"Has something to do with you?" Ye Xiao didn't expect that Bai choufei would ask such a question, but he didn't mean to answer it at all. Xi Xi Xi, the hero thinks the same thing. It's just bullshit. Since he is destined to be the opponent, it's OK to defeat him. Why is there so much literary nonsense?

"Yes..." Bai Chou Fei said coldly, and then added: "she is the woman I like..."

"Damn it, the woman you like has something to do with you? What if the man you like? It's something to do with you, too? You really think you are a green onion... " Ye Xiao is funny. This guy is too arrogant. Does he really think he is the emperor of ancient times?

Being teased by Ye Xiao, Bai choufei is not angry. He doesn't even mean to speak any more. He just starts to open the buttons on his coat. He has his own pride. If he wants to prove it, he still needs strength to defeat everything. As long as he defeats him, he will understand and she will understand

Seeing Bai choufei untie the button on her body slowly, ye Xiao wants to take advantage of this opportunity to rush directly to kill it. However, when she thinks that there are so many giants watching, especially a few beautiful women staring at her not far away, if she does, even if she wins, she will feel that she won't win.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions, but he cares about the opinions of beauties. Since you want to pretend to be forced, I will accompany you to pretend to be forced.

They both took off their coats quickly. Bai choufei's was a white vest, while ye Xiao's was a black vest. Both of them were extremely strong. They were not big muscular men, but full of explosive power. They looked warm and comfortable at the same time.

And their skin color is not that kind of white and tender skin color, all are healthy wheat color, one look is the result of long-term exercise.

Ye Xiao needless to say, this guy is famous for fighting. However, when he saw Bai choufei's strong physique, many people were surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that this aristocratic childe would work so hard to train. No wonder he dared to fight against him after knowing it was Ye Xiao.

"General Luo, who do you think has a good chance of winning?" In front of him, Tian Zhengqi once again asked Luo Xiaojun with his face on his side.

"I can't see it now, but it must be ye Xiao who wins in the end..." Luo Xiaojun said in a low voice. Only Tian Zhengqi could hear the voice.

Tian Zhengqi was stunned again. Just now Luo Xiaojun said that Wang Yang had a better chance of winning, but Wang Qi must have won in the end. He really hit the mark. Now he says that he can't see who has a bigger chance of winning, but he still says that ye Xiao is the winner. What does that mean? Does he have the ability to prophesy? Or

Tian Zhengqi thought, suddenly thought of something, and then inadvertently looked at Lang Haiping, and saw that he was sitting next to Ye Xiaogang's seat, while Luo Xiaojun had publicly supported Lang Haiping before. Can you say

It's not stupid to be able to take the position of the first hand in a big city like Jinghai city. It's just that after reading, he thinks of all kinds of possibilities. What Luo Xiaojun wants to support is not Lang Haiping, but that young man.

He supported Lang Haiping only to help the young Dora as an ally, and ye Xiao, who he said twice in a row, was also reminding himself of this.

Tian Zhengqi naturally understands why Luo Xiaojun should remind himself of this. He hopes to pay more attention to Ye Xiao.

There is no more to say. Tian Zhengqi just nods and smiles at Luo Xiaojun, and Luo Xiaojun doesn't say much. He also smiles a little. Smart people don't need to say more. There are a lot of things that can be seen through.

Luo Xiaojun hopes that Tian Zhengqi can pay attention to Ye Xiao. Tian Zhengqi also agrees. He knows Luo Xiaojun's position now.

Of course, it is impossible to care too much. As the first leader, Tian Zhengqi doesn't want to offend all the other giants, but it's nothing to tilt a little bit when you need help.

What Luo Xiaojun wants is this attitude, which is inclined

Situ Haoyue has been paying attention to the movement here. Seeing the expressions on the faces of Tian Zhengqi and Luo Xiaojun, a faint smile appears in the corners of his mouth. As long as ye Xiao wins this competition, their strength will surpass each other.

At that time, there will be more than enough for both attack and defense. However, judging from Lin zhengdai's relationship, ye Xiao should be able to take the initiative to attack. If he can pull down another director of the Public Security Bureau and replace him with his own people, then those who are left with economic ties will not be rivals at all

Ye yubai and Xiao Nan are envious of such a scene. Xiao Nan, in particular, claims to be more handsome than ye Xiao. However, she is beaten by Ye Xiao every time in terms of women. If only she could take the place of Ye Xiao and win the attention of these ladies

Ye Xiao and ye Xiao on the stage did not care what other people thought. At this moment, they had forgotten everything, as if there were only two of them left in the whole world.Two people are staring at each other. If you look closely, you will find that their muscles start to shake constantly. They haven't started yet. They have already started to move in advance

If there is no politeness, and there are no empty courtesies before the duel, the two look at each other, and then rush towards each other at the same time

Even though the two men in the middle of the line are not fighting each other at the same time, they can see that the two of them are fast at the same time

"Bang..." Their fists collided with each other, and the three inch strength suddenly broke out. The terrible force made their bodies retreat back at the same time. Each step was like a giant stepping on the ground, making the ground thump

They went back to the position they had just stood and stood still

All the people were staring at all this. Most of them only saw the figure flash, then heard a loud noise, and then their bodies stood at the place just now. As for what they had done between them, the audience could see that there were no more than five people

Seeing such a scene, everyone's faces showed a look of horror

There is only one word in my mind - strong!

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