"A thousand miles away..."


When the giant claws of the "black dragon" were about to fall on the Zhuge River map, the latter's figure flashed and instantly appeared thousands of meters ago. The claws of the "black dragon" fell to the ground, leaving a gap of tens of meters deep. Seeing the figure of Zhuge River, he escaped from his own hands in full view of the public A trace of warm anger flashed on his face, and he said coldly with a smile: "if you want to escape from Laozi's hand, you don't have the ability..."

"Dragon tail..."


Zhuge River map, who escaped the attack of "black dragon", did not have time to be glad. Before he could feel lucky, he saw the mysterious tail of "black dragon" directly thrown on the chest of Zhuge River map, making a "pa" sound. Then, he saw the whole body of Zhuge River map and hit the attic directly. The whole loft suddenly collapsed and turned around Seeing Zhuge River map, he was defeated by his own "black dragon" in the end. Lin Aotian, with a face that did not know how to describe it, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to the members of the black army around him: "catch up..."


A large group of members of the "black armour army" swarmed towards the direction of the fall of Zhuge River map. In a blink of an eye, they saw that the "black armour army" on the side of the city Lord's house had begun to clean up the collapsed attic. After three times of five Division, they dug out the Zhuge River map which had fallen in the ruins of the attic. They tied up all kinds of flowers, and finally solved the Zhuge River map The lost "black dragon" glanced at the remaining "Heaven realm" of the strong, looked at Ye Xiao, and said, "should these people be solved together?"

"Catch it!" After pondering for a moment, ye Xiao nodded slightly and said, "give these people in the realm of heaven to the Yings. I think the people of the Yings should be able to become stronger..." After hearing Ye Xiao's words, all the members of the "Ying family" were dumbfounded, and their faces were filled with excitement. They nodded vigorously and said, "thank you, master..."

In particular, the three princesses of the "Ying family" have a pair of red eyes. These are the strong ones in the "tiandaojing". Let alone swallow all of them together. Even if only one of them is swallowed, she may break through the "Heaven realm" and become a truly powerful one. When she sees that the people of the "Ying family" have already rushed past, and Zhuge river is in the picture The strong man of "Heaven's realm" still wanted to resist. A huge uproar glared at their "black dragon" and said in an impassioned voice: "Whoever dares to resist, don't blame me for being rude. At that time, if you let me do it, you should know the consequences..."

What are the consequences of offending the dragon?

These strong people in the "Heaven realm" are very clear that they will definitely end up in a desperate situation. Therefore, even if they know that they will fall into the hands of the "Ying family", they will not get any benefits, but they will not dare to resist. Zhuge River map saw that they failed in the end, and even fell to Lin Aotian In the hand, a face of Zhuge River map, instantly seems to be several decades old, a face complex looking at Zhuge River map

"You won..."

Zhugehetu looked at Lin Aotian bitterly. Seeing the Zhuge River map of a strong generation falling into this field, Lin Aotian also shook his head sadly and said, "you are not lost to me, you are in his hands. I think, as you should be clear, in addition to our" Temple ", there are" longevity hall "and" flower moving Palace " He is now almost the master of the palace of eternal life. Even the flower removal palace and the temple were destroyed in his hands. What do you want to fight him for? Even the master of the temple would like to see him and run away now... "

"Who is he?" Zhuge River figure a face suppress bend looking at Ye Xiao's figure, ask a way.

"I don't know..."

Lin Aotian shook his head and said calmly: "with our status, it is impossible to know his identity. I advise you to give up your heart!"


Zhuge Hetu nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "I must die?"


Lin Aotian nodded and said in a low voice, "I'm not sure if you're not dead. Besides, I belong to the hall of eternal life. The temple has been destroyed in the hands of the hall of eternal life. The master of the hall of eternal life has given an order to unify all 365 cities. If you come a little earlier or later, the people you meet will be afraid It's not us. It's the people in the hall of eternal life. Your luck is really bad... "

"I should have done it earlier..." Zhuge River map with a bitter smile.

"If you had done something earlier, I'm afraid you would have been destroyed by the people in the temple! Do you think the temple is so easy to shake? Now, the temple has escaped a lot of remaining evils... "

The battle is over.

The "black dragon" has already shot, but who dares to attack the "black dragon" without knowing how to do it. Therefore, there is no one around who dares to move. The rest of the city lords who come to the "Vientiane city" with Zhuge River map this time have a bitter look on their faces. Seeing the huge body of the "black dragon", ye Xiao also has a headache, and looks up at the "black dragon" with no good spirit Can you make it smaller"Yes..."

"Black dragon" nodded, and the black light flashed on his body. He saw that a black dragon circling most of the "Vientiane city" turned into a little snake one meter long in an instant. However, there were two right angles on its head. The little black snake raised its head, looked at Ye Xiao with burning eyes, and said, "master, do you really want to pass all the flavor of the ancestral dragon to me?"

"It's useless for me to bring it." Ye Xiao nodded and said.

"Can I have it now?" The little black snake couldn't wait to ask.

"No way."

Ye Xiao shook his head and said faintly, "in a few days, I will have a battle with an expert. If I give you the breath of ZuLong now, it will affect my fight."

"Which son of a bitch dares to trouble your master? I'll go and swallow him for you. Will he dare to bang? " The little black snake gnawed its teeth.

After hearing the little black snake's words, ye Xiao shook his head, looked at the direction of the "south gate of heaven", and said calmly, "that was my fight. It has nothing to do with you..."

"Oh..." The black dragon also some heart is unwilling not willing to return a sentence.


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