She was wearing a short denim pleated skirt under her. When she fell down in such a posture, the spring light below was naturally revealed. Undoubtedly, ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie's eyes instinctively looked there to see what color she was wearing

But soon, the pupils of Ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie all shrunk suddenly. The girl didn't wear anything inside

Nima's, go to battle in a vacuum

Wearing such a short pleated skirt, she didn't even wear anything inside. This woman is just a masterpiece

Such a visual impact even made them forget the beautiful over shoulder fall of Tan Xiaoxiao

But see that some blackened Even ye Xiao, a little virgin, knows that this 17-year-old woman has no idea how many men have been

Tan Xiaoxiao naturally also noticed all this, can't help but jade face a red, how can she not wear things inside?

However, at the thought of Ye Xiao's humiliation, she pretended not to see all this. She stepped on her chest and said in a cold voice, "I'm sorry..."

The Queen's eyes were cold and cool in the past.

This kind of Tan Xiaoxiao once again pulls Ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie into another environment. Originally, the mouth is wide open and continues to open. Finally, Hua Xiaodie's chin dislocates directly when he hears a click, but even then, he doesn't notice

Shock, absolute shock

If it's just surprising that they didn't wear anything inside, then Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly changed from a lady to a queen. This transformation is shocking

And it's the kind of deep shock, even more shocking than seeing aliens

Ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao have only been in touch for a few days. This feeling is not too deep. But Hua Xiaodie, who has been pursuing Tan Xiaoxiao for almost a year, is really scared

Several girls with Jin Tu Tu are also frightened. If they kill them, they will not think that Tan Xiaoxiao has such a side

As for Jin Tu Tu, her face is full of pain at this time. She is just an ordinary girl. She seldom takes part in sports activities. Her physical quality is so general. Thank God that she didn't break her bones when she was hit by Tan Xiaoxiao. However, the pain from her body still made her burst into tears!

tears, beautiful eye shadow also wiped flowers, looks like a panda......

But when she heard the voice of Tan Xiaoxiao, she stopped her tears and stared at Tan Xiaoxiao with resentment in her eyes. She didn't mean to speak at all

"I want you to apologize..." Tan Xiaoxiao didn't know what went crazy at this moment. Maybe it was because ye Xiao had been wronged, or because she had repressed herself for too long. She stepped out heavily and stepped on the chest of Jintu

Jin Tu Tu ate pain and snorted

"Tan Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? Let go of the paint

"Tan Xiaoxiao, you are the head of class one. Do you bully your classmates like this?"

"Tan Xiaoxiao, you cunt, you should let go of sister Tu quickly..."

Other girls also responded to this time, and immediately rushed to tan Xiaoxiao

Ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie are afraid that Tan Xiaoxiao will suffer a loss, so they have to help. But Tan Xiaoxiao has already loosened the gold coating, and reaches out her hands like lightning. She grabs the girl's hair, which scolds her as a slut. With such a gentle pull, the girl originally rushes forward and is suddenly hit by a desk in front of her body!

"Bang..." A sound, the girl's forehead heavily hit the desk, the body together with the desk fell down

When do these girls have such a pain on weekdays, they cry out with pain

But Tan Xiaoxiao didn't mean to stop. In fact, she couldn't stop. As soon as she stopped, she would be bullied. She flashed her body, avoided the grasp of a girl's hand, and then stretched out her right foot. The girl lost her balance and flew forward, immediately following the first girl

At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao's body has been kicked out, one kick in the other girl's abdomen, kicking the girl back and forth, bumping all the remaining girls

Ye Xiao only takes a few steps forward, and the battle is over. Hua Xiaodie is shocked by such a scene

Even his forehead out of bursts of sweat, fortunately, his pursuit of Tan Xiaoxiao did not succeed, if really successful, in case of when she is not happy, she gave herself a little, how to do?

What kind of lady is this? She is a queen of violence

In fact, in Ye Xiao's opinion, Tan Xiaoxiao's skill is not strong. It's just some of the most common catching hands and Military Boxing in the army. Such skill is not a problem for three or five big men. But if you meet a real master, or if there are more people on the other side, you will only be captured. The reason why this battle is solved so quickly is because her opponent is too weakThese are also some girls without any training. How much strength can they have?

As long as he is a regular sports boy, can quickly put them flat, let alone Tan Xiaoxiao can deal with a few big men

The scene has already been hit in a mess. Many textbooks are everywhere. Fortunately, many people in the classroom have already gone to the playground. No one can see all this except ye Xiao and Hua Xiaodie

Tan Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to the other girls any more. Once again, she came to Jintu Tu's body, and she had to step on it again

"Don't call again. I apologize. Can't I apologize?" At this time, Jin Tu Tu was also scared to look pale. She just thought that Tan Xiaoxiao knocked herself over because she was careless. Her sisters would be able to deal with her as long as they were together. But who knows, she even flattened her sister by two or three times

Although Tan wants to make an apology in front of him, he decides not to make a fool of himself

Tan Xiaoxiao then satisfied to put down his feet, eyes looking at gold Tu Tu

Jin Tu Tu slowly got up from the ground, looked at tan with a smile full of resentment, then turned to Ye Xiao and said, "I'm sorry..."

Ye Xiao waved his hand, but he was not interested in arguing with such a small person

"Well, now you've got these desks ready..." Tan Xiaoxiao nodded with satisfaction, but pointed to the messy textbook on the ground and said

Tigers don't get angry. You're a sick cat when you're old

At this moment, Tan Xiaoxiao is really angry

In the face of Tan Xiaoxiao, several girls, including Jin Tu Tu, instinctively squatted down and began to clean up their desks and chairs

In just a short time, the chaotic classroom will be cleaned up

All this seems slow. In fact, it is only about ten minutes from the beginning of the dispute. After finishing everything up, Jin Tu takes a look at Tan Xiaoxiao and goes straight out of the classroom. Tan Xiaoxiao doesn't pay any attention to her. Anyway, the time for recess exercises has been delayed

Several other girls also looked at Tan Xiaoxiao and walked behind Jin Tu Tu

In the end, ye Xiao, Hua Xiaodie and Tan Xiaoxiao are left in the classroom

"Aren't you afraid she told the teacher?" Ye Xiao began to say, and now he is still in the aftertaste of Tan Xiaoxiao's arrogance

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