The Heavenly Southern Gate.

There are 3000 families in the whole Nantianmen. Apart from the small families who are not in the mainstream, most of them have some relationship with the "Vientiane city". After all, there is only one place like "Vientiane city" in the whole world that is rich in the "spirit stone" needed by the martial arts. Therefore, ye Xiao's coming to Nantianmen for an appointment is just a quick achievement My husband, it has been widely spread in the "South Gate", especially the whole Murong family. Now they are waiting for ye Xiao to return to the south gate.

For mu Xiaoye's family, it's not a secret that happened outside.

After all, the eldest lady of their family, but ye Xiao's man, a servant of the Murong family, said with a face of thumping at the servants of the Murong family: "you should believe me now! Ye Longzhu will come to our Nantianmen soon to find the emperor's trouble. It's not just the emperor. I'm afraid that none of the people who once targeted Ye Longzhu will get any benefit. I heard that ye Longzhu is very fierce now. Even the Lord of Vientiane city and he are brothers and sisters... "

"Good brother, ye Longzhu is coming back soon? When is it A little maid couldn't wait to ask.

"Just a few days!" The boy who was boasting, some guilty to the side of a few maid, carefully back a sentence, there is no confidence.

"Brother Liang, do you think ye Longzhu is more powerful? Or is the "emperor" of Shangguan family more powerful? "

"Ye Longzhu, of course..." The boy's face was firm.

"In this way, if ye Longzhu wins, then he will be the emperor of our" Yunxiao Dynasty "? At that time, our Murong family will become the first family in Nantianmen Another little maid, looking at the boy with her eyes starry, asked.

"Well This should not be possible! "


Imperial City!

The emperor, who had been out of the gate for several days, naturally got the news that ye Xiao was about to come to the South Gate of heaven. He came to the palace step by step. For several years, he had been closed and had never seen Ling. When he saw that Ling was a master of the ninth rank, a sense of surprise flashed on the emperor's face Qing, as the emperor of the "Yunxiao Dynasty" and the head of Shangguan's family, he knows more than others how difficult it is for these "master array" to practice. He is surprised that the "emperor" who has passed away in a flash, smiles and says, "Congratulations, you have become the" master of array "

"If you don't become a ten level master, you don't need to be congratulated." The "spirit" who was sitting in the room, sipping tea, glanced at the emperor lightly and said, "if I didn't make a mistake, you should come to me this time for his sake! I remember that the three-year agreement is coming soon, and there is less than a month left! "

For a long time, he knew that Ling had a pair of wise eyes, but it was no surprise that Ling could guess his own thoughts. If not, how could he love this woman so much, smile and say, "do you know?" Seeing the "spirit" nodding, the emperor said to himself, "actually, I came to see you, not for this matter, but mainly to come to see you. Now that you have said it, do you think you will really be my opponent?"


Hearing that "Ling" said "Hui" resolutely, the emperor's face changed a little, and then he immediately recovered to nature. He squinted and said with a smile: "I remember that three years ago, he was still a warrior in the metaphysical realm! It's only three years. Even if his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, can he still become a strong man in the "Heaven realm"? I don't know where you got your confidence. However, I can guarantee that as long as he dares to come here, I will definitely let him never want to go out alive again... "

When the emperor finished, he saw that Ling's brow was slightly frowned, and then continued to smile: "for your sake, I haven't bothered him for these years. Even if the three-year agreement has arrived, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to come to my Nantianmen, I don't intend to go to him to fulfill this promise. However, since he has come, I won't ignore him, will I? If you will promise me that condition, I can spare him one more time, OK? "

"Marry you?" "Ling" frowned slightly and asked.


The emperor nodded and said with a smile, "as long as you will marry me, I can guarantee that no matter how much he does, I will spare his life..."

"I said he would win, so you don't have to spare his life." "Ling" shook his head.

"Will he win?"

Hearing that "Ling" once again affirmed that the mole ant would be his opponent, and the emperor's face became a little ugly. He gave a strange smile and said, "since you are so sure that he will win, why don't we take another gamble? I bet that I will win. If I win, you will marry me. Of course, if I lose, you can make any conditions you want, how about? ""No gambling."

"Ling" shook his head and said faintly, "if one day he thinks of all the things, he will not be happy. I will gamble with myself, and others will not be happy, so there is no need to gamble..."

"I know that he is a warrior with great luck, and I am also a man with great luck. Do you think that my luck is stronger or his luck is stronger?"


After hearing the words of "Ling", the emperor shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that we haven't seen each other for three years, and we're a lot unfamiliar. Even, there's a feeling that we can't go on talking. In your eyes, he is the favored son of heaven, and I'm just a mole ant! Don't worry. I will soon prove to you that the man in your eyes is vulnerable to attack in my hands. This time, I will let you know how far I am now... "

"The emperor" said, turned around and left here, no longer staying.

"Ling" did not get up to see him off. He looked at his cup for a moment, then picked up the cup, sipped a sip of tea and whispered, "in fact, in the eyes of many people, you are just ants compared with him! For the sake of taking care of me for so many years, if you lose in his hands, I will let him spare your life. I hope you can cherish this opportunity and don't do something that you regret! "


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