The people of the "seventy-two cave" and the sea monsters brought by the "Sea Dragon God" were all rubbing their hands and staring at each other with fierce eyes, as if they were going to fight each other as long as they did not agree. However, their fierce eyes always stayed on Ye Xiao and Zifeng. Especially when they looked at Ye Xiao, their eyes became obscene and greedy, which he never dreamed of Ye Xiao had so many good things on him. He licked his lips with his deep tongue, and walked towards Ye Xiao and Zifeng with two sea demons in tiandaojing. He saw that some of the strong men in tiandaojing of Haitian college were ready to stand up for ye Xiao. His face was arrogant and fierce, and his face was strange and he swept away the hatred of Haitian Academy At a glance, he said casually: "Haitian college is a grudge between me and them. It's better not to participate in the affairs of our young master. Otherwise, we" dark devil "don't mind letting you" Haitian College "be on our blacklist."

"The dark devil?"

Hearing the threat, the faces of a group of high-level officials of "Haitian College" become strange. Although the "dark demon sect" behind them is not weak, and even more powerful than "Haitian College", after all, the "dark devil school" is not a force in the "outer sea" sea area, even if it is arrogant and domineering, it is impossible to reach out to the sea Come here! Not to mention the "dark devil sect". Even the emperor of heaven in the "Yanhuang tribal era" did not reach out into the "open sea" at the beginning. He sent out several soldiers in succession, and finally lost his armor and armor. This is the "open sea" sea area.

"Boy, I don't know where you come from. What kind of" dark devil "? I haven't heard of it. If I really have the ability, I can bring all the people of "dark devil sect" to me, and try to see if our "Haitian College" will be scared to urinate by your bullshit "dark devil"... " A high-level member of the "Haitian College" looked sarcastically at him.

It's not only the high-level of Haitian college, but also the Purple Maple standing next to Ye Xiao, who also looked at the ghost with sarcasm and said with a smile: "Gee Li, before I thought you were the number one person. It seems that I overestimated you in the past. This is the" open sea "sea area, not your" dark devil ". I said that he is the person I want to take away If you want to rob someone in my hand, I can accompany you at any time. It depends on whether you have that ability


Seeing that the senior leaders of Haitian college began to attack themselves one after another, they were not angry. Instead, they looked pitifully at the people of Haitian college, especially when they heard one of them. They said that they had never heard of the dark devil. The corners of his mouth also drew a full arc of sarcasm, No "You haven't heard of the dark devil. In fact, you can't blame you. If you've heard about it, it's really a bit weird. So, I don't blame you." After that, GUI Li glanced at all the people in the sea sky academy and said with a faint smile: "we" the dark devil sect "are not qualified to be king and hegemony in the" open sea ". However, my father has extensive contacts. It happens that he has some kind of friendship with the forces of the three" sea demons "in the" open sea "sea area. You say, with this, we" the dark demon sect " ’Are you entitled to shut up your "Haitian College"

"Have friendship with the three" sea demon "forces

After listening to Gui Li's words, the faces of both the Haitian college and the Purple Maple changed dramatically. Especially for the Haitian college, they all knew what the concept of the three "sea demons" was if they united together. Even if they and the people of the seventy-two cave were closely united, they might not be able to resist the three waves of the sea After all, in addition to the "Sea Dragon God", there are two other "sea demon" forces, one of which is similar to the "72 cave" and the other is a little more powerful than the "72 cave cave". If it was not for their fighting power on land, they would have greatly reduced. I am afraid that they would have slaughtered the people of "Haitian academy" and "72 cave" for a long time Clean it!

See the Guili that a pair of fearless posture, Purple Maple's face also became dignified.

From a long time ago, he regarded GUI Li as his opponent. As a saying goes, the person who knows you most is not your friend, but your enemy? The relationship between Zifeng and GUI Li is almost like this. One is the best disciple of Changsheng hall and the other is the best successor of "dark devil sect". Therefore, Zifeng is very clear that arrogant Guili can't do such things as bluffing.

"When did the Dark Lord and the sea monsters of the open sea hook up with each other?" Purple Maple a face dignified looking at the fierce that open mouth face.

Zifeng knows very well that if the "dark devil" really colludes with the three forces in the "sea area" of the open sea, then the strength of the "dark demon sect" will surpass the "longevity hall" and "Temple of immortality" in an instant, and steadily suppress these two forces. Seeing the contemplative look on Zifeng's face, he squints and laughs "Can't wait to send back the message that our" dark devil "colludes with the" sea demon "of the open sea"Hum!"

After listening to Gui Li's words, Zifeng snorted coldly and said with a sneer: "once you let the people of Changsheng hall and temple know that you dark devil clan has been ambitious in colluding with those sea demons in the" sea area "of the open sea. I think that your" dark devil sect "will be difficult from this moment on

"It's really going to be hard, and it's even going to be the target of criticism." GUI Li nodded and said with a smile, "do you think you still have a chance to go back alive and report? If I dare to tell you the secret, do you think I will let you go back? "


GUI Li and Zi Feng are playing the drama of fierce swords. But the Dragon God and Xu Jiaoyang are no better. A face has become a murderous "Sea Dragon God". He looks at Xu Jiaoyang in the opposite with resentment and says, "smile face devil, I'll ask you for the last time. Are you going to give it to me or not?"

"People, we have to decide on the" seventy-two cave. " Xu Jiaoyang light smile way.

"Seriously?" "Dragon God" asked with a gloomy face.

"Seriously." Xu Jiaoyang decided again.


The angry Dragon God moved his neck and said with a ferocious smile, "in that case, let me learn about the grinning face devil today. What have you done since you have been closed for so many years! Even on the land, if we want to suppress you, there is no big problem. If there is no old madman to join hands with you, how do you want to knead you is not the same thing? " "The Sea Dragon God" said in a deep voice to the "sea demons" he brought: "kill all the people in the 72 caves..."

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"


All the strange "sea demons" roared with excitement. Obviously, for them, the martial arts of the "seventy-two cave" are all kinds of rare and delicious food. If the "Dragon God" did not support them, they would not have the courage to taste these rare delicacies. After all, the "seventy-two cave" and "Haitian College" would not have the courage None of these human warriors can be provoked by these "sea monsters". Before the people in the "seventy-two cave" can react, the sea demons brought by the "Sea Dragon God" rushed up in a strange cry.

And the "Sea Dragon God" also roared up to the sky, instantly transformed into a body several kilometers long, and said with a ferocious smile: "smile face devil, you die for me!"

Seeing the "Dragon God" rushing towards her, Xu Jiaoyang, who had already held back her anger for a long time, looked into her eyes and said in a cold voice, "good come..."


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