"Looking for death?"

Not only the members of the surrounding cities, but also the old man who stood in front of Zhu tou San had a strange look on his face. He had lived for most of his life and had never seen him. A warrior who was "the peak of the later days of heaven level" dared to challenge a warrior at the later peak of the "sage". He snorted from his nose, his hands were like electricity, and he immediately grabbed Ye Xiao In the past, his mouth was even more chanting: "it's really a dead thing..."

"I want to live, catch alive..."

Standing behind the old man's three pigs, a face excited to the old way.

He never dreamed that ye Xiao would be so stupid as to jump out of the Dragon gang. Originally, he was worried that Lin Aotian of the "Vientiane city" would solve all of them without waiting for his father to come. Now, as long as the Dragon Master of the Dragon Gang falls into his hands, he will be able to procrastinate Enough time, wait for his father to come, pig three believe, as long as his father comes.

Lin Aotian, these people don't dare to do anything about themselves

"Seven steps against the Dragon..."


Ye Xiao, who had already rushed to the old man of Jianxian City, stepped out of the fifth step of "seven steps against the dragon" without waiting for his hands to fall on him. Ye Xiao, a martial artist in the realm of "sage", has not been taken seriously by Ye Xiao. I'm afraid he can't remember how many strong "saints" died in his hands during this period of time Shi Jingtian, who was beside long Youyao, could not help shaking his head when he saw the look of the old man in "Jianxian city." he said, "that old man has lived on a dog in his whole life. Even Lao Tzu can crush the top hand of" Saint "with one hand, let alone my master..."

"Pa! Bang! Bang

Feeling the strong breath from the bottom of Ye Xiao's feet, the old man of "sword immortal city" also changed a lot. It was too late to leave. He could only bear Ye Xiao's attack with his teeth. Up to now, he did not understand how ye Xiao could be so powerful. Unfortunately, he overestimated his absolute strength and underestimated Ye Xiao's fighting power , the whole person has not yet responded, what is going on in the end, saw that his body began to crack inch by inch.


There was a crisp sound, and then we saw the old man of "sword immortal city". The whole person burst into a cloud of blood mist. The panic stricken "spirit" flew out of his body and wanted to escape from this land of right and wrong. However, before his "spirit" escaped, he had already rushed to Ye Xiao in front of him. As soon as he reached out, he caught his "spirit" and kept it The three princesses, who were watching with covetous eyes on one side, rushed up at the first time and directly caught the pig's head in his hand.

Win or lose in an instant?

"What the hell is this? "Sword immortal gate" lost like this? That old man is a strong man in the later peak of the sage! In the hands of the "Dragon Master" of the Dragon Gang, he died without even a move? " A member of the "misty rain city" looked at Ye Xiao's figure in horror and disbelief and muttered to himself.

"Let go of me. When my father comes back, you will be torn to pieces. Now it's still time to let go of Laozi..." Zhutousan, who fell into the hands of the third princess, immediately began to struggle desperately. The other young city lords, one by one, stepped back in terror. They did not dare to provoke Ye Xiao's evil star. They looked at Ye Xiao one by one, and became frightened. Ye Xiao, who did not care what pig's three was yelling at, turned to Chen Xuesong behind him "Go ahead, Shangguan yu'er and the jellyfish king will come out!"


Chen Xuesong nodded and rushed in with a group of members of the Dragon gang. None of the young city lords of Jianxian city and other cities dared to stand up and stop the Dragon gang. After all, the lessons from the past were in front of them. Not only was he a strong man at the peak of the "sage", but he died in the hands of Ye Xiao Pig head three this waste, also fell into the hands of Ye Xiao, one by one at the moment are trembling to protect themselves.


Chen Xuesong, with Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king, appeared outside the camp of Jianxian city. Seeing ye Xiao, Shangguan yu'er's icy face, he also showed a faint smile. However, the jellyfish king on one side should be more calm. He looked Ye Xiao up and down before facing Shangguan yu'er“ You're right to guess. He's still at the peak of the later days of the heavenly level... " The jellyfish King finish saying, to Ye Xiao Nuo mouth, way: "how? I haven't seen you for a period of time. My strength should be improved a lot! Can we deal with the "sage" strong

"The strong sage?"

When the jellyfish king asked ye Xiaoneng whether he could deal with the strong man in the "sage" realm, Chen Xuesong, who was next to her, also couldn't help rolling his eyes and saying, "before saving you two people out, the late peak warrior of the" sage "in the" sword immortal gate "died in brother Xiao's hand, and he killed him with one move. You said, brother Xiao is now Strength, can we deal with the "sage" later peak of the strong? It's estimated that the warrior who is more powerful than the peak strong in the later period of "sage" can't get any benefits in brother Xiao's hands! ""What?"

When ye Xiao was killed by a second, Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish King were both dumbfounded.

Although, when she was in the cell, the king of jellyfish swore that ye Xiao was able to deal with the strong people in tiandaojing. However, at that time, she was just guessing. Now, when she really heard that ye Xiao was able to deal with the strong one in tiandaojing, the jellyfish king also froze. After a long time, she said strangely: "you are still at the top of tiandaojing If you are promoted to the realm of "sage", you will be afraid that even the "emperor of heaven" will not be your opponent

"My strength and realm have nothing to do with each other..." Ye Xiao shook his head and explained. Until now, he found that his combat effectiveness did not have much to do with the realm. His knowledge of the sea was huge enough. Even if it was the earth immortal realm, the "aura" in his body was enough. What he practiced was the "ancient body refiner". This is the most important place. The three princesses on one side left the pig's head Sany Eyes, looking at Ye Xiao, asked: "master, how does this person solve?"

"Let your people increase their strength." Ye Xiao's expressionless way.

"Yes, master..."

Seeing a group of strange looking people, they were all swallowing when they looked at themselves. Zhutousan was also silly. His nickname was zhutousan, not a real pig. Naturally, he didn't want to be eaten by these people. He quickly called out, "stop, you can't do this to me, otherwise, when my father comes, you will..."


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