"It's almost time to go back to town. The road is so broken and disordered that it's even worse than riding a horse..." At the other end of the phone came ye yubai's complaint.

"Ha ha, it's more difficult to walk for a while. You should be prepared mentally..." Ye Xiao faintly smiles. This time, since he has come to help Ye Binglin, it is natural to eliminate the future trouble forever. Relying on his own strength, it is obviously not possible.

Before he came, he asked ye yubai to call for help and came all the way.

Ye Xiao originally intended to let them drive over, but ye yubai cried out that since the people of the Party of flying bikes are going to fight, they must have their own mounts, and Xiao Nan is also determined to ride motorcycles. Think about it, there are hundreds of people, each with a car, and they have been racing for hundreds of kilometers. What a prestige.

Ye Xiao also let them, but the motorcycle is not able to get on the highway, a pedestrian on the National Road, naturally fell behind.

When they were in Jiangnan Province, the road was a little better, but when they came to Anyang Province, the road was dilapidated. Where could they still drag cars and enjoy the feeling of chasing the wind? They were miserable

"No, there's nothing more difficult than this? Brother Xiao, aren't you playing with me The voice on the other end of the phone was complaining.

"Well, when you go all the way to Tianhui Town, you will see that Xiaodie and Jinchen's cars stop at an intersection, and then come up from that intersection. The speed should be faster. Those guys should be coming soon..." Ye Xiao didn't pay any attention to ye yubai's complaint at all and continued to say.

"OK, I see. That's it..." Ye yubai hung up the phone discontentedly, waved one hand, and took the lead to rush forward. Seeing ye yubai accelerate suddenly, Xiao Nan does not admit defeat. He is the God of the car. How can ye yubai be the first to arrive, and then roar at the accelerator, Harley motorcycle runs out at full speed

As for the other little brothers of Longyao meeting, they rushed out one by one excitedly, and did not feel that it was a dangerous thing to drag on such a road.

"Are they here?" Seeing ye Xiao finish the phone, Wang Jinchen, who is speaking with Ye Hongwei, asks.

"Well, soon..." Ye Xiao nods and sits directly beside Ye Hongwei.

Wang Jinchen and others immediately put their hearts down. To tell the truth, if only a few of them had to face the whole xiongjiaba, they would have been guilty. But even ye yubai and they had come, there was nothing to worry about.

Hearing the conversation between the two, ye Hongwei is puzzled. Is he here? What's here? Is there anyone else in the back?

Who's the big guy coming? How could they be so sure?

At this time, in that humble shed, mother Ye was panning rice and asked, "Binglin, is that really your boyfriend?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? He's a cousin's friend. When he heard about me, he must come and help our family. What he said just now is the words of the angry bear branch secretary..." Ye Binglin blushed.

If only I could be his girlfriend

"Your cousin's classmate? That's 20 years old at most. How can he help? " Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, she was really worried about what happened to her daughter after she left home. She was only 16 years old.

When I heard Ye Xiao say it was her boyfriend just now, her heart went up to her throat. Just a few days later, her daughter brought back a boyfriend?

They won't have happened, have they?

Although she was full of confidence in her daughter, she also heard that the boys in the big cities were very bad, not to mention those 20-year-old boys and girls who were 15 or 16 years old might do such shameful things.

If he insists on doing something to his daughter, how can his daughter resist?

Now I'm relieved to hear my daughter say that. But at the same time, I feel sorry. If my daughter is really nice to him

"I don't know, but he has a lot of skills. I met a bad man in Jinghai City, and he helped solve it. Even the police were afraid of him..." Ye Binglin shakes her head. She only knows Ye Xiao for a few days. How can she know what ye Xiao does

"Ah? Even the police are afraid of him? " Ye Mu is a Leng, is it really a gentleman's brother? If that's the case, maybe I can help my family.

Although xiongjiaba belongs to Anyang province and is not under the jurisdiction of Jinghai City, the officials of Jinghai city have great power. Let alone xiongjiaba, that is, those government officials in Haoyang county and even Nanyun city are afraid of Jinghai people.

After all, people are municipalities directly under the central government and the most prosperous place in the country. Where can these small places compare with

However, Ye's mother is worried. Even if ye Xiao is really the son of some senior official, but this is xiongjiaba, so far away from Jinghai City, the officials here don't know him. What if Xiong Zhishu doesn't bird him at all?

In fact, it is not only Ye's mother who is worried, but ye Binglin's heart is also worried. No matter how powerful the Ye family is, it is also in Jinghai city. This is Xiong Jiaba. How can he help himself alone?Just when ye Mu wanted to ask something more, there was a loud noise outside. Ye and ye Binglin looked at the direction of the sound at the same time, and saw a large group of people rushing towards their home. At the same time, there were at least hundreds of people and their faces changed at the same time.

Come on, they actually sent people to come, and there are so many people coming. What should we do? What should I do?

Not only did ye Binglin's mother and daughter see this group of people, but ye Xiao and others sitting in the Tianba have seen this group of people for a long time. Ye Hongwei's face immediately turned pale. Seeing this posture, Xiong Zhishu is not going to give up.

But now even if you want to escape, you can't escape

It's Ye Xiao. Looking at the time, it's more than ten minutes since he called. It's time for ye yubai to go back to Tianhui town. It takes more than 20 minutes to walk from the town to here. It takes only a few minutes to ride a motorcycle

"Uncle, don't worry, it will be ok..." Seeing ye Hongwei's nervous face, ye Xiao comforts him.

Ye Hongwei almost cried. There are more than 100 of them. Can they not worry? Can you beat them all down with your dolls?

Ye Xiao didn't say anything more. Instead, he stood up from the bench and walked towards the group. As for Wang Jinchen and others, they all followed

Seeing this group of boys who are not afraid of the sky and earth, ye Hongwei gritted his teeth and quickly followed them up. How can we say that they are all brought by Zhao Meng? Don't let them have a big event here

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