Yes, almost everyone, except ye Xiao, and Yi Guyun, who has always been indifferent and ruthless, all eyes are staring out. Even Lang Haiping himself is looking at Luo Xiaojun in shock. He never thought that the first military man who never expressed his views would support him at this crucial time.

I am not related to him, and I don't visit him often. Besides some normal communication, I have no relationship with him at all. How can he help himself under such circumstances?

Don't understand, don't understand

However, since the military does not understand the law, it is very likely that the military will not be involved in the first time People originally thought that Lang Haiping had given Luo Xiaojun many benefits in private, but when they saw that Lang Haiping was also shocked, they immediately realized that it was not the same thing

Zhang Yulin's face became extremely wonderful. He calculated thousands of things, but he didn't calculate that there would be such an event. Even general Luo openly supported Lang Haiping. Does all his efforts go to nothing?

He understood what Luo Xiaojun's statement meant and what it meant? If the military does not make a statement, it will be almost decisive

Sure enough, seeing Luo Xiaojun support Lang Haiping, Tian Zhengqi, the first hand of the municipal Party committee, after pondering for a moment, raised the sign of approval.

Although there is no strong family force behind Luo Xiaojun, no one in Jinghai dares to ignore his power. He has been in the position of general since he was young. He is only in his early 40s. If there is no support behind him, no one will believe him.

Of course, to be able to sit in this position, in addition to the support of big people, his own ability is indispensable. But now, in the era of peace, it is not the turbulent time when stars are all over the ground. To be able to hold such a position at such an age is even more terrifying. At least Tian Zhengqi knew that he had completed several almost mortal tasks at that time Since then, he has been appreciated by some great man above, and he has made great progress since then

Although he is the first leader of Jinghai City, and Luo Xiaojun is the commander of the garrison, there should be no intersection between them. However, to the extent of Tian Zhengqi, it is natural to understand that when a soldier becomes a general, he is not only an ordinary soldier, but also a general like Luo Xiaojun. Even in the Central Committee, he has a great say.

Moreover, since he took over as secretary of the Jinghai municipal Party committee, their cooperation has been very happy. Luo Xiaojun never interferes in local affairs. He gives himself face, and he naturally wants to give him face.

Especially when it comes to dealing with him well, it should be easier for him to be promoted one year later.

Of course, there is another thing that Tian Zhengqi has been thinking about. Luo Xiaojun was so young that he took up the position of lieutenant general and was promoted to a higher level. At that time, his power would be frightening. Not to mention a small record of Jinghai municipal Party committee, even the highest position, had a certain influence. Of course, it was number After all, he has only been promoted for less than a year, but this does not mean that Tian Zhengqi doesn't attach importance to him

Now he is in Jinghai city. It's time to have a good relationship with him. On weekdays, they don't have much intersection. Now they can't easily sell him a favor. How can he miss it?

Although up to now, he does not understand why Luo Xiaojun supports Lang Haiping

Seeing that the Secretary of the municipal Party Committee directly agreed with Lang Haiping to stay in office, the mayor ye jiaframe held up the sign without any hesitation.

He knows the power behind Tian Zhengqi, which is much bigger than his own backstage. Over the past few years, he has been following Tian Zhengqi to earn money. He completely regards himself as a second leader. There is no place for him to compete for power and profit with Tian Zhengqi. He is looking forward to helping him take the position of the first hand after Tian Zhengqi leaves

Under such circumstances, it is natural to support the leader's decision

Seeing that the three giants directly raised their approval signs, Jia Sidao's face changed. He also did not understand how Luo Xiaojun could suddenly support Lang Haiping. However, seeing Liu Yu's look of expectation, he knew that he could not lose such an ally and bit his teeth. Jia Sidao raised the sign of opposition

As soon as these magnates made their stand, others also made their own stand. Situ Nan and Wei Zhenglan almost did not mean to think about it. They directly agreed. As for Lang Haiping, if he was modest enough to vote for his opponent at that time, it would be a shame to beat him. He also raised the sign of approval

Six of the nine tycoons agreed that Lang Haiping would stay in office, which was nine more votes, and the remaining 24 votes. Lang Haiping only needs eight more people to support him, and he can remain in office steadily.

In the present situation, if the following people can't see the form clearly, it will be a waste of several decades. Except for shangguanyun and other people who have formed an alliance with Lang Haiping, others almost all agree. Lang Haiping continues to be a giant in Jinghai advertising industry with absolute advantageZhang Yulin's face turned green when he saw Lang Haiping in high spirits

No one expected that Lang Haiping, who was once at a disadvantage, would suddenly turn around today. He not only secured his position as a giant in the advertising industry, but also sold a large number of debt bonds with little value, especially with the support of Luo Xiaojun. He was the biggest profit maker

According to the regulations of the Xingyao meeting, only after the original giant ensures his position, can he select a new giant. Lang Haiping has already secured his position, but other giants may not have such good luck.

However, for Liu Yu and situ Nan, they are not worried about anything. With their status, there are not many people in Jinghai city who can shake their status

However, Wu Tianhao and Wei Zhenglan are worried. Anyone knows that the Shangguan family has always wanted to be one of the twelve giants. Now, the power of Shangguan family is not below them. However, Wu Tianhao is more relaxed than Wei Zhenglan because he knows that Shangguan cloud is his ally, and he can't attack himself. He is just worried that there are others who want to challenge his position Set

"Mr. Wei Zhenglan, is the retail industry hard to do these years?" At this time, Xu Yifeng stood up again and said with a smile

When he said this, the whole audience was surprised. How could it be him again?

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