In an ordinary villa in the southern suburb of Jinghai City, a white Audi car slowly drove into the villa. Ye Xiao, dressed in black, jumped out of the villa. A Filipino servant in her twenties had already been waiting at the door. Seeing ye Xiao get out of the car, he immediately met him

"Mr. Ye, Miss Ye has been waiting in the study for a long time..." Filipino maid's Putonghua is very standard, even with a little static Haiyin.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded, raised her feet and stepped up the steps. She went straight to your study on the third floor. She knocked on the door. After the voice of inviting in came from inside, she opened the door and walked in

This study is not big, at least compared with the study in Guyu mountain villa. It is only about 30 square meters. The decoration is very simple. In addition to a large bookcase, there is only a mahogany desk and a set of bamboo chairs for tea table. At this time, Yi Guyun is sitting in front of the desk in a set of black professional clothes, constantly tapping the computer keyboard

"Sit anywhere..." Did not look up at Ye Xiao, eyes are staring at the computer screen.

Ye Xiao shakes her head and says nothing more. She goes to a rattan chair opposite yiguyun and sits down. There is a cup of green tea on the tea table next to it. Seeing the steaming hot appearance, it should be just made

Ye Xiao picked up the cup and tasted it gently. The taste was slightly bitter, but the aftertaste was sweet. This should be the bamboo leaf green from Emei Mountain.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Yi Guyun still didn't stop working. Ye Xiao was not worried. She just sat on a bamboo chair and looked at Yi Guyun carefully. How could she be worthy of herself if she didn't take good care of her eyes

Compared with a few months ago, yiguyun has changed a lot. In the past, she looked like an immortal, which gave people a feeling of being free from vulgarity. Like a fairy in the sky, she had no worries, no worries, and no human beings should have the joys and sorrows of human beings. It seems that she always has that kind of heart whenever

But now she is less of this kind of happy mood, on the contrary, it seems that there is a mountain on her body, she will frown from time to time, will also scratch the head from time to time, more will look at the screen, it can be said that the human expression and action will appear on her body, but do not know why, ye Xiao feels that she is more inhumane than before.

In the past, although she was noble and elegant, she still made people happy. The reason why she didn't dare to get close to her was because she was so excellent that people would feel adored and distance them. No matter who was in front of her, she would feel ashamed. But now it is different. Now she gives people a cold feeling, just like a robot.

Yes, the robot, at the moment yiguyun, is a robot, although there are human expressions and movements, but her expression is a trace of unchanged, just like a cold robot.

At the thought of this word, ye Xiao was shocked by his own idea. If such a beautiful woman became a robot, what would it look like?

"What can I do for you so late?" Just when ye Xiao is stunned, Yi Guyun has stood up from her seat. Judging from her appearance, she should have finished the work

"Ha ha, can't I come to you if you have nothing to do?" Ye Xiao smiles. He doesn't want to become a robot who only knows how to work according to the ancient rhyme

Yi Guyun doesn't speak. She just looks at Ye Xiao

Seeing yiguyun's expression, ye Xiao sighed softly in her heart. Maybe before regaining Hengtian Group, she really didn't want to do anything else?

"Xu Yifeng came to me today..." Ye Xiaodao gave his purpose of coming here

Yi Guyun also did not speak, just continued to look at Ye Xiao

Xiaoye is not a qualified audience

"He said that he could transfer 5% of the equity of Hengtian Group to you..." However, knowing that according to the mood of Guyun now, ye Xiao doesn't say much, she can only speak.

"Conditions?" According to the ancient rhyme light said.

"Let you cooperate with him to acquire the property of Shangguan family..."

"Go to the government?" According to Gu Yun's eyebrows, shangguanyun is now Xu Yifeng's ally. He even wants to buy Shangguan's industry. What does he want to do?

"Well, I'm also very confused. After thinking for a long time, I can't think of any reason to come..." Ye Xiao gave a bitter smile. He had thought about this question for a long time, but he still didn't understand that Xu Yifeng would make such a big concession when dealing with his allies. You should know that now Yigu Yun has 48% shares of Hengtian Group. Once Xu Yifeng hands over 5%, she will be the largest shareholder of Hengtian Group, and will soon replace Xu Yifeng as Heng Heng The chairman of Tian Group, in this way, Xu Yifeng has spent a long time in his mind, isn't it totally in vain?

"Do you know what the Shangguan family does?" After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth and said

"It should be the real estate industry. They have been competing with situ Nan all the time..." Ye Xiao thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

"In addition to this, there is the transportation industry, especially the sea transportation..." I added a sentence according to the ancient rhyme

"You mean Xu Yifeng wants to control the maritime transportation industry of Shangguan family?" Ye Xiao is surprised, but then he is more confused. Xu Yifeng spent so much energy and so much cost, is it to control the sea route? What the hell is he shipping? What's more, he didn't want to let shangguanyun know about it. Otherwise, he could go directly to shangguanyunYi Guyun did not speak again, but her eyes had helped her answer such questions

Once again, the study fell into silence. Even according to Gu Yun, she knew little about Xu Yifeng. She could guess that Xu Yifeng's purpose of controlling the officials was amazing. There was no clue about Xu Yifeng's ultimate goal

"Or do you want to cooperate with him once?" After a long time, ye Xiaocai asked tentatively. Although he knew that Xu Yifeng must have made some big moves, it was the best chance for yiguyun to take back Hengtian Group. He didn't want yiguyun to be as busy as he is now. However, he also understood that since Xu Yifeng was willing to pay such a high price, he must have got more. In this matter, yiguyun may not agree

"Good..." Who would have expected that yiguyun should take it down, which makes Ye Xiao stunned. Is this too simple?

"Don't you want to know what he wants to do? Is it OK to cooperate with him in defeating the officials? " Seeing ye Xiao's startled appearance, he rolled his eyes according to the ancient rhyme, then turned around and walked outside, leaving only a figure full of reverie for ye Xiao

Can you still play like this?

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