Seeing the guards of the "Temple" going out, the middle-aged man standing in the room restrained the superior look on his face and respectfully saluted Ye Xiao, saying, "master, master mouse knows that those guards will come here to register and make records. Therefore, let the villain come to check the master. If the elder has no time, the villain will go out first In order not to let the elder's affairs come to light, the younger generation can't let them review the elder's information... "

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, ye Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "go back and say thanks to the young mouse master for me..."

"Yes, master."

Seeing that the middle-aged man also went out, Li bold on one side patted his chest, and said with a feeling of fear: "fortunately, we have the help of young master mouse, otherwise, we may be exposed today."


That afternoon.

Ye Xiao and Li boldly went to the square of the temple. This time, there were fewer people standing on the square. The members of the temple who were eliminated in the first level were all standing around the square with a look of regret on their faces. They hated that they had not been able to stick to it for a while or else, now, they would be able to stand on the square By accident, if you are lucky enough to marry the daughter of the Lord of the temple, it will be a real step up to heaven!

One by one, the scars have been healed and the pain has been forgotten. It seems that they have forgotten that when they went through the "heart demon" test in the morning, they were all dying. Seeing ye Xiao coming, the little mouse stood quietly beside him, squinting and laughing: "I didn't expect that you are really not simple at all. The master of the temple did not do it himself I'm afraid that the great master of our temple would never have dreamed that you would sneak into our temple! "

Ye Xiao was not surprised by the fact that the little mouse was able to identify himself in such a short period of time. Without waiting for him to open his mouth, he heard the little mouse continue: "I'm afraid you don't know! The great master of the temple attaches great importance to you! Now, there is a group of "Temple" bodyguards who go to the "open sea" to look for your figure. Once you let the "Temple" master know, you will be in our "Temple". I'm afraid that there will be a tremendous wealth in the near future. "

"Heart beat?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

He knew very well that even if the little mouse wanted to betray himself, it would not be now, but after he had solved his enemies, so his face did not show any worry. After listening to Ye Xiao's words, the little mouse nodded and said with a smile: "yes, it's really exciting. It's a tremendous wealth! According to the importance that the "temple master" attaches to you, if anyone can divulge your information to him, I'm afraid there will be more than one or two pieces of ancient artifact. "

"And then?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, my little mouse is not good at other things. However, I can still do what I say. I said I would not betray you. If I leaked your affairs to other people in the temple, I would certainly not." The little mouse's face was straight.

"You should have guessed what I came to the temple for?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile.

"Save people?"

"Yes Ye Xiao nodded and asked with a smile, "otherwise, we will make another deal? It's to make up for the loss you didn't get from the Lord of the temple


After hearing Ye Xiao's words, the little mouse shook his head decisively and said, "pinch, don't drag me into the water. Although I dare to hide your news, it doesn't mean that I'm not afraid. For example, the Lord of our temple, how much I fear about him, is not what you can imagine. You can go away when you save people, but my little mouse returns I have to save up to live here. I don't expect to die in the hands of the "temple master" because of a small favor. You don't have to say anything about this. Don't mention my little mouse. Even my father, he dare not do such a thing. "

As Li boldly said, little mouse didn't dare to join in his own affairs. In fact, ye Xiao could understand that he didn't dare to join in. After all, if he rescued them from the temple, he would be furious on the spot. So, ye Xiao was a little bit more After that, he did not continue with the question, but asked, "what is the second assessment?"

"I don't know."

The little mouse shook his head and said, "the second assessment task is made by the elder Taishang himself. I'm afraid that the silver haired old man's status in our" Temple "is second only to that of the temple leader. Even in terms of strength, he is not much worse than the" temple master ". No one knows what the next assessment is, even if it is It's impossible to know my father's figure who is the head of the twelve vice Temple masters. You look down upon our "Temple" too much... "

After listening to the little mouse, ye Xiao nodded and no longer asked the question of no nutrition.After a full time of incense, I saw the old man with silver hair. He walked up to the high platform step by step. Without any courtesy, he announced directly: "the second level is to go to the Sirius cave and collect a bottle of Sirius essence blood. The time left for you is only one night. If you can collect the blood essence of Sirius, even if you have completed this task, you will enter the next level I believe that you all know the danger level of Sirius cave. Therefore, each contestant, I will allow you to take ten of your subordinates into Sirius Cave... "

"Sirius cave?"

When hearing the words "Sirius cave", more than 100 members of the "Temple" who wrapped up little mice turned pale one by one, while those members of the "Temple" around the square were in a state of uproar. Only Ye Xiao, standing beside the mouse, looked at the little mouse blankly "Is Sirius cave horrible?"

"More than terror?"

The little mouse, who took a breath of cool air, said with a bitter smile: "that place is almost a forbidden area for our" Temple ". Let alone the people like us, even the strong ones in the" Heaven's way ", will fall into it if they are not careful. Do you think such a place is terrible or not


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