"Well! This is a good way! " Ye Xiao nodded slowly after listening to it. "What do you think?"

Others basically have no mind. If they are asked to solve some ordinary things, they can, but now let them think about these problems, naturally not good at it! So when each hears this method, he nodded naturally and said well! After the method is confirmed, he will be ready to implement. In fact, for Chen Guangyu, the last dog jumps into the wall, ye Xiao really doesn't want to pay attention to it, but if he doesn't care, it can't be. So now, he is naturally happy with this method!

Originally, some people were secretly guessing whether Xingyao would offend any big official or not, and some news began to spread on the Internet, what Chen Guangyu was merciful and hostile to the enemy, the senior level of the suspected star Yao Association didn't give him money and so on, and then was suppressed by Chen Guangyu and sealed up and so on! Generally, such public opinion spread very quickly, so it took only one day, and most citizens of Jinghai city already knew this! Finally, led by some members of the star Yao society, these people began to March, saying what to resist Chen Guangyu and so on! Such a parade almost every day, a face lasted for three days!

And at this moment, Chen Guangyu's house, Chen Wenyu sat aside, looking anxiously at his father and asked, "Dad, what is this going on?"

"Oh!" Chen Guangyu knew that he had been defeated. Even with Matsuta's help, he looked at his son and said, "Wenyu, you will follow Mr. Sangmu to leave here later!"

"Dad, what do you mean?" Chen Wenyu is a little confused. Before that, how can he suddenly become this?

Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Oh, let's go!"

"What's the matter with Dad!" Chen Wenyu is still hidden in the drum. Although he knows his father seems to cooperate with Japanese, he is not clear about it!

"Don't ask again!" Chen Guangyu angrily drank, and then said to Sangmu: "although our cooperation has not been reached, I hope you can save my son!"

Mulberry wood looked at Chen Wenyu and said, "no problem!"

"Thank you so much!" Chen sighed, took a syringe out of his arms, and directly into his artery, and injected 50 ml of air directly into the foot!

"Dad, what are you doing! Dad Chen Wenyu is stupid. What happened to his father? What was he playing just now?

Chen Guangyu sat beside and looked at his son and said, "you must live well, don't avenge your father!"

"Dad! What are you talking about? What does it mean? " Chen Wenyu cried, he really did not know what happened, as if he woke up, the whole world has changed!

Chen Guangyu reached out to wipe the tears from chenwenyu's eyes and said, "your mother died early. I pulled you up in one hand. You are the lifeblood of dad. But this time, dad really can't do anything. Dad also tries his best. Remember to go with them and leave Huaxia, never come back!"

"Dad..." Chen Wenyu almost cried to see! Looking at the father who was once dignified, Chen Wenyu was as heartbroken as a knife!

"Well, there is a card in the safe. You just take that card when you go. The code is your mother's birthday. As for the rest, you will not be allowed to take away, otherwise the government will not let you go! That card has 100 million. You take the money, go abroad, never come back "He said that his face began to twitch, his eyes protruded like a bell, and the whole body was shaking at this time!

"Dad ~ ~ dad ~" Chen Wenyu held his father tightly, and a line of tears flashed and sobbed. The mulberry wood beside said nothing. Only when Chen Guangyu sat on the sofa still motionless, he walked and dragged Chen Wenyu and said, "go now, and it will not be too late!"

"No My father I. I'm going to be with my dad! " Chen Wenyu is a dandy no matter what he says. He doesn't have the spirit and courage of Lin Xueming. He only knows how to enjoy fun. He thinks that if he has Laozi there, he is the heaven and the earth. But he never thought that when he left him one day, what would the world look like!

"Go now!" Mulberry wood impatient, directly pull up Chen Wenyu, while Chen Wenyu is tears looking at the couch Chen Guangyu, murmured: "Dad, I will give you revenge, will certainly!"

Then I went directly to the safe and took the bank card directly But when he left, he didn't notice that there was a broken sheepskin in the original safe. The broken one was almost one material compared with the one in the hands of the drug heaven

And not long after mulberry wood left, that original room, a black shadow flashed, ran directly to Chen Guangyu, reached for the big artery on his neck, and then frowned: "this old family really did it?" It is Ye Xiao who speaks! He had never thought of coming here in the middle of the night, but suddenly he thought that it would be bad if he was thinking about some ghost flowers to deal with himself. Most importantly, if the old thing came to a fish and the net broke in the end, it must be himself who suffered the loss, so come to see it in advance! But who knows this old man unexpectedly surrounded to let his son live, oneself died in advance? Ye Xiao shook his head helplessly, then turned to leave, just saw that the safe seemed to be open, there are many gold bars and jewelry and so on. Ye Xiao is not very interested in these, although he also loves money, but it is not poor to this point! But ye Xiao just glanced at it, and when he was ready to leave, he just saw the broken sheepskin!Ye Xiao's heart a burst of doubt, what is this sheepskin roll in the end? How could Chen Guangyu put it in the safe? Ye Xiao takes out the parchment in doubt. There is no writing on this scroll, but there are some lines and lines. It looks like a map! But what map is this? There is no explanation, not to mention any indication! Ye Xiao roughly looked at it and simply put it into his arms! I'll know. Maybe one day!

After ye Xiao stuffed the scroll into his arms, he naturally searched Chen Guangyu's home again. Of course, he was looking for the same one. Looking at the two palm sized ones, ye Xiao knew that there were still several pieces of parchment together, so that he could understand what it was! However, when ye Xiao finished searching, he found that there was only one in his house. He sighed slightly and turned to run outside!

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