Seeing the members of the "Ying family" who came out of the border, they rushed to kill them directly. With a ferocious look of Tang Yijian, the sword in his hand broke out in an instant. He directly killed the members of the "Ying family" who ran in the front, and said in a cold voice: "hum! You ants want to kill the three of us? Today, I have destroyed your "Yingshi" family, and let you know that there are some things that you have to pay for if you do something wrong... "

It's not just Tang Yijian.

Lin yu'er and the ghost old man are not idle any more.

Even if it's just a mole ant, it won't wait to die. What's more, Lin yu'er and ghost old man are the big men in the three forces. When Lin yu'er moves his mind and dances his sleeve, he can see the flowers falling all over the sky. Each one of them falls on the Yingshi people with a barb. Those barbs will grow out immediately When you get into the bodies of these members of the Ying clan, you can instantly suck the blood essence of these members of the family.

After all, the three men of Tang Yijian are the strong ones in the "tiandaojing", and they are also the best in the "tiandaojing". Their martial arts skills have already been superb. How can they be compared with these ordinary members of the Ying family? Seeing more and more members of the Ying family die in the hands of Tang Yijian and the three princesses standing beside Ye Xiao are not nervous Looking at the scene without expression, he saw that the people of the "Ying family" were not the opponents of Tang Yijian at all. The old madman with a bottle gourd in one hand shook his head, glanced at the three princesses and said, "it seems that your people can't deal with the three of them!"

"Is it?"

The three princesses cast a glance at the old madman, and a trace of irony flashed on her face. She said in no hurry: "what about the strong man in the realm of heaven? For the people of our "Ying family", there is still only one way to die... " For the third princess, although the old madman in front of her was also a strong man in the realm of heaven, it was not worth his attention. After all, ye Xiao was her master, and the old madman was nothing. As long as she wanted, even the old madman would not escape from the pursuit of their "Yingshi" clan.

"The strength of these people of the" Ying family "is improving rapidly Seeing this scene, the Purple Book Saint's eyes suddenly widened and looked at the members of the "Ying family" in front of him.


Hearing the astonishing voice of the Purple Book sage, the old madman was also dumbfounded. When he saw that the strength of the members of the "Yingshi" clan was rising like a rocket, their facial expressions became stiff. If we say that the strength of one or two "Yingshi" families is improving, they still want to think about it. Now it is not one or two, but it is A large number of members of the "Yingshi" clan, whose strength is increasing wildly, how can they not be shocked?

Not only the purple calligrapher and the old madman, but also Lin yu'er, Tang Yijian and the ghost old man also discovered this strange situation. Their faces were full of horror and said, "how can this be possible? How could their strength rise so fast? Some people have already improved two levels, and the worst one. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid all three of us will be here today... "


The black faced purple calligrapher bit his teeth and said, "as long as we stick to our people, it will not be so easy for these" Yingshi "people to want to kill us."

"What's going on?" Ye Xiao also looked at the people of the "Ying family" with astonishment on her face. She had been paying attention to Ziyuan of the third princess. Hearing Ye Xiao's inquiry, she did not wait for the third princess to open her mouth and said, "this should be the result of suppression! In the "misty forest", the strength of the "Yingshi" people has been suppressed. Many times, they can't break through another barrier. Now, they leave the "fog forest" and their bodies are no longer suppressed. Therefore, their strength will be improved by leaps and bounds. "


After hearing Ziyuan's words, the three princesses nodded and said, "this should be considered as thick accumulation and thin hair! In fact, the strength of each member of the "Ying family" is higher than what you saw when you were in the "misty forest". At least, it is a higher level. The most people may be able to enter the "Heaven level realm" at one stroke. However, it is not so easy to enter the "Heaven realm". I'm afraid that few people can find such people ……”

"If the three of Tang Yijian died in the hands of the" Ying family "today, it is estimated that even if they have the next life, they will not be able to raise their heads to be human beings." The old madman looked at the figure of Tang Yijian with a look of schadenfreude.


Seeing more and more members of the "Ying clan" who are almost like locusts, they have stepped out of the "boundary". Now, outside the "misty forest", there are already people of the "Ying clan". The Purple Book sage also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "if we can solve all three of them today, we will be safe here in the future It's much quieter. At least, we don't have to guard against them coming to attack us every day. What a good thing"Ah..."

As soon as zishusheng's voice dropped, he heard a scream from the ghost old man's hair. A group of Ye Xiao turned around and saw a member of the "Ying family" who had climbed onto the ghost old man's back and bit it. Seeing this scene, Shi Jingtian's mouth was convulsed again. He looked at the three princesses strangely and said, "you people of the Ying family When you eat people, you don't know who they are? So you don't miss a piece of old meat? "

After hearing Shi Jingtian's words, a strange look flashed on the face of the third princess. However, looking at the boy, he not only practiced to restrain the magnanimity and uprightness of the "Yingshi" clan, but also for the sake of Ye Xiao's apprentice, the third princess nodded and said, "for our" Yingshi "people, there is no old meat or tender meat What's the difference? What we need is the blood essence and aura of a warrior. The stronger the man is, the better it will be for our "Ying family."

"So you don't have to chew old meat?" Shi Jingtian asked.

"No need to..." The third princess shook her head.

"Do you want cooked meat?"

"Don't eat..." The third princess shook her head, with a black face, and said, "if the meat is cooked, the blood essence and aura inside will be useless..."

"Eating raw meat is bad for your health..." Shi Jingtian's solemn way.

"We are the Ying family..." The third princess said with a black face.

"I'd better eat more cooked meat in the future." Shi Jingtian's painstaking way.


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