Seeing these soldiers getting closer and closer, Jia Zhengyang's smile on his face became more and more brilliant. With these armed police coming forward, he could not believe that these people really dare to resist. If that were the case, he could have killed them on the spot.

In a short time, hundreds of soldiers rushed to fill the huge flat dam. A man in his thirties, dressed in dark green military uniform, came out. Beside him, he followed a silent man in his twenties.

At the sight of the silent man, ye Xiao, ye yubai, Xiao Nan, and even many members of the original flying car party burst into laughter. Ye yubai, in particular, laughs so much that he is happy and happy, as if he has seen the most interesting thing in the world.

"Commander Lin, you are here at last. These thugs gathered illegally and committed crimes in public. They rewarded the names of the two villages. Not only that, they also resisted the law and arrested them, but also bothered commander Lin to help collect their weapons..." Jia Zhengyang welcomed him with a smile on his face.

In fact, their official positions are almost the same, except that one is in the army and the other is in the government. However, Jia Zhengyang knows that he is far inferior to commander Lin in terms of his status and status. If he is only in his early 30s, he is already a regimental leader. What does this mean? Besides his own skills, he also has a strong backstage. Otherwise, he is so old How can you be a leader?

Lin Feng nodded to Jia Zhengyang, as if to say hello, then glanced at Ye Xiao and others, and said with no expression on his face: "take away..."

The silent man who followed him took the lead and all the other soldiers followed

Seeing a group of armed soldiers rush to the scene, ye yubai and others have already thrown their weapons on the ground, but one by one, they are not serious at all. It seems that they are not arrested at all, but are joking.

Seeing that this group of people were not in a proper shape, those soldiers who rushed forward were not polite. They punched and kicked ye yubai, who was most proud of his smile, was hit by the butt of a gun, which dazzled his head. He immediately calmed down, but his eyes gave a fierce glance at the silent man, which meant to settle accounts for a while.

The silent man completely ignores ye yubai's murderous eyes and can take this opportunity to beat this guy. Why not?

Just when looking at Ye Xiao, his eyes are full of gentleness

Soon, hundreds of members of the Longyao society were all under control, and one by one became extremely serious, for fear of infuriating this group of soldiers.

Seeing Lin's cooperation, the smile on Jia Zhengyang's face became more intense. He was about to say something, but he heard the voice of leader Lin continue to ring: "and they, take them away together..."

"Commander Lin, you see, they are just ordinary villagers, and they are still injured. Do you want to send them to the hospital first?" Jia Zhengyang didn't expect that Lin Feng would take Xiong long and Xiong Hu with him. He was stunned

"Director Jia, this time there was such a big turmoil, the division commander was very angry, personally ordered that everyone involved in the fight must be brought back, and I also acted according to the order!" Lin Feng looked at Jia Zhengyang seriously, without any polite meaning.

As soon as they heard that anyone who took part in the fight would be taken away, the villagers behind Xiong Zhishu were flustered one by one, and many of them retreated quietly. They didn't want to be taken into the military camp.

At the beginning, the villagers were worried that Lin Feng would not let them go, but when they saw that Lin Feng didn't mean to stop them, the others left one by one

Soon, Xiong Zhishu and a group of people from the police station were left on the scene. Of course, Xiong long and Xiong Hu were the people named by Lin, and no one dared to help them leave.

"Director Jia They... " Commander Lin snored at the departing crowd, which means obviously. I've already given face. If you don't let me take it away, I won't be able to do business

Seeing that Lin Tuan Chang has made such a big concession, Jia Zhengyang's face once again shows a smile. This is the leader Lin, who is on his side anyway.

"Ha ha, chief Lin, thank you, but they are my brother-in-law's nephew, you..."

"Don't worry, director Jia. I'll take good care of them. By the way, Secretary Xiong would like to come with us. Don't worry, just explain the process of the matter..." Lin Feng's face rarely squeezed out a smile, when speaking, it is possible to emphasize the two words of care.

Hearing this, Jia Zhengyang's smile grew stronger. He knew that this was just a form. After all, if the armed police were sent out this time, it would be obviously unreasonable to take only these people away.

"Old bear, you should go with regiment leader Lin. remember to tell the truth and don't hide anything..." Jia Zhengyang is actually a little younger than Secretary Xiong. It's not appropriate to call him brother-in-law. He has always been called old Xiong

"OK, director Jia, I will report it truthfully..." Xiong Zhishu bumped his butt and ran over and said with a smile on his face.

Division commander, that's a senior member of the military who is equal to the municipal Party committee. If you can take advantage of this opportunity and get close to each other, you will have no hope. If you can send your son into the army, you may have a good future.Xiong Zhishu is very satisfied to accept this task. Look at the kind spirit of the leader Lin and his elder brother, he should not give himself bitter fruit to eat, right? It must be a program or something

"Go..." Lin Feng waved one hand, and a group of soldiers immediately led them down.

No matter Ye Xiao, ye yubai, or other members of the Longyao club, they did not resist at all. They behaved as if they were jubilant. However, such a scene scared Ye Hongwei's family.

How come even the army has been sent out? In this way, are they in trouble? It was Zhao Meng who kept comforting him that he would not be in trouble. What's more, he told him not to worry. Ye Xiao and they would come back soon, but ye Hongwei didn't listen to him.

Even the army is out. How can it be ok?

When the armed police soldiers left with the mobs, Jia Zhengyang glanced at Ye Hongwei and others. His attention fell on Ye Binglin. He snorted and led a group of policemen down the mountain.

In an army camp less than 10 kilometers away from xiongjiaba, a dark green military vehicle drove into the camp. As soon as the car was stable, Lin Feng jumped out of the car and ran to the back. The Xiong Zhishu in the same car was not known. So, seeing the commander in chief Lin in such a hurry, he jumped out of the car and followed him. He saw that the leader of the forest regiment was right Like Ye Xiao, Xiong Zhishu is stunned. Is it time to start interrogation?

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