Chao Zhao Meng and others smile. Ye Xiao also follows Dai Daichen and walks towards the hotel. When the policewoman named Li yongzhuo receives the order from her director, she immediately arranges people to look at everyone

As soon as the police came to investigate the case, the owner of the hotel naturally cooperated and quickly fished out the surveillance video. It has to be said that this group of people are too unlucky. The place where they commit the crime is not far from the door of the hotel, which is the monitoring range of the camera.

From the video, people can see that the woman who was beaten by Ye Xiao dropped a purse when she walked near the door. Ye Binglin, who was right behind her, saw it. She immediately picked up the purse and didn't have time to call the woman. The woman turned her head and took the purse from ye Binglin's hand. She ordered the next time in front of Ye Binglin's face and started to make trouble Get up, and then immediately there are several "good people" around, and start to blame Ye Binglin with the woman

At the sight of such a scene, Dai Daichen's face was purple and blue. He never thought that there were such criminal gangs in his jurisdiction, and Li Dong's face had become even paler than wax paper.

"Take it all back..." Dai Daichen waved his hand and made a decision

These police officers immediately arrested this group of people, and even Li Dong was directly tortured. No matter whether he was in collusion or not, this kind of indiscriminate behavior is enough for him

Before leaving, Dai Daichen did not forget to encourage Hua Xiaodie. He also praised Ye Xiao for his brave deeds in public. Ye Xiao naturally did not care too much about this.

The onlookers finally found out the truth. One by one, they scolded the swindlers. They even cheated the little girls from the countryside.

Without waiting for everyone to leave, ye Xiao and others went back to the box again. They also asked the waiter to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks and let Ye Binglin sit beside Zhao Meng.

At this time, everyone got to know ye Binglin again.

He looks 15 or 16 years old at most. He is wearing a washed white T-shirt and a pair of white trousers on the outside. However, he is slender and looks green. He is still a little beauty, such as Hua Xiaodie, Wang Jinchen, Yu Youchao, Jian Zhuojian and so on. Zhao Meng looks tall and big. He really didn't expect that he would have one Even ye Xiao was a little surprised at such a beautiful cousin.

"Cousin, how did you come to Jinghai? Why don't you call in advance? " See his cousin that obviously some panic, Zhao Meng gently patted her back, and then very gentle said.

"Cousin, I I was sneaking out... " Perhaps it is a good relationship with Zhao Meng, ye Binglin just hesitated for a while, then said.

"Sneak out?" Zhao Meng and others are stunned. What are they doing? Is it running away from home? I don't see. The little girl looks weak and has such a rebellious side

"Cousin, I don't want to get married Wuwuwu... " Ye Binglin suddenly burst into tears, not caring about other people around, but lying directly in Zhao Meng's arms and crying. This scene simply envied Hua Xiaodie and others.

But when she said she didn't want to get married, all the people present were surprised. What was this? How old is she? How can she get married?

Under Zhao Meng's comfort, ye Binglin said the reason of the matter again.

Zhao Meng's mother is also surnamed ye, and ye Xiao are their own family. However, they are not from Jinghai City, but from Anyang province. It is only two or three hundred Li from Jinghai city.

Although it is very close to Jinghai City, the economy of Anyang province can not compare with that of Jinghai city. In particular, ye Binglin's family is still living in mountainous areas, which is not only economically backward, but also backward in ideology.

Xiong Wangcai, the son of the local village branch secretary, saw Ye Binglin by chance, and was immediately attracted by her appearance. In fact, ye Binglin's appearance is quite beautiful even in Jinghai City, let alone in those small mountain villages.

On that day, Xiong Wangcai went home to tell his father that he wanted to marry Ye's daughter. The village branch secretary had such a son that he was naturally responsive. In their opinion, Xiong's family was a big force in the local area. His son married the daughter of Ye's family, which was the blessing of the Ye family. He immediately proposed to his father, but the only daughter of the Ye family She is only 16 years old. How can she get married? Especially when ye Binglin's parents know what kind of son Xiong Zhishu is, she is impossible to push her daughter into the fire pit, so she is pushed away in the name of her little daughter.

But where did Xiong Zhishu agree? In the whole xiongjiaba, who didn't know his name? Now he personally came to propose a marriage, but he was refused. Where did his face go?

At present, he used various means to torture the Ye family. Finally, ye Binglin's father was helpless and could only agree to the marriage.

Ye Binglin was flustered. Naturally, she knew what kind of person Xiong Wangcai was. She was mean, lustful and shameless. She often beat people. She even heard that Xiong Wangcai had a wife who was killed by him alive. How dare she marry such a person at the age of 16, ye Binglin told her best friend about it He suggested that she should run away from home and sponsored her for more than 100 yuanThis is not true. Ye Binglin came to Jinghai city with more than 100 yuan. Originally, she wanted to come to Jinghai city to find a job. But for her good luck, she might have met her cousin. It would have been worse in the future.

After listening to Ye Binglin's account, Wu Dan and other girls have tears in their eyes. They are all people living in the metropolis, and their families are in good condition. They never thought that such things would happen in this era.

She is full of sympathy for ye Binglin. As for Hua Xiaodie and others, they are all filled with righteous indignation. In particular, Hua Xiaodie directly raises her head and screams to seek justice for ye Binglin

Meng Meng's words can't be stimulated by his cousin, ye ye? However, he knew that although he was from Jinghai City, his family was the worst among all the people, and he knew that some Xiong family forces, relying on his own strength, could not get justice for ye Binglin.

He just turned to Ye Xiao for help

The scene fell into a brief silence, and all the people's eyes fell on Ye Xiao

"Hehe, you still have a few days to go to school? Why don't we go to the countryside together Seeing the people's eyes, ye Xiao smiles a little

He doesn't think he is a good man, but such things have been met by himself. Is there any reason to stand by?

"Good..." On hearing Ye Xiao's words, Hua Xiaodie cheers loudly. They all know that ye Xiao has promised to help

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