Ye Xiao didn't pull out the throwing knife that was inserted into Yu's throat. On the one hand, it was not his own Throwing Knife engraved with the word "enchanting soul". On the other hand, it was also a warning to those who were prepared to do harm to themselves, at least to make them think that they had something to do with gou hun! Otherwise, there are always some cats and dogs pestering themselves, which can be very uncomfortable, they have nothing to do, but once the people around them because of their carelessness and what injury, then it is too late to regret!

Just as ye Xiao was about to leave, the sound of the police in the distance was getting closer and closer. Even ye Xiao had heard the voice of the surrounding people dispersing and shook his head helplessly. Now he is still thinking about what Mr. Yu said before. Chen Wenyu and Chen Feng hired him to kill themselves. Let's put it aside. What is the identity of the black faced man? How could he have predicted where he was going? And you know that? If he is really so powerful, he can kill himself in person. Why should he deal with himself through a person who is impossible to kill himself?

Ye Xiao was a little confused, even said that he couldn't think of it

"Stop for me Just as ye Xiao was about to slip away, there was a clear female voice behind her. Ye Xiao didn't look back and knew that it was Yu Ziyu's violent girl. So the moment she heard the voice, the whole person's speed was accelerated and ran towards the distance. The violent girl, the fool, stopped!

"Asshole!" Yu Ziyu saw Ye Xiao's voice and ran away. Her face changed. She held up the pistol and fired three shots at Ye Xiao!

"Damn it!" Ye Xiao, who was running, suddenly jumped up and scolded, "is this girl crazy? Did you shoot? " However, ye Xiao will not stop foolishly!

While Yu Ziyu was in the same place and stomped her feet. When she was ready to rush to chase Ye Xiao, Luo Yongliang put his right hand on her shoulder from one side and said faintly: "OK, clean up the scene quickly. This matter can't let the top know. Once this news is poked out, if it can't be suppressed, it will be a big mess, so many people on the street A gun attack is no less than a violent terrorist attack! " Luo Yongliang side said, while let the people around quickly deal with the scene!

However, ye Xiao is still very admired in my heart. So many people hold heavy weapons in their hands. That boy can escape, and the most important thing is to kill four people! Yu Ziyu naturally in Luo Yongliang's persuasion, did not rush up, but she secretly vowed, next time must let him know his powerful, who ah, oneself have so terrible? Run when you see yourself?

For some bodies at the scene, Luo Yongliang and Yu Ziyu personally inspected them. Especially for the old man outside the supermarket, one leg was twisted like a twist and his hands were pierced with sharp weapons. Especially on the old man's neck, there was a flying knife the size of a thumb!

"What is this?" Originally, Yu Ziyu was still curious and prepared to simply investigate the wound to see what the old man had been hurt. Suddenly, he saw the flying knife on his neck, squatted down, touched it gently with his hand, and finally pulled it out directly! Because these people all know that ye Xiao killed them, plus they are a group of outlaws, so there is no need to preserve the corpse for some kind of evidence!

"Director Luo, is he the one who killed him with this?" Yu Ziyu took the flying knife which was only the size of thumb in his hand in amazement. His heart was full of consternation. So big, could he be faster than a pistol in his hand?

Luo Yongliang looked at Yu Lao lying on the ground with solemn eyes. His face showed a strange expression: "is it him?"

"He?" One side of Yu Ziyu slightly a Leng: "what he?"

"Nothing!" Luo Yongliang obviously doesn't want Yu Ziyu to know too much about Lao Yu. However, Luo Yongliang's awe of Ye Xiao is deeper. As the director of Jinghai Public Security Bureau, Luo Yongliang is also very clear about some international affairs. He can easily solve this powerful and experienced killer in front of him with a flying knife. Then, his own strength may be already To a certain extent! At this time, Luo Yongliang was more sure of his original decision to stand on the side of Ye Xiao! After looking at Yu Ziyu's throwing knife, he said, "put this thing away! Then clean up the scene

Yu Ziyu was puzzled, but he didn't want to say anything more when he saw Luo Yongliang. Even though he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't want to ask more!

After more than three hours of cleaning up, when there was basically no trace on the scene, the boundary line was contacted. Less than three minutes after the police left, three men in black night clothes rushed into the supermarket where ye Xiao had broken into. Under the frightened eyes of the owner, they quickly removed the hard disk in the surveillance video, and then And left in a hurry to the West!

Half an hour later, in the conference room of a building in Xicheng, long Jinhao sat in his position coldly, while beside him stood a white fat man and Li duo, vice president of Longxing Association! In the middle of them was a digital projector, and on the opposite screen was the surveillance video from the supermarket!

Several people watched the video before and after less than a minute for several times, and then the picture was fixed at the moment of Ye Xiao's hand. A white light came out of his hand and stopped in the air. From the blurred picture, you can see the outline of a flying knife!Long Jinhao slowly stood up at this time and pointed to the white light between the killer and ye Xiao and said in a cold voice, "tell me what you think!"

One side of the white fat man squinted, staring at the screen, thought about it and then said: "dragon boss, I think this throwing knife must have been released before the killer shot! I can't believe that this flying knife will be faster than a bullet! "

Long Jinhao did not speak, but turned his head and looked at Li duo. He seemed to want to hear his opinions!

Li duo did not speak in a hurry, but looked at the screen. After half a sound, he began to speak slowly: "I think he should have shot at the moment that the killer shot. The throwing knife and the bullet almost shot at the same time! But there is one point that we all ignore, that is, the shadow standing behind the white fat man. If I guess right, this shadow should be ye Xiao! Because his speed is too fast and the condition of the surveillance video is limited, we can't get a specific picture! "

"No way!" One side of the white fat man directly denied: "I also understand the meaning of the second in charge, but there is no one in the world who can pass the bullet fast, and this ye Xiao is impossible at all!"

"I didn't say that he was faster than a bullet. I mean, he was throwing the throwing knife before the killer shot him, and when he moved again, he threw the Throwing Knife!" Li duo took a cold look at the white fat man, and then explained! Li Duo is a little dissatisfied with the white fat man, but he can't say anything. Although he is the second leader of Longxing club, Bai pang can't do anything to him because of his performance in the recent period of time! Otherwise, the Dragon boss will be angry, even if he is the second leader of Longxing Association, I'm afraid it will not come to a good end!

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