"Dare you?" Ye Xiao sneered. Instead of tormenting Xiong Yang, ye Xiao took a step forward, which made people feel like a mountain had been pressed down. The man who had just spoken could not help but step back. Not only he, but other bear family members also instinctively retreated.

Ye Xiao's personal aura actually suppressed more than 100 people of the other party. Such a scene looked extremely strange, but it really happened in front of everyone.

Seeing that he was scared back by Ye Xiao, the little boy, Xiong Bo's face was ugly, and then he was inexplicably angry. At least he was a Xiong Jiaba male, and now he was scared away by a little boy. How could he get along with it?

"Yes..." Xiongbo was about to say what he didn't dare to say, but suddenly he heard a roaring sound. He was curious. It's sunny now. Is it going to rain? Why is there thunder?

"BOGO, look..." At this time, a man nearby pointed to the road at the foot of the mountain and said.

Xiongbo turned his head and saw an unimaginable scene.

At this time, they are standing on the hillside, but this is not a mountain forest, but a piece of terraced fields, so they can clearly see everything under the mountain. At this time, on the only mountain road to xiongjiaba, motorcycles make a huge roar and run towards this side at full speed.

Because the road is narrow, only one motorcycle can pass through, so this motorcycles team pulled the elder elder elder, just like a long dragon, galloping toward the mountain.

What's going on here? Why are so many people suddenly coming to xiongjiaba? What's more, they don't seem to come here to travel. Even if they want to travel, they shouldn't come here?

There is nothing but a poor mountain here, and the bikes they ride are not cross-country motorcycles, but extremely heavy motorcycles. Such motorcycles are not suitable for mountain roads at all?

Not to mention Xiong Bo, other Xiong family members, even the villagers who are still working in the world, are also looking at the motorcade running on the path with curiosity. Xiongjiaba can't get into the car. Motorcycles and bicycles have become the main means of transportation for xiongjiaba. However, the motorcycles they ride are motorcycles with thousands of yuan. When have they seen this High grade motorcycles, and there are hundreds of them. The amount is too frightening

And they'd better wonder what these people are doing?

But in the crowd behind Xiong Bo, a 17-year-old boy named Wen Zhongxin saw such a dramatic change in his face. He was also a member of xiongjiaba. He had just returned from Jinghai city. When he was originally in Jinghai City, he was also an unemployed vagrant. He mixed up with a group of gangsters all day. What he worshiped most was the original flying car party and the later Longyao club. His biggest dream was He was able to join the flying car party, but he never had a chance. He couldn't even become a member of the outer circle. Finally, he couldn't get along. He had to go back to xiongjiaba and mingle with Xiong Bo and others. However, he was not a bear after all, and his status in this group was not high, so he could play the role of everyone.

Now, seeing such a posture, his heart has fallen to the bottom of the valley. The whole city of Jinghai only has such momentum. But the problem is that Jinghai city is hundreds of kilometers away from here. How can they come here?

Wen Zhongxin is a little puzzled, but also some can't grasp whether it is really a flying car party or a dragon Yao club.

In this moment, the first motorcycle has been driven to Pingba, followed by the second, the third, the fourth

In a short time, hundreds of cars have been driven to the flat dam, which is still large enough, even if it is surrounded by hundreds of people, it does not feel crowded.

Everyone is wearing jeans and jeans. Seeing this kind of posture, Wen Zhongxin can almost 80% be sure that they are the real bikers. Other people may be able to imitate their clothes and their costumes, but the youthful momentum is absolutely impossible to imitate. Only the biker party has the momentum of rushing forward regardless of everything.

When he saw a handsome man with white hair and another crazy looking man walking down, Wen Zhongxin was 100% sure that these people were really the flying car party, which came from Jinghai City, and now the ruler of Jinghai south city and members of Longyao club.

Although he has not seen the big bikers, people on the road have rumors about the appearance of the three giants of the party. Looking at this posture, are they not the two giants of the party?

They come here in person. What is it that needs them to come here in person?

Other people are stupid. Where are these guys from? Why are so many people coming? One by one, they surrounded the people in xiongjiaba.

Seeing their arrogant appearance, they are not good people. Xiong Bo, including Xiong Bo, doesn't think these people come to travel and play.

Although the number of people is almost the same, but the momentum of their own side is obviously much weaker, this feeling is like a beggar to see the emperor.

Ye Hongwei and his wife, including Ye Binglin, are completely shocked by the scene in front of them. What's going on? Why are so many people coming all of a sudden?Ye yubai didn't pay attention to the astonishment of these people, so he just walked towards Ye Xiao. Along the way, even those people in xiongjiaba could not help but make way, as if they welcomed their own king

I can't help it. People's aura is too strong

They did not think at all, so instinctively made way for a way

"Brother Xiao, are we not late?" Ye yubai and Xiao Nan came directly to Ye Xiao's body and said casually.

"It's not too late..." Ye Xiao has a faint smile. This is the strongest combat power in his hands. He has been riding motorcycles for several hours. Now he still has such morale. Good, good. It seems that the special training results in these days are very good. Even compared with those soldiers, such a team might as well let more

"What do you need to do now?" Ye yubai said carelessly.

In fact, he already knew what he was going to do. It was just waiting for ye Xiao's order

Ye Xiao didn't answer immediately. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the bear wave who was already at a loss. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "or that sentence just now, do you dare?"

Do you dare? Just now, even if ye Xiao's momentum was strong, Xiong Bo would dare to do it. After all, there are more than 100 people on his side. But now, there are more than 100 people coming from other people. Do you dare?

Did he give up like this, and the bear didn't tear himself up?

"Saner, go and call Xiong 6 and bear 8 here. I don't believe it. Who else can spread wild on the site of xiongjiaba..." However, how can they not make a decision in a moment?

More than others, how can you compare with yourself and others?

"Do it..." Seeing that Xiong Bo even wants to call someone, ye Xiao doesn't give the order of attack directly as he wants

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