What is that? Obviously, Wang Yang's chance of winning is bigger. Finally, he said that Wang Qi would win? What exactly does this mean? Is he sure that Wang Qi will be able to turn the tables in the end?

How could he have such confidence? In such a contest, don't say Wang Qi, whose strength is already weak, dare not say that he will win even if he is a stronger one?

However, thinking that Luo Xiaojun came out from there, he didn't say much. He just nodded with a smile, which was just a kind of reluctantly approving Luo Xiaojun's words

"Second brother, I didn't expect that you have made great progress these days..." After resting on the ring for a moment, Wang Yang said again. His words were satirical and unpleasant. This guy was hiding himself. He was careless and almost hit the road.

"Bah..." Wang Qi didn't mean to answer at all. He just vomited the blood in his mouth and looked at Wang Yang coldly.

"Ha ha, but no matter how strong you are, you are not my opponent after all. Take the move, second brother..." Wang Yang was furious when he saw that Wang Qi didn't pay any attention to himself. However, with a smile on his face, his body began to speed up again. This time, the speed was faster than before. Almost in the blink of an eye, he patted Wang Qi in front of him, and then patted Wang Qi directly on his head

If the palm is real, even if Wang Qi's head is made of bricks, it will be smashed. Judging from his posture, he has the motivation to kill people on the spot.

In the face of this roaring hand, Wang Qi snorted coldly, and his whole body rushed to Wang Yang's arms

"Pa..." Wang Yang slapped Wang Qi's back directly with a slap of his palm. He immediately saw a red handprint on his back. However, Wang Qi's head bumped into Wang Yang's heart, just like iron head skill, Wang Yang directly pushed Wang Yang backward. A mouthful of blood gushed out on the spot, and his face was shocked, How hard is this guy's head?

Just when Wang Yang was shocked, Wang Qi had already swung his right fist and hit Wang Yang's face severely. He directly rolled him to one side and nearly fell to the ground. His body staggered several times in a row. He stood firm this time.

"Poof..." A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Wang Yang's face turned blue and blue. This guy actually injured himself like this.

The muscles of his body began to tremble. Seeing that Wang Qi rushed towards him again, Wang Yang made a single hand Stroke and directly blasted out.

The blow to Wang Qi's fist again

"Bang..." Wang Qi's arm was bent and he could not bear the force. Fortunately, he closed his hand very quickly, which did not break the bones. However, Wang Yang's fist hit him hard on his shoulder. Although his fist had a part of the force, the explosive force of the double inch force still made Wang Qi's shoulder numb, and he heard a click Crack sound, it seems to be the sound of bone fracture

Wang Qi didn't expect that Wang Yang had already learned the double inch strength, and had already cultivated this inch strength to a very high level. He had already broken through the category of double inch strength. Is this his real strength?

Just when Wang Qi was shocked, Wang Yangzhong's fist on Wang Qi's shoulder had turned into claws. He grabbed Wang Qi's arm and pulled it to his wrist. Before Wang Qi could react, Wang Yang's body had already stepped forward. As soon as his backhand was twisted, people heard a click, and Wang Qi's right arm was broken.

Even Wang Qi couldn't help humming with the sharp pain of bone fracture, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead

Hearing the clear sound, many people's faces changed, especially those ladies, whose faces were flushed. The voice was even more refreshing than when they reached a certain commanding height

Some of the bigwigs who remained neutral frowned, especially those of the tiannu society. Wang Yang's attack was too cruel. How can we say that Wang Qi is his own younger brother, and he can do so?

As for ye Xiao, his eyebrows are locked. He didn't expect Wang Qi to be broken by Wang Yang

However, Wang Yang didn't do anything to stop, and his body didn't stop. His right foot was raised in an instant. A dragon kicked Wang Qi's face directly with his tail. With the inertia of his forward rush, the power of this foot was extremely powerful. He even kicked Wang Qi backward and fell heavily on the ground

A lot of people take a breath at the same time, which is too cruel?

A few of the big men who made friends with Wang Qi even brushed their hands and stood up from their seats to yell at Wang Yang's cruelty. But when they thought of the current situation, they just suppressed their anger in their hearts.

As I said just now, life and death depend on heaven. Even if Wang Yang really killed Wang Qi, they couldn't say anything. Now it's just a broken arm. If they rush out, will they not find it interesting?

Seeing such a bloody scene, many people held their breath and looked at the two people on the stage together

Wang Yang stood with his hands down, showing a strong demeanor. As for Wang Qi, he was struggling to stand up, but the pain of bone fracture nearly made him faint. For a moment, he could not get upThe sound of gongs sounded, one, two, each almost beat in Wang Qi's heart, is he really inferior to him? Is it true that he is the only one? Is his strength really not comparable to him?

Thinking of the dead poisonous wolf, thinking of his promise to Ye Xiao, thinking of so many brothers looking at him, Wang Qi struggled to get up

However, his right arm is sagging, obviously he can't use any strength at all, and even become a burden to him. His face is full of blood, which is the blood from his nose. It looks like a mess

Seeing Wang Qi stand up again, Wang Yang grinned grimly. His body began to speed up again. He kicked his foot in Wang Qi's heart. All of a sudden, Wang Qi's body flew out again and landed heavily on the ground. However, like a tumbler, he actually got up again

"Bang..." Wang Yang hands again, Wang Qi's body goes to the end again, but he gets up again, Wang Yang hands again

The boxing ring is covered with blood. It's the blood on Wang Qi. His face has swollen up, which is even more embarrassing than the poisonous wolf just now

When Wang Yang knocked Wang Qi to the ground for the seventh time, Rao was determined and could not get up for a moment

Everyone chose to be silent. They all looked at Wang Qi on the stage. Many people even prayed for Wang Qi in their hearts. They must stand up

"Fist comes from the heart, and strength comes from reading..." At this time, ye Xiao, sitting in front of him, suddenly said this. Many people were puzzled and looked at him, while Wang Qi, who was lying on the ring, moved slightly

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