chu Hentian.

After listening to the words of the Lord, Yang Dingtian nodded slightly, and looked at Chu Hentian in the opposite side with a cold look. He said faintly, "Chu Hentian, go to die!"


Seeing that ye Xiao failed to kill himself in the small world, ye Xiao was relieved and did not pay any attention to the natural disasters all over the world. When he moved his figure, he directly rushed to the three "saints" who were on the opposite side. The three "saints" were still in shock. When they reflected, ye Xiao felt relieved Xiao's figure has appeared in front of them like a ghost. One of the "saints" who was at the peak of his later period, turned around and wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Ye Xiao, a "ancient body refiner", his speed is simply too slow.

Before he could turn around, he was grabbed by Ye Xiao. With a slight twist, his neck flew. However, before he could fly out of his body, the "spirit" of the late peak of the "Saint" was swept over by the "Purgatory flame" from ye Xiao in an instant. Ye Xiao's "Purgatory flame" wanted to It is not so easy to burn a warrior who is the peak of a "Saint" in his later period, but it is easy to deal with a "spirit".


After hearing a "crisp sound", you can see that the "spirit" of the warrior who was at the peak of the "sage" in the later stage of Ye Xiao's "Purgatory flame" has become a wisp of smoke and dissipated completely. As for the other two "saints", the martial artists in their later peak state have not been spared. One of them has not been able to make a move before he is attacked by Ye Xiao Eight heavy days', hit directly on the chest, the whole person directly burst into a cloud of blood

In the end, even the spirit did not leave a trace.

As for the "sage" who displayed the "mountain and river catastrophe", when he saw ye Xiaochong coming, he already had the intention of retreating. Even the martial arts like "mountain and river catastrophe" could not kill the scumbag. If he was allowed to get close to him, he would definitely die. Therefore, he escaped, and at the moment when ye Xiaochong came


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