"Who is Ye Xiao? Come out for me..." The man with a strong back and a strong waist is Xiong Hu, the nephew of Xiong Zhishu. In Xiong's family, Xiong Zhishu and others call him Xiong Liu. However, the people below call him brother six. He was born with divine power since he was a child, which can be said to be the first person to fight in xiongjiaba.

But usually, Xiong Zhishu can't command him. This guy is rebellious since he was young. No one can sell his account except his brother Xiong long. If it hadn't been for the news that a stranger came to xiongjiaba to make trouble, he would not have brought anyone here

Of course, Xiong Hu naturally knows how to make trouble, but he doesn't care. In xiongjiaba, only the bear family bullies others. When is it the turn for others to bully the bear family? Although Xiong Yangxiong Bo and other guys didn't put them in his eyes, he was bullied by a group of people from outside. His bear six face is not easy to put on, isn't it?

Of course, when Ah Fu passed the message to him, he hoped that he could stop Ye Xiao and others. He would not let them leave Xiong Jiaba. Director Jia would bring people over. However, Xiong Hu didn't put these words in his eyes. If he called himself, he would follow his own will.

At the moment, he called a group of his brothers and rushed to come

And he also heard that a little guy named Ye Xiao seemed to be the head of this group of people. He just came and roared.

The members of the Longyao Association stood there one by one, without anyone answering Xiong Hu's meaning. Who is Ye Xiao? Ye Xiao is the God in their mind. If you want to come out, who do you really think you are? Is the local snake amazing? Don't say it's a local snake. If you meet a dragon Yao Hui, even a local dragon will lie down well. Otherwise, don't blame them for sweeping the whole xiongjiaba.

Seeing that no one paid attention to himself, he showed a disdainful smile one by one. Xiong Hu felt that his self-esteem had been greatly hit. No one dared to disrespect himself in xiongjiaba, but this group of foreign guys even despised themselves. Isn't that for death?

He didn't greet the people around him and walked forward with an iron bar

Seeing that Xiong Hu rushed alone, ye yubai, Xiao Nan, and other members of the Longyao society were all ready to move. They had to rush to the place and beat the 250 first. Then, ye Xiao's cold voice sounded from behind.

"What can I do for you?" Ye Xiao came out, and the other members of the party retreated respectfully to both sides. Although they wanted to teach this man a lesson, ye Xiao didn't give orders. They would never act rashly.

It has to be said that in these aspects, the Longyao club has gradually developed a military temperament.

"Xiong Yang and Xiong Bo were injured by you?" Xiong Hu said haughtily. He didn't expect that the eldest brother mentioned by the other party would be such a young guy. The guy looked gentle and quiet. He said he was a college student in the city. Xiong Hu didn't feel surprised at all, but he couldn't believe it when he said he was the leader of the group.

If it wasn't for watching these people automatically get out of the way, he would not believe

"You're talking about a bunch of guys who just came? Yes, I hurt it. How about... " Ye Xiao said faintly.

"What? "If you don't want to make up for the loss of one million yuan, I'll give you a chance to make amends, or I'll give you a chance to make amends for your loss Xiong Hu sneered. Although it is said that some of these foreigners have left, this is the territory of xiongjiaba after all, and three or four hundred people have come here. Xiong Hu really can't believe that these people dare to work against himself and others

"Ha ha, why do you bear family like to have people kneel for others? Let's make a bet, shall we Ye Xiao faintly smiles, has not the slightest angry appearance, and such big crude angry, is not belittle oneself?

"What bet?" Xiong Hu is stunned. What does this guy think? He is still in the mood to bet with himself in such a situation?

"It's very simple. If you can take three moves in my hand, even if I lose, I will do as you say. If you can't take the three moves, even if you lose, and then you can take these people away immediately?" Ye Xiao smiles faintly. To tell the truth, he is here to help, but not to make trouble. If there are really large-scale casualties here, it is not good for anyone

"Three moves?" Xiong Hu didn't put Ye Xiao's bet in his heart, but when he said that he could beat him with three moves, he thought he had heard the wrong thing and asked again.

In fact, it is not only him, but also the people in Xiong Jiaba behind him who are shocked by such words. This boy is not confused with his head, is he? He really thought that Xiong Hu was Xiong Yang's straw bag? He was beaten to the ground in one round, but his opponent was Xiong Hu. He was a famous man in Xiong Jiaba. Let alone three moves, even 300 moves might not be able to beat him to the ground.

"Good, three moves..." Ye Xiao nods hard!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Hearing Ye Xiao's affirmative reply, Xiong Hu immediately burst into laughter. Not only he, but many people behind him also laughed one by one, as if hearing the most funny joke in the world.See these people wantonly laugh at their big brother, the members of the Longyao club one by one look livid, really a group of reckless guys, a moment to see how you can laugh out.

"What? Dare not? " Ye Xiao doesn't have much expression on his face. He doesn't want to waste too much time with these people

"Fart, there are still people in the world that I dare not dare to do, but the scandal is said in front of me. If you accidentally kill you for a while, don't blame me..." Bear tiger said fiercely.

"Ha ha, of course..." Ye Xiao smiles faintly.

"Then you go to die..." Bear tiger roared, the tall body stepped forward, directly twisted the iron bar in his hand and hit Ye Xiao head.

It was very powerful and powerful, not to mention Ye Xiao's head. Even if a big rock was hit, it would be smashed. Many people even closed their eyes involuntarily. It seemed that they were afraid of the scene of their head smashing.

Seeing Xiong Hu coming, he would kill himself. Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows. Seeing his posture, he didn't take human life seriously. Otherwise, how could he kill him? Maybe, there are still several homicides on his body. If so, it would be easy to do

Without too much hesitation, when Xiong Hu held up the iron bar, ye Xiao's body had already stepped out, and

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