"Do you two think about it? Do you want to submit to our" Protoss "or fight against us? I know that you are strong in this world. However, in the eyes of our Protoss, you are just a group of ants. When our" Protoss "army opens the channel of the world, it will be the destruction of the world When the time comes, all living creatures in this world will be destroyed except those who submit to our Protoss, and no one can be excepted... " God. The sky looked arrogantly at Ye Xiao and the devil emperor on the challenge arena, and said without delay.

"Protoss army? All destroyed? " Listen to God. In the sky, the "devil emperor" on one side said with a smile: "if you" Protoss "really have this ability, I'm afraid that as early as tens of thousands of years ago, you would have swallowed up our world! If I remember correctly, you "Protoss" are just the bottom of the three thousand worlds, and the world is more powerful than your Protoss. There are too many gods in your Protoss. At the beginning, how many "God kings" of your "Protoss" died in our hands. I think you should know more than me! Even if he was the demon emperor, he had killed many "Protoss"

After listening to the words of the "devil emperor", God. A face in the sky also became gloomy. He looked at the "magic emperor" with a cold face and said in a cold voice, "so, do you want to refuse my proposal?"


I see, standing in God. Ye Xiao behind the sky turned his wrist, and a huge "Purgatory flame" burst out of him in an instant, and directly condensed into a "gun of judgment" to the God. The back of the sky was tied up. It seemed that the "devil emperor" had been prepared for a long time. Seeing ye Xiao's hand, he was also unambiguous. As soon as his body shook, the black magic lines in the deep part of his eyebrows flashed, and a huge and incomparable evil spirit rose to the sky. The string of beads on his wrist was blown into pieces.

"Chiyou battle axe..."


The space around the arena was twisted and torn. As soon as the "magic emperor" reached out, he directly grasped the "endless void". After a series of agitation, he saw that the "magic emperor" grabbed a black "Tomahawk" out of the endless void. The evil spirit of the "magic Emperor" was terrible enough. However, the evil spirit on the Tomahawk was even more powerful As soon as it appears, the whole space of the "South Gate" seems to be covered with a layer of magic fog. Seeing the Tomahawk in the hand of the "devil emperor", even if he has seen many gods of the world. The sky could not help but take a breath of air and murmured to himself, "what a powerful magic weapon. Even if it is placed in the three thousand world, the power of this" magic weapon "will be among the best

"Master, be careful..."

Hear the old servant's warning, God. The sky also wakes up from the shock. He sees Ye Xiao dare to attack himself, and there is a trace of haze in his eyes. He snorts in his nose and puts his fingertips on Ye Xiao's "trial gun". He can see that ye Xiao's "trial gun" in his hand starts to break up in an instant, and not a hair of his hair is hurt The demon family beast Zun below, seeing that the "devil emperor" had taken out the "Chiyou battle axe", he could not help but take a breath of cold air, squinting and saying: "you are really prepared! Even if you choose to fall, you will hide all these treasures well... "


The old man standing in the tavern, seeing the martial arts around the challenge arena, seemed to be planning to attack his master together. His face became ferocious and his figure moved. In an instant, he appeared on an attic next to the challenge arena. When he heard the sound of "boom", he saw the strange old man with a sharp voice towards those around him People roared and said, "you ants dare to attack the master of the old slave with more people and less bullying people. I think you are all impatient to live..."

"Flame God palm..."


As soon as the old man of the "Protoss" made a move, he saw his hands burning with a dazzling flame. With one hand, he patted the people around the "challenge arena". The helmsmen of all major forces did not expect that a "Protoss" would suddenly come out. After a few words of nonsense, he shot at them, and most of them had not responded Come on, I can see that the two palms of the old man fell on them


Just a little bit of Mars touched a warrior who was "the peak of the later days of heaven level". All of a sudden, the warrior turned into a wisp of gray smoke. When the "demon clan" beast Zun, who had been prepared for a long time, saw the old man's hand, his eyelids trembled. He grabbed the shoulder of long Youyao and pointed it at the surrounding ones The strong man of "demon clan" said coldly, "you all leave here first, don't join in the battle here..."


Not only the "demon clan" people, but also the strong members of the "yixiantianlin" and "Nantianmen" families all fled with their own people, and did not dare to stay near the "challenge arena". After all, the old "Protoss" was too powerful, and they lost at least one tenth of their manpower Let him clap a few palms and estimate that all the people they brought would die. The beast Zun, who had brought out most of the demon clan, took a deep look at the old man of the Protoss and said, "you stay here! The battlefield inside is no longer what you can participate in... "After listening to the words of "beast Zun", the Dragon Youyao on one side of the mountain suddenly felt a tight heart. He looked at the beast Zun and asked, "beast Zun, ye Xiao, is he going to be ok?"

"Ye Xiao?"

"Beast Zun" shook his head bitterly and said, "the great era is also an era of destruction. In this era of destruction, let alone us, even the original" Three Emperors and five emperors ", no one can guarantee that he can walk out of this era alive. His identity is extraordinary. I believe that as long as the world has not been destroyed, he will not It will be so easy for accidents to happen. What's more, the real era has not come yet. Now it's just warming up! "

"Beast Zun" left such a sentence and thought that the old man of the "Protoss" rushed forward, his body turned into a shadow, and in a flash appeared in front of the old man of the "Protoss"


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