Yes, ye Xiao's fist is the gun barrel, and Bai choufei's body is the shell. So he flew up and flew out of the ring. Finally, he directly hit the big tea table in front of Liu Yu, smashing the big tea table to pieces. Even Liu Yu was also hit backward and came to a perfect four legged sky. As for Bai choufei, the blood in his mouth is like a fountain His chest is full of depression, and there is a huge punch mark

All the people, no matter Liu Yu, Shangguan Wudao, Jia Sidao, Luo Xiaojun, situ Nan, situ Haoyue, and even Yi Guyun, were all staring at all this. It was terrible and terrible. Bai choufei, who was still holding the absolute upper hand just now, was blown out of the ring by his fist. He didn't know the strength of that fist How much is it?

A living adult, who was nearly 20 meters away, even smashed the solid wood tea table with the residual force of terror. Is this still the strength that human beings should have?

Shocked, absolutely shocked, many people even stretched their necks, mouth a burst of thirst, eyes are about to stare out.

Especially think that ye Xiao was beaten like a dead dog by Bai choufei just now, but in the blink of an eye, he completely turned the world around. Is this amazing?

Just now, Bai choufei's strength was so huge that he was beaten to vomit blood. But how could he look like a man who has nothing to do?

All people's eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body. There was a trace of awe and deep awe. It turned out that a person can be powerful to this extent.

Even Luo lingchi, ye yubai, Xiao Nan, Wang Qi and others all have a look of horror on their faces, especially Luo lingchi. Ye Xiao's strength was definitely not so strong when he fought with him at the beginning, but it was only a long time before he had made progress to this level.

As for Wang Qi, there was a bitter smile on his face. When he was a teacher, he said he would defeat Ye Xiao. However, although he has made a lot of progress these days, the gap between him and Wang Qi is getting bigger and bigger. Do you really want to be his apprentice all his life?

As for situ Haoyue, a pair of bright eyes twinkle with the essence of Taoism. This is a man, and this is a strong man. Only by following such a man, can he feel secure.

According to ancient rhyme, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face. It was a kind of gratifying smile. Ye Xiao never let her down.

Sima Nan's face also showed a faint smile. Bai choufei's strength, his arrogance and his pride will surely be completely smashed by this blow. In the future, who can stop his progress in Jinghai city

Luo Xiaojun's face also showed a gratifying smile, his mind unconsciously emerged the figure of that person, he was also so powerful, also so incomparable

Lang Haiping's face is full of excitement. It's too exciting and too powerful. With such a powerful ally, what do you worry about in the future?

The two giants, Tian Zhengqi and ye Jiajia, looked at each other in the same way. They were shocked in each other's eyes. Since ancient times, heroes have been young, but the strength of this one is really too strong.

Liu Yu, Wu Tianhao, Shangguan Yun, Jia Sidao, and even Xu Yifeng's face were ugly. Bai choufei was so powerful that they all looked in their eyes and asked themselves. It was really difficult for them to find a person stronger than Bai choufei. However, such a strong man was defeated by a critical attack from the other party. This shows how strong that guy is?

It's just so powerful that it's horrifying

Wang Yang's face turned pale, not only because he lost his position as a magnate, but because of Ye Xiao's terror. If this blow was hit on him, he would be doomed to die. Would it be really looking for abuse to make enemies with such a pervert?

He was a little puzzled. Why did he have a dispute with this boy? At this moment, he even felt lucky that he had lost all this. If he had stayed in Jinghai city against this boy, he might have been killed by such a boxing one day.

Shangguan's unruly face is also gloomy and terrible. All along, he has looked down on Ye Xiao, including Wu Fu such as Bai choufei. In his opinion, this is a modern civilized city. How can you improve your martial arts? In the face of guns, personal force can be ignored, but what he did not expect is that a person's strength can be so strong?

At this time, ye Xiao is simply invincible. He even doubts that ordinary bullets can hit him?

In the face of everyone's eyes, ye Xiao came to the edge of the ring step by step. His blood red eyes glanced at Bai Chou Fei, who was lying on the ground spitting blood. He also glanced at Liu Yu and others, and said in a domineering tone: "you are not my opponent..."

In Jinghai City, even those big bosses are very careful when they are faced with several giants. No one has ever dared to pick off the big ones in front of them. But now, ye Xiao has said so and has done so. What is surprising is that no one on the scene thinks that he is arrogant, and even Liu Yu and others dare not look directly at him.The scene was so quiet that only the proud figure of Ye Xiao was standing on the ring, with the sky on top of his head and stepping on the earth. Even if the sky collapsed, it was difficult to suppress his boundless domineering power

Seeing that proud and upright figure, situ Haoyue is crazy

Finally, Shangguan Wudao was the first one to break the silence. It was not that he wanted to argue with Ye Xiao, but Bai choufei had vomited blood and passed out. Others didn't know Bai choufei's real identity, but he knew it clearly. If Bai choufei had an accident in Jinghai City, ye Xiao would not be able to escape, and he would not be better off. What He said that at the beginning of Kyoto, his father and son had said hello to him and asked them to cooperate well with Bai choufei.

Don't look like the government in Jinghai City, but really to Kyoto, that is nothing

Regardless of the result of the fight, Shangguan has no way to send Bai choufei to the hospital immediately. His chest has been completely broken. Otherwise, he may be killed

Wang Qi was also the last magnate of Xingyao club. As for Wang Yang, he was sent out of Jinghai city on the same day

Within three years, he is not allowed to step into Jinghai City, otherwise all consequences will be borne by himself. In the face of the decision made jointly by Xingyao, no one can refute

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