"At the beginning of the day level?"

Seeing Shi Jingtian, the son of a bitch, has been promoted from a metaphysical level warrior to a "Heaven level warrior" in a few days. Ye Xiao and Zifeng are both dumbfounded, and their faces are full of amazement and shock. As for other people in the room, they are puzzled. After all, a warrior in the "early days of heaven" state is not worthy of their attention Even in the eyes of Li bold, a warrior in the early days of heaven is no big deal.

Of course, if we let them know that it took only a few days for Shi Jingtian to upgrade from "Xuan level realm" to "Tian level realm", I'm afraid that none of them can sit still! Seeing ye Xiao and Zifeng's look, Shi Jingtian was embarrassed and scratched his head. He also looked at them with some embarrassment and said, "in fact, I don't know what's going on. As long as I look at those books given to me by the old madman every day, my strength will climb up and reach the" Heaven level state "by carelessness."


When hearing Shi Jingtian's careless use of the word, ye Xiao and Zifeng's mouth twitch. Obviously, ye Xiao, who has already seen Shi Jingtian practice the speed of "Haoran Zhengqi" in the library of Haitian college, soon wakes up from the shock, shakes his head, and sighs with some emotion: "it seems that the" Haitian College "is The cultivation method of Haoran's healthy qi is tailor-made for you. It is estimated that the time you practice for a few days can withstand the practice of an old madman for decades... "


A word awakens the dreamer.

Hearing Ye Xiao's feelings, Zifeng, standing on one side, looks at Shi Jingtian, and his pupils shrink violently. Up to now, he finally understands. Until now, he finally wants to understand why a strong man like an old madman looks at Shi Jingtian in a different way. No, it should be respectful and respectful Come on, there is only one possibility for such a thing to happen, that is, Shi Jingtian, this boy

"Well, let's go! The Sirius cave is not close to us. Moreover, if we go too late, even if there are Sirius on the outer floors, we will be killed by others. In the end, we can only venture into it to find those Sirius. Moreover, we should collect two bottles of Sirius essence blood, not one or two Sirius... " One side of the small mouse, bar TA TA TA mouth, facing Ye Xiao and Purple Maple Road.

After hearing the little mouse's words, ye Xiao nodded and said, "good."

And one side of the stone Jing Tian, also quickly asked: "master, how about? Now I'm also a warrior of "Heaven level realm". You can take me with me

"Let's go!"

Even if ye Xiao is stupid, he knows that Shi Jingtian is not a simple guy, and his Qi is not bad. Even if he goes to Sirius cave and wants to live with Zifeng, he will be fine. What's more, ye Xiao believes in freedom If Shi Jingtian is allowed to stay in the greenhouse for a long time, what will happen even if he is trained to be a saint? I don't have any combat experience. It's estimated that even if you encounter a warrior who is "the peak of the later days of the sky level", you can easily get rid of him.


A group of people, led by little mice, came to the back mountain of the temple. The mountain road was very rugged. Moreover, the mountain wind here was very strong. Every mountain wind was like being cut by someone with a knife. When they came to the back mountain of the temple, they found that most of the people who were not eliminated in the first round took about ten people to the back mountain, walking beside Ye Xiao The mouse, pointing to a cave on a cliff in the distance, said, "there is the Sirius Cave..."

The "Sirius cave" is not small. At least it can accommodate 20 or 30 people to go in side by side. The little mouse took Ye Xiao and several other people to the outside of the "Sirius cave". Then he said solemnly: "you can only fly up from here. However, you must be careful of the ghost Phoenix here. You can't be lax. If you don't care, you will be hit by the ghost wind It's immortality. At least we have to take off a layer of skin. Every year, a lot of people in our "Temple" die in the hands of these ghosts... "

"Ghost wind?"

When hearing the word "ghost wind", before ye Xiao asked, Zifeng nodded and took the mouse's topic. "It's said that these ghost winds come from a place called ghost world. Of course, no one knows where the so-called ghost world is. Only when the" spirit "can't find support after death can it slow down Enter the ghost world slowly. Once these ghost winds blow on you, no matter how strong you are, they can slowly make your body rot, leaving only a pile of white bones. This is also the most terrifying place of ghost wind. Even the strong people in the "Heaven's way of life" are no exception... "

"Even the strong in the realm of heaven can't survive?"

When ye Xiao heard that even the strong in the "Heaven's way" could not be spared, ye Xiao's eyelids trembled, nodded slightly, and said, "how can we defend against these ghost winds?""When you see them coming, you can avoid them. Of course, if you are not lucky and surrounded by countless ghost winds, you will be in trouble..." The little mouse on one side curled his mouth.

Obviously, he didn't think that his luck would be so bad that he was surrounded by numerous ghost winds. Before, he had also entered the "Sirius cave" trial, and had also encountered ghost wind. However, he finally managed to avoid it. When Purple Maple heard the word "luck", he looked at ye Xiao strangely.

Now ye Xiao's great fortune is obviously affected by his great curse.

Even if you always pay attention to Ye Xiao's Purple Maple, I don't know whether ye Xiao's atmosphere is stronger now, or those "big curse techniques" are more powerful. If his "big curse" is more powerful, Zifeng believes that ye Xiao is not careless, he may be surrounded by those terrible ghosts and phoenixes.

Although Ye Xiao is a "ancient body refiner", and there is also an "ancient sacred object" in his body, Zifeng also believes that ye Xiao can't compete with the ghost Phoenix here.

This is the ghost Phoenix that even the strong people in "Heaven's way" turn pale!

His eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body, shook his head and said, "you'd better be more careful."


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