After seeing ye Xiao, Cai Shao, sitting on the sofa, did not get angry. Instead, he stood up politely and came to Su Qin and said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Su. I'm Cai Jing, the boss of the entertainment company." Say then smile ha ha of extend own right hand!

However, Su Qin on one side did not make any movement at all, or did not even look at him, let alone reach out and shake hands with him. This scene made the cousin, Su Fu and Su mother feel embarrassed, and Cai Jing, as the client, was even more upset. However, she did not show it on her face. She just wondered, do these girls like to be young recently White faced? Even if it's a little white face, I should be better than the boy in the dirt? Besides, he is the boss of the entertainment company. How many young girls choose to sleep with themselves in order to enter the entertainment industry, and how many female stars want to be their lovers in private. In his opinion, no woman does not love vanity. As long as he says the identity of the boss of the entertainment company, the little girl still runs to her side? But what he never thought of was that they ignored themselves at all!

Suppress the anger in the heart, embarrassed to take back the right hand, very unnatural scratch the forehead, and one side of Ye Xiao suddenly opened a way: "your head itch?"

"Ah?" Cai Jing seems to have not reacted to come over what happened, how to jump to the problem of head itching all of a sudden? So the subconscious answer is, "it's a little itchy."

"If you itch, go to see a doctor. What are you doing here? It's true." Ye Xiao disdains a glance at Cai Jing!

"Why don't you know the rules so much? Do you know where this is and who Cai Shao is? " Cai Shaona could not watch it, but she invited him. In her mind, she was superior. Now how can she feel so well when woodlouse says so?

Without waiting for ye Xiao to speak, Su Fu on one side said, "Yexiao, right? I think you'd better leave qin'er! You are not suitable! " Su Fu's impression of Ye Xiao was not very good before. You should know that he had suffered a lot to hurt Chen Guangyu's line. Once he and Chen Guangyu became relatives, his advertising agency would not be far away from the day of his success! But all this was stirred up by this bastard in front of me! Originally he thought he had something to do with what big people, so he secretly investigated, but found that this boy usually had little relationship with other social people, but almost no background. Although he did not know why Secretary Chen let Ye Xiao go at that time, he could not say that he was not worthy of his daughter!

Cai Shao is really young and promising. At the age of 25, he has already reached such a high position. It can be imagined that in the future, he may enter the top management of Baiming group, one of the three major consortia in Jinghai. It is only a matter of time! Baiming group is one of the three largest consortia in Jinghai city. Although it is only the third, it also belongs to the top in China! So if his daughter can marry him, then his company will really have a turning point!

Su Qin's face changed in vain when she heard her father's words. She never expected that this sentence would come from her father's mouth, and it was still so direct. She had thought that similar words might be from her mother's mouth, but she didn't expect that it would be taken over like this. She looked at her father with red eyes and almost growled: "why If you say it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate? "

Su Fu was slightly stunned because he didn't expect that his daughter would suddenly contradict him. In the past, although his daughter would contradict her mother because of something, she was just a stepmother anyway. In Su Fu's mind, Su Qin was a good girl. Otherwise, she would not have been cruel. When she was 18, she would have given her daughter a sports car worth more than 4 million yuan ! To know that more than four million sports cars, it is also a luxury for people of his level! If it is not really love, the hand will not be so generous!

But what he never thought of was that the obedient girl in the past, now for an outsider, unexpectedly contradicted himself? "Chin'er, come with me!" Su Fu's eyes glared at Ye Xiao, then threw an apologetic look at Cai Jing on one side, and then directly took Su Qin and walked towards the inner room!

"Qin'er, what I say to you is for your own good. Cai Jing, the boss of the entertainment company, Wenyu company is under the Baiming consortium..."

"Ha ha, under Baiming, is the company so important in dad's eyes? Zhou Xiaoting is also my good sister. Today's Zhou family controls the whole Baiming consortium, and luoqingcheng is the successor of mingluo consortium. Dad, what kind of contract did you sign with that boy? Or did he agree to promise you something? I'll go to Xiaoting and I'm sure she'll give me face... " Su Qin sneered, now she really don't know how to say, when her father has become so snobbish?

"Asshole, how do you talk?" Su Fu's face changed. He looked at Su Qin in front of him. After half a ring, he said, "Qin Er, things are not what you think. Besides, although Zhou Xiaoting is the daughter of Zhou family, can she be the master? Should the first successor of the Zhou family be his brother Zhou Dabao? There are also luoqingcheng and Luojia, which have a considerable position not only in Jinghai, but also in the whole of China. Even if they promise you, what will they think of you? But this CAI Shao is really different. Although the Cai family is working for the Zhou family, they have taken over all these things by their own efforts. The most important thing is that they are only 25 years old. It is estimated that in less than two years, they will be able to reach the top level of Baiming financial group! By then... ""If you want to marry yourself, I'll be with Ding Ye Xiao in my whole life." Su Qin was so angry with her father that she almost cried out. In this family, if it wasn't for her father, she would not have come back, but now her father forced her to marry her! Thanks to what he said when he was a child, he would never engage in commercial marriage, but now?

"You..." Su's father was so angry that his hands trembled with anger. He seemed to want to slap her, but the hand never went down. He sighed and said, "even if you don't marry Cai Shao, you can't marry him. What's good about a little gangster?"

"Who says he's a jerk!" Su Qin said with a little weeping voice: "anyway, I came back today to tell Dad the matter clearly, and don't mention it in the future. By the way, Dad, you should remember the incident when I was a child at my cousin's house? Have you forgotten how she insulted me and our family? "

"I..." Su's father was so refuted by Su Qin. Although he was very angry in his heart, it did not mean that he didn't know something about the world. In addition, his distant cousin was not generally snobbish. Now, if it wasn't for her company's success, she would be too lazy to talk to herself! After thinking of this, Su Fu sighed helplessly, and then said, "it's just it. You can do what you want!"

When Su Qin saw the helpless and sad expression on her father's face, she felt a pain in her heart. She ran over to her father and said, "Dad, I'm really sorry, i..."

"Well, silly daughter, since you don't like it, forget it! Dad won't force you. Dad is just a daughter like you. Who does not hurt you? But... " Su Fu's voice suddenly changed. Then he looked at Su Qin in front of him and said, "you can't marry Cai Jing, but you can't follow a gangster."

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