"Purgatory throne?" "God. The sky looked suspiciously at Ashura and asked, "this magic weapon is not of low level. Why? Is it famous? "

"More than fame?" "Asura" said with a bitter smile: "you should know that our" Asura "people are already fighting. However, compared with the" Purgatory "monarch, we" Asura "can be said to be better than ourselves. It is said that all his magic weapons are made by ourselves, just like this" Infernal throne ", He made a "Purgatory" by sacrificing 3000 people living in cities. At last, he condensed this "Purgatory" into a throne with great magic power. Compared with my father, this "Purgatory demon" is much more ruthless than my father... "

"A purgatory made of three thousand people with blood?" After listening to the words of Asura, the God on the side. The sky "is also a surprise.

Obviously, this kind of thing, even the "Protoss" people can't even think about it. Although they can come to this world and kill people without fear, even if they kill all the people in this world, it's no big deal. However, it's not what they can do to kill their own people. Obviously, this "discipline" The infernal demon king had already reached the point of insanity, and the "Asura" on the side seemed to have opened the conversation box. Seeing that the "Purgatory demon" had returned to his "Purgatory throne", he said cautiously, "do you know what his" original magic treasure "is

"I don't know..." "God. The sky shook his head and said.

"It's a scepter made from the bones of his three billion people. It's said that it's very powerful. I haven't seen it before..."

"Asura" and "God.". The sky whispers and discusses the "Purgatory demon" here, and ye Xiao is already at the edge of his sword. Seeing the purgatory throne under the purgatory demon, ye Xiao's brow is also slightly wrinkled. With his power of "spirit", he can naturally feel the horror of the evil spirit contained in the purgatory throne, even if it is true The "evil spirit" contained in the beads left by the "masters of all living beings" at the beginning may not be as high as that of this "Purgatory throne". It can be imagined that the magic weapon of "Purgatory devil" is so terrible.

"Stars all over the sky..."

With a wave of Ye Xiao's big hand, you can see that the "runes" flying all over the sky in an instant, just like "stars" in the sky, enveloping the whole person of the "Purgatory demon king". Seeing ye Xiaolu come out with such a hand, his face of "Purgatory demon" also changed slightly, his mind moved, and his "Purgatory throne" immediately flew up and straight Then ye Xiao shrouded in the past

"Have you found that the boy's strength has been improved..." "The blood emperor" turned his head, looked at the emperor beside him, and said with a dignified face: "moreover, there is a kind of appearance beyond the limit of this world. Even if you are now, I'm afraid you are not his opponent! Moreover, if we add the power of these runes, even if we all join in, we may not be his opponents. We don't know whether these runes can be brought out. If we can, we will have a great victory this time... "

"The odds?"

"Dihuang" shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I think we have no chance of winning now. Don't you feel that the seal of the world is beginning to loosen?"

"The seal is beginning to loosen?"

After listening to the "Dihuang", the "blood emperor" on one side was also slightly stunned. After subconscious feeling for a moment, he said excitedly: "really, the" seal "of the world has really begun to loosen. I feel that my strength is not so depressed at the beginning. If the seal is completely untied, I think my strength will also be able to break through the" Heaven realm "! I'm tired of staying in this realm for too long. I also want to see what kind of realm is beyond the realm of heaven. This is a good thing

"It's a good thing to fart..."

Seeing the happy look on the blood emperor's face, the "Dihuang" said angrily: "if the seal is really untied, then the strength of the other" masters "of other worlds will not be suppressed. Do you think that with our strength, can we really compete with those masters?"

After listening to the "Dihuang", the blood emperor's face turned pale.

Obviously, he also understood that even if their strength was higher, they would not be able to compete with those "World Masters", who were the real masters! The "blood emperor" flashed on his face with a look of urgency. He looked at the "emperor of the earth" beside him with a confused look. His voice was a little unnatural: "what should we do now? Damn it, this seal will not be untied sooner or later, but at this time? Who the hell knows what this seal is about? "

"This seal, or many and a half, has something to do with this" abyss of death. " "Dihuang" pondered for a moment, then his face was dignified.

"Has something to do with this" abyss of death ""Yes

"Dihuang" nodded slightly and sighed: "we still don't care about these seals. If ye Xiao can't beat the" Purgatory demon ", I'm afraid we don't have to wait for the armies of the" alien world "to come here, and all of them will die here today. The name of the" Purgatory demon "is not small, even the" Shenzu "and" Shura clan " The two of them seem to be afraid of him, and especially the one of the "fury orcs". Don't you see that when he heard the name of "Purgatory demon", he was already scared and trembling? "

"Purgatory Lord?"

After listening to the emperor's words, the blood emperor on one side frowned slightly and said, "I seem to have heard about this" Purgatory demon king ", but I can't remember it for a while..."


"Stars crush..."


I can see that the "runes" all over the sky are directly crushed by the purgatory demon king opposite, and the latter is not willing to be outdone. Which "Purgatory throne" will hit the stars all over the sky in an instant, as if with a bloody mouth, trying to swallow all the "runes"


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