
The five giants simultaneously took the hand, and the whole "fog forest" junction was also a great tremor. Even the position they stood began to shake. When they saw the junction of "fog forest" began to open a gap, Tang Yijian, Lin Yuer and ghost old man began to tighten up immediately, and his face was full of the look of hope. Although he knew the 100 year ratio of this time, he was full of the look of hope. Although he knew the 100 year ratio of this time, he was full of the look of hope The hope of winning is small, but they can not help but have a little expectation. Lin Yuer, standing beside the Tang sword, turns his head and looks at Tang Yijian, and asks in a whisper, "do you say, have we ever hoped to win Purple Book saints and old madmen this time?"

"I don't know..." Tang Yijian shook his head and took a deep breath and said, "I feel we still underestimated his innate Qi. Even though there is a" great curse "in his body to fight against his luck, the power of" great curse "is still too small, and its influence on him is basically very small. We should wait for his" great curse " "Spell" grows up and then gives him a hand. In this way, we will win more...... "

"What else is it to say now?" The other ghost old man, looking at Lin Yuer and Tang Yijian, looked at them with a gloomy face. "If you lose, you two really willingly return people to Purple Book saints and old madmen? This is our last chance. His growth rate, I think, you should know that if we miss this opportunity, we want to catch him in our hands. Basically, it is impossible. Moreover, we will do these things today. After he grows up, I'm afraid the first one will kill three of us... ""

"What do you say?" Lin Yuer did not have a good way: "in the face of the old madman and Purple Book Saint that rob people? If I can kill both of them, I don't mind directly robbing people. Now, as long as there are two of them, do you think, with the strength of our three, can we really take them from the hands of both of them? You don't forget that he has not grown up yet, but his strength is not bad at all... "

He was silent and silent, and heard Lin Yuer and old ghost two people began to argue with each other, frowned slightly, and said, "wait for someone to come out and say it!"


I saw that the figure of the disciple of Ye Xiao, Ziyuan, shijingtian and Changsheng hall came out of the boundary. The people who saw them were Yexiao. The faces of the three men of Tang Yijian changed slightly. The Purple Book Saint and the old madman saw Yexiao and Ziyuan and Shi Jing coming out safely. The two men came out safely All relieved, at the same time, when you close, you can see the "fog forest" junction, and then close up in a moment.

With the strength of three people in Tang Dynasty, it is absolutely not an easy thing to open the "fog forest" junction. None of them thought that Purple Book Saint and old madman would suddenly take over. Therefore, before they responded, they saw the "fog forest" bound up and closed up. A face of tangyijian with iron and green suddenly roared angrily: "Purple Book Saint, old crazy man" Son, what are you doing? Your people come out, don't you care about our people? "

"Your people?"

A face of fun Ye Xiao, turned to look at the angry Tang sword, the corner of the mouth smile: "you people are afraid there is no chance to come out again..."

"What do you mean?" There is a kind of bad feeling in mind Lin Yuer, a face of fierce looking at Ye Xiao several people, for him, even if the whole "flower house" all the people are dead is OK, as long as "wind makes" nothing can be, hear Lin Yuer's inquiry, wait for ye Xiao to open, see stone startled sky a face despised Lin Yuer, Tang Yijian and ghost old man these three giants, light "Mom, or the first of the school? Can't even my master understand what he said so well? Your people steal chicken and kill rice. All of them die in the fog forest. People are dead. What is the use of opening the boundary

"All dead?" A face of iron and green Lin Yuer, hand blue ribs straight look at the stone surprised sky asked.


Stone surprised sky turned a white eye, not good way: "you should not see the head before you will admit defeat! Your people are estimated to have been eaten by all the people of the "win family" family now... "

A smile returned to the Purple Book Saint beside Ye Xiao, squinting at Lin Yuer, and smiled softly: "well, the Centennial ratio is officially over now. I don't want to repeat it again if anyone loses or wins! Now that you lose, it's time to live up to your promise! From today on, he is our little master... ""

"Little master?"

After hearing the words of Purple Book saints, a grim Tang sword and a sneer said, "Purple Book Saint, you are also slave, we have no servility. You should recognize him as a small master, from a master to a servant, we have no interest in playing with you. Now, you'll be afraid that" Changsheng hall "has died without any left! Since your "Hall of longevity" has been destroyed, I think it is better to join my temple. I will give you a position of deputy hall leader. What

"My hall of longevity is ruined?" Purple Book Saint a face strange look Tang Jian asked."You don't know! Long before we came here, I had already arranged the staff. As soon as you and the old madman came, my people would attack your "palace of eternal life". Now it has been a few days. Do you think that the "palace of eternal life" could exist without you? " Tang Yijian, looking at the Purple Book Saint, said.

"Tang Yijian, after all these years, you still haven't changed at all. What you do is always something that is not on the table..." The purple calligrapher shook his head and sighed: "besides, there is a little bit of self-esteem. If my" eternal life hall "is so easy to be destroyed, I'm afraid, I have not known how many times your" Temple "has been destroyed. Do you think that before I came, I didn't guard against your hand? Now, I'm afraid, those people you sent to have become corpses! "

After listening to the Purple Book Saint's words, Tang Yijian's face also changed wildly. He roared angrily, "have you been on guard for a long time?"


The Purple Sage shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "are you going to wait for your people to kill my" longevity hall "? Can you satisfy yourself with a little bit of bad taste? "


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