Bai choufei is frightened. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Xiao to use such a trick. However, facing the sharp foot, he could only choose to block. Originally, he clasped Ye Xiao's hands and instantly took it back to protect his vital points. He heard a bang. Ye Xiao's foot heavily kicked on his wrist. The huge force shocked him to retreat again and again, and ye Xiao's hands also supported him A beautiful back somersault and landed on the ground steadily.

But where can Bai Chou Fei let go of such an opportunity? His body has already rushed to Ye Xiao's body in an instant. He raises his right fist and smashes it at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's eyes flashed, his hands in front of his chest, ready to bear such a blow. Suddenly, he heard a bang. Bai choufei's fist hit Ye Xiao's arms, which shocked Ye Xiao's body backward. Bai choufei also took this opportunity to step forward and hit Ye Xiao's head again, hardly giving Ye Xiao any time to think.

Ye Xiao has no choice but to continue to resist, but Bai Chou flies at a very fast speed, and his fist drops on Ye Xiao. Even if ye Xiao's speed is fast enough, he can only resist with all his strength, and there is no way to launch a counterattack.

Bai choufei seems to be more and more excited, the speed of boxing is also faster and faster, and the strength is also growing, ye Xiao's arms have felt bursts of pain, of course, he believes that Bai choufei will not be better, but after all, it is the other side who launched the main attack, if it goes on like this, he will be defeated sooner or later.

Seeing that Bai choufei's fist hits his heart again, ye Xiao can't resist it any more. Instead, he hits the nose bone of Bai choufei. He plans to fight with Bai choufei.

Only spell, can we spell out a blood path.

Seeing ye Xiao finally can't help changing hands, Bai choufei sneers. He seems to have expected that ye Xiao would have such a move. Instead, his fist suddenly turned and hit Ye Xiao's arm directly. When he was about to hit his wrist, he turned his fist into a palm, clasped Ye Xiao's wrist, and then his body began to rotate and bow down We should throw Ye Xiao out.

This is the most simple over the shoulder wrestling, whether it is military boxing or Taekwondo. However, when Bai Chou flies, it is a different world. At such a speed and such a change, even a master like Wang Qi and Wang Yang is absolutely hard to react. He will definitely be thrown out directly, and ye Xiao is no exception.

Now it's too late to stop boxing. And once he stops boxing, his empty door will only be hurt by Bai choufei. He can't afford to take such a risk. However, if Bai choufei throws him out like this, he will fall into the downwind. Ye Xiao naturally refuses to let such a thing happen.

You can see that he doesn't retreat but advances, and even pushes hard. His body, which was originally driven by Bai choufei, speeds up again. Don't look at this, it just adds a force, which completely disrupts the layout of Bai choufei. At least he can't throw Ye Xiao out at will, and he can't stop now, otherwise both of them may fall down with this inertia Well, that's going to make you laugh.

If you want to fall someone else, how can you even fall down, and you won't be laughed off?

In the face of such a situation, he can only further step on the ground and throw Ye Xiao out with all his strength.

Ye Xiao's body began to rotate in mid air. With his own strength, his body quickly turned over and landed on the ground steadily. But Bai choufei is not a vegetarian. You used my strength to perform an acrobatic performance in the air. If you could land so easily and stably, wouldn't you slap yourself in the face? As soon as ye Xiao's body was thrown out, he immediately stabilized his body, and then began to accelerate. As soon as ye Xiao's body landed, Bai choufei had already come behind him, and he wanted to hit Ye Xiao's back heart with a fist.

Ye Xiao naturally thought of such a point, did not look back, nor turned around, and ran forward.

Bai Chou Fei is stunned, but he still catches up with him at the first time. Both of them are very fast. In this case, even if it is just a turning time, it is enough to distinguish the winner and loser. He will not give ye Xiao the chance to turn around safely.

In the twinkling of an eye, ye Xiao has come to the corner of the ring, and then directly put his foot on the column of the ring. He even stepped out several steps in a row, directly stepped on the top of the column, and then pushed hard, and his body had already jumped high.

At this time, even if Bai choufei wants to attack, he can't attack. Instead, ye Xiao turns around and kicks him in the head

Such a difficult action forced Bai Chou Fei to stop his body and even raised his hand to resist

Everyone is staring at all this. It's not a fight. It's just shooting a wireless movie. Even those martial arts stars may not be able to make such a difficult action, right?

Then they heard a loud bang. Bai choufei, who was still rushing forward, was kicked back and forth again and again, and his heel was unsteady for a while. However, ye Xiao's body fell steadily on the ground. Then he pushed hard, and his body ran out like a rocket, and the whole person bumped into Bai choufei's arms.

Bai choufei's heel is not stable. Now, where can he dodge? Even before he has time to make a block, ye Xiao has already run into Bai choufei's arms, and then hits Bai choufei's heart with a blow. His strength suddenly erupts. The force of terror makes Bai choufei retreat again and again, and a mouthful of blood spurts out on the spot.Obviously it's been hit hard

With Bai choufei's hematemesis, many people's faces have changed, especially Wang Yang, whose pale face has become as ugly as it should be. This competition is related to his future. If he wins, he will be the father of the underworld sect in the northern city of Jinghai city and one of the twelve giants. If he loses, he will be driven out of Jinghai city I will lose everything I have now.

He didn't trust Bai choufei, but when he saw that he was boxed by Ye Xiaoyi, he naturally had no bottom in his heart. However, a faint smile appeared on Shangguan's unruly face, and he murmured to himself: "the good play begins..."

What's going on? Wang Yang sat next to Shangguan Wudao, and naturally heard Shangguan's murmur, but he didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, there was a roar on the stage. It was the roar of Bai choufei. No matter who it was, it felt like a wild animal roaring. The roar was so shocking.

That is, in the blink of an eye, Bai choufei's body turns into a shadow and rushes directly to Ye Xiao. He raises his fist and blows at Ye Xiao from top to bottom

At this moment, his empty door was exposed and he didn't even care whether ye Xiao would take this opportunity to attack his heart

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