"Fortress of death..."

The cool wind whizzed on the cracks of the city wall, making the sound of "Wula" and "Wula" crying and howling. Before the group of Ye Xiao approached the wall of the "death fortress", they saw hundreds of huge "Shura" soldiers carrying "nine orifices" magic knives, killing the human Warriors around the "fortress", killing them fiercely At the "beast Zun" beside Ye Xiao, when he saw these "Shura" soldiers, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He reminded Ye Xiao: "be careful of these" Shura "soldiers. They are not only powerful, but also as fast as the wind. They are the most difficult one among all the" alien races "


After hearing the words of the blood god, he said, "the blood god's hand turns to the sky." A thunderous sound came out of the mouth of the blood clan, which made the eardrums of the people around him numb. Even the soldiers of the Shura clan were no better. The chaotic battlefield suddenly quieted down and raised their heads one after another to look at the "blood emperor" in the air.

The leader of the "Shura clan" is a middle-aged man, who is also the most powerful among them. He is not affected by the roar of the "blood emperor". As soon as he lifts it, he resists the "nine orifices magic knife" in his hand on his shoulder. He squints at the "blood emperor" and laughs contemptuously: "who am I? It's the old man of the blood emperor. Why? If I want to get out of the "fortress of death", do you want to stop me? Or do you think you can stop this king with your strength

"Asura, even if you are in the peak state, you are not the opponent of the emperor. What's more, you are not in the peak state now!" "The blood emperor" gave a cold voice, and his mind coagulated. He said in a deep voice: "the big blood demon's fingerprint..."


Suddenly, the "blood emperor" suddenly slapped him and hit him directly. Ashura, standing on the ground, did not expect that the old "blood emperor" would move without warning. His face suddenly changed and he said in a deep voice: "go..." As soon as the words fell, we could see that the whole Asura disappeared in the same place, while the other "Shura" soldiers also scattered and fled. Unfortunately, Asura underestimated the strength of the blood emperor.

It can escape from the hand of the "blood emperor", which does not mean that the "clansmen" brought by him can also escape from the hand of the "blood emperor".

The rest of the "Shura" soldiers just moved. They saw the palm of the "blood emperor" and hit them directly. After a series of "puff" and "puff" sounds, they were all turned into a cloud of blood mist. The "beast Zun" who followed Ye Xiao saw these "Shura" soldiers, In the hands of the "blood emperor", there was no room for struggle, so he was beaten into a cloud of blood mist. The pupil of "beast Zun" contracted violently, and whispered in a whisper: "I didn't expect that the strength of the old blood emperor not only did not retrogress, but also improved so much. Even the original" emperor of heaven "was not his opponent in terms of strength alone Come on! He has not yet offered his own magic weapon... "

Not only is the "beast Zun", but the "magic emperor" on the other side has fallen into a deep silence. You know, at the beginning, his strength was similar to that of the "Three Emperors and five emperors". Now, the strength of a "blood emperor" has surpassed him a lot. After pondering for a moment, he sneered: "the blood emperor will soon surpass you. You wait, then No one wants to take the position of "world Master" from my hand. You can't do it, nor can "Tiandi"... "


At the beginning, even if he was not the opponent of the blood emperor, at least he was able to persist in the hands of the blood emperor for a period of time before he was defeated. Now, even if he is in his hands, he has no room to fight back "When Emperor Xiujun comes back, he's worried about you

"Want to go?"

Seeing that Ashura wanted to escape from the fortress of death, the blood emperor's face sank and slapped at Ashura. After all, Ashura is the king of the Shura clan. Although it is not the first expert, it is also the strongest one who can rank in the top ten. Compared with the ordinary soldiers of the Shura clan, the blood emperor's face sank and clapped at him Not at 1:30, when the hand of the "blood emperor" was about to fall on him, the figure of "Asura" had already appeared on the wall of the "fortress of death", and said with a crazy smile: "blood emperor, you can't kill me today, I will let you return it a thousand times in the future..."


As soon as the word "Ashura" dropped, the whole person disappeared on the "fortress of death". Seeing that he could not leave the "Asura" behind, the "blood emperor" frowned slightly. He saw that there were still some "Shura" escaping fish, and his face was heavy. He said in a cold voice: "kill all the people of the" Shura family " …”"The blood Emperor..."

Far away.

God. The sky and his men are not too close to the fortress of death. After all, there are human warriors everywhere, even gods. No matter how arrogant the sky is, I don't think that with these people, we can break through and stay in God. The Shangguan Tianci, next to the sky, saw that the people of the "Shura clan" did not even support them. They died in the hands of the "blood emperor". Their heads were numb and asked, "master, what are we going to do now?"

"What to do?"

"God. "The sky" pondered for a moment, and then said without delay: "you can get into them now. Don't worry. I have left my spiritual brand on you. As long as your life is in danger, I can immediately appear beside you and take you away. If you have anything to do, I will tell you, understand?"

"Yes, master..."


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