"Xiong Zhishu, he is my sister's son and Binglin's cousin..." Seeing the changing faces of Xiong Zhishu's father and son, ye Hongwei immediately guessed why their faces were ugly, and immediately explained.

He didn't want to involve Zhao Meng.

"Oh, it turns out to be ye Hongfang's son. Ha ha, I haven't seen you for several years. They've grown so big It's a good time to be back this time. I can attend the wedding of your cousin and my son... " Sure enough, as soon as he heard Ye Hongwei's explanation, Xiong's face recovered. He knew that ye Hongwei had a sister who worked in Jinghai City, and finally married a Jinghai person, which was regarded as outstanding. However, it was only for ordinary villagers that Xiong did not pay attention to himself. How to say that he is also a person who has seen the world. There are so many people in Jinghai city Everyone is rich. What ye Hongfang married is just an ordinary worker. In Jinghai City, she belongs to a poor family. How can such a Jinghai person be more happy than his village secretary.

As soon as hearing Xiong Zhishu's words, Zhao Meng and others looked at each other. Is this what ye Binglin said the hateful branch secretary?

"Are you Secretary Xiong?" Zhao Meng has not yet said, ye Xiao has taken a step forward, because he is standing, so condescending to bear branch secretary asked.

"Not bad..." Xiong Zhishu nodded. He looked at Ye Xiao curiously and swept other people. These people should be Zhao Meng's classmates, right? Did you come to play in the countryside?

Think about it, the city's children stay in the big city all day, long tired, come to the countryside is a fresh picture.

"Sorry, Binglin can't marry your son..." Ye Xiao smiles and says, since the goal has been set, everything will be easy to do.

"Why?" Xiong Zhishu is a little discontented. What about the boy from the city? Don't be a superior looking man. This is Xiong Jiaba has the final say.

"Because she's my girlfriend..." Ye Xiao is very overbearing.

When he said this, the audience was shocked. Even Wang Jinchen, Zhao Meng and others were stunned. This guy can't really take a fancy to Ye Binglin, especially Hua Xiaodie. He looks depressed. Ye Binglin is the girl he likes. What else do you want Ye Xiao to join in? Don't you get along with your old sister? How can you not miss a girl with a little beauty?

And ye Binglin is also a red face, is lower head, dare not look at her parents, although she knows that ye Xiao is to help her, that is not true, but in front of her parents is still very shy.

As for ye Binglin's parents, they are even more surprised. They can't close their mouths. They can't. They just left home a few days ago. Why did she bring a boyfriend back? Of course, if we don't consider the reality, they like Ye Xiao to be their son-in-law.

A simple suit of Zhongshan suit, a pair of black and shiny leather boots, a handsome face, and the aristocratic atmosphere of talents in big cities is revealed. If my daughter is a little older, she will be lucky to marry such a person, but the problem is that Xiong Zhishu is still here.

As for Xiong Zhishu's father and son, their faces changed with anger, especially Xiong Zhishu. He has been a village branch secretary for so many years, and no one has ever dared to fight against him. But now, this city boy who doesn't know the sky and the earth can say that ye Binglin is his girlfriend in front of himself. What's this? Isn't this a slap in the face?

When has Xiong Zhishu been insulted like this over the years?

"Stinky boy, she's my wife. What's your son?" However, Xiong Zhishu, after all, is a village secretary. He is somewhat rational. If he really competes with such a boy, he will not belittle his identity? But Xiong Wangcai, who just finished the phone call, stopped working. This is the woman he likes. How can a foreign boy rob him, even if he comes from the city? This is xiongjiaba. This is our own territory.

"What are you?" Ye Xiao also sneers at Xiong Wangcai, but he doesn't look at Xiong Wangcai at all

"Looking for death..." Xiong Wangcai had a hot temper, otherwise he would not have had so much bad reputation. Now he saw Ye Xiao, a foreign boy, dare to be arrogant in front of him. Now he is furious, and directly holds a wooden stool on the ground and rushes to Ye Xiao.

Seeing his son's action, Xiong Zhishu didn't stop him. Young people, it's normal to be impulsive. What's more, he was not satisfied with Ye Xiao. He just let his son teach him a good lesson.

In his opinion, ye Xiao looks weak, but his son has inherited his excellent genes and is forceful. Let alone such a hairy child, even this group of children together is not his opponent.

As for ye Binglin's parents, their faces have changed greatly. Although they don't know the relationship between Ye Xiao and Zhao Meng and others, since they are all together, they are Zhao Meng's friends. What can we do if something happens here?

When he was about to persuade him, he heard a bang. Xiong Wangcai came back from which direction he ran from. He only ran in the past but flew back when he came back. The stool in his hand also flew to one side and was smashed.

No one saw how ye Xiao made a move. They were all stunned. They didn't understand how Xiong Wangcai flew out.Only Hua Xiaodie and others are disdainful. Who dares to fight ye Xiao? Isn't it a death seeking?

Xiong Wangcai only felt the pain in his lower abdomen. However, when he was beaten by this boy in front of so many people, how could he be willing to resist the sharp pain in his abdomen? He actually got up from the ground, grabbed a brick and rushed to Ye Xiao. Seeing him like this, he wanted to put Ye Xiao to death

Seeing that Xiong Wangcai was not willing to accept it, ye Xiao did not wait for him to rush to attack. Almost instantaneously, he had already arrived in front of Xiong Wangcai. Before the brick in his hand hit Xiong Wangcai's nose, he fell back again and again, and his body was leaning back. However, if ye Xiao didn't do it, how could ye do it Let him go so easily?

He snatched the brick in his hand. As soon as he grasped it, he directly patted Xiong Wangcai's head

"Bang..." The brick hit Xiong Wangcai's head heavily, and blood splashed everywhere. Xiong Wangcai's head was smashed into a hole on the spot. Venus was shining in front of him, and his body became soft, so he fell down

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