A group of people under the control of the seventh Prince rushed to Shi Jingtian. After all, although the boy's strength was not strong, his "magnanimous righteousness" could restrain the people of the "Ying family" to death. Even the emperor of the "Ying family" and the other two "Heaven realm" Masters, their strength was suppressed to the peak of the "sage" The purple kite, which controls more than a dozen throwing knives to attack the wind, glances at the direction of the stone shaking the sky. With a wave of his sleeve, several throwing knives made of "tianwai meteorite" shoot at the people brought by the seventh prince in an instant.

Ziyuan's strength is not weak.

This has been proved by the wind envoy of the "flower moving Palace" and the two elders of the "dark devil sect". Although the seventh Prince has attracted many talents from the "Ying family", none of the "tiandaojing" is strong. After all, in the "Yingshi" clan, the strong ones in the "tiandaojing" are scarce, if not the "Shrine" ’I'm afraid that the whole Ying family has not yet a strong one in the realm of heaven.


Before the seventh Prince's people had reacted, Ziyuan's more than a dozen throwing knives pierced through their necks, leaving a hole thick in the wrist and blood streaming down.

Ziyuan is a born Warlock.

Among the 36 ancient constitutions, there is no one born warlock in the world. Naturally, it is not as simple as controlling only a dozen throwing knives. On their throwing knives, they are covered with a mysterious technique, not to mention penetrating through the neck. Even if you only cut a small incision in your body, these skills will enter your body Inside, destroy your physiological function unless you meet someone who owns the world tree here.

Otherwise, even if a strong person in the "Heaven's way realm" accidentally hits the road, there will be only one way to die. If the vitality is destroyed, what about the strong one in the "heavenly realm"? Seeing the man he brought, he died in the hands of Ziyuan's damned mother. The seventh Prince's face became ferocious. While dealing with the three princesses who wanted to usurp the throne, he growled at Ziyuan angrily: "Stinky bitch, you dare to kill my people. Don't worry. When I clean up this girl, I'll take care of you slowly. Don't say what you are Little princess of ShengDian, when the time comes, I will burn your palace of eternal life with a fire... "

Hearing the abuse of the seventh prince, Ziyuan's eyebrows were also subconsciously wrinkled, and her vermilion lips opened her mouth and said, "looking for death..."


A flying knife, drawing an arc in the air, instantly shot at the seventh prince. The speed was several times faster than when he first dealt with those people under his hand. The seventh Prince didn't expect that Ziyuan, the girl, had been hiding her strength. If she had known that her strength was so much stronger than herself, she would have no room to struggle in his hands, How could he be so stupid as to run to provoke him, and the seventh prince, whose face became extremely frightened, didn't care whether the old man in the temple could save himself or not, and immediately roared: "help me quickly. If I die, Tang Yijian will never let you go..."

In fact, without the seventh Prince's reminding, how could the old man of the temple sit and watch the seventh Prince die in Ziyuan's hand? He knows very well that the seventh Prince is definitely an important person in Tang Yijian's reign, a person who can sit on the throne of the 'Ying family'. Sooner or later, the emperor of the 'Ying family' will abdicate. At that time, the whole 'Ying family' will fall In the hands of the seventh prince, if Tang Yijian controls the seventh Prince and turns him into a puppet, then the whole "Ying family" will belong to their "Temple"

A "Ying family" who has lost the "misty forest" as a shackle is not something that any cat and dog can deal with. Even those in the temple, the hall of eternal life, the dark demon sect, and the flower moving palace will not underestimate this "Ying family". It seems that the flying knife of Ziyuan will penetrate the neck of the seventh Prince and "the temple" ’As soon as he stretched out his arm, a "artifact" was in front of the seventh prince.


Ziyuan's flying knife hits the artifact of the old man in the temple, making a sound of gold and iron.

Ziyuan is a born Warlock. For him, the material of these throwing knives doesn't have much significance. After all, if anything falls into her hand, as long as the skills in her body are contaminated, it will become extremely terrifying. What's more, she is used to using flying knives. I'm afraid that there is no throwing knife or artifact in the "ancient artifact", All the throwing knives in her hand are ancient immortal tools. Compared with the artifacts in the hands of the old man in the temple, they are not a bit worse.

The throwing knife fell to the ground.

Seeing that his life was finally saved, the seventh Prince's face became ferocious. He roared angrily, "kill her, kill her for me..."

After listening to the roar of the seventh prince, the old man of the temple frowned slightly. Although his strength is not weak, the strength of Ziyuan in the palace of eternal life is not weak, OK? Moreover, she is still a congenital Warlock. If she is not careful, I am afraid that she has not killed Ziyuan, and she will die in her hand."You'd better take care of yourself first."

The third princess opened her mouth and spat out a stream of Blood Sword. In a flash, she saw that the Blood Sword spit out by the third princess turned into a whip more than ten meters long.


The third princess, who grasped the whip, swung it vigorously, and saw that the whip, which was more than ten meters long, was thrown directly on the seventh Prince's chest, making a clear and crisp sound. The third princess's whip also left a deep mark on the seventh Prince's chest, and blood trickled down his chest wound.

"You hurt me? Let me die... "

For a moment, a fierce battle broke out in the hall of the Yingshi clan, which was much more wonderful than the battle field of the "Ying clan" against the "Purgatory demon clan". Standing outside the "misty forest", Tang Yijian saw that Lin yu'er and the ghost old man were all back in their bodies, and then he asked with a smile, "what's the matter? We should have a deal with the two of you! Have those people in the palace of eternal life been caught? "

"Not yet."

Lin yu'er shook her head and said solemnly: "in the misty forest, there is a passageway leading to the alien world, and the people of the" Ying family "are all entangled by the monsters coming out of that passage..."

"How could that happen?" After listening to Lin yu'er's words, Tang Yijian looks at Lin yu'er and the ghost old man with a dull and social expression on his face. His face is full of incredible expression


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