Chen Sheng's face changed as soon as his blood was gone. He had no doubt about the truth of this sentence. After all, the other party was Huangfu meteor. The Huangfu family is a famous family in Jinghai city. Isn't it for him to fight against such a family?

When he was about to leave, he heard Ye Xiao's more arrogant voice. My God, he dared to ask the prince of Huangfu's family to stop. Didn't he know who the man was? Absolutely not a small star entertainment company can match.

Is he a fool? Chen Sheng's heart leaps, but when she sees huayuewu again, she finds that she is just sitting there with a normal face. She has no intention to dissuade Ye Xiao. She is puzzled. If ye Xiao doesn't know what Huangfu meteor represents, huayuewu certainly knows. Isn't she worried about Huangfu meteor's revenge?

Or is she not worried about Huangfu meteor's revenge? At the thought of this, Chen Sheng's heart is a little more stable, but at the same time, there is a doubt. In Jinghai City, there are not many people who dare to challenge Huangfu meteor. Those who can challenge Huangfu family do not need to cooperate with themselves? What's going on here?

"What? You want to hit me? " Huangfu meteor stopped, turned around and looked at Ye Xiao with disdain on his face. He didn't believe that this guy dared to fight here. Once he did it, the security guards would send him out immediately

"Come here..." Ye Xiao didn't immediately say anything to Huangfu meteor. Instead, he ticked his finger at a waiter holding a tray not far away. Although the waiter didn't understand what was happening here, but the guest had a request, he immediately came over with the tray. There was a bottle of high-grade red wine and several wine glasses on the tray. Whenever the guest had a demand, he would have to pour the red wine

Seeing this small dynamic, Huangfu meteor sneered. It seems that this guy is going to apologize to himself, but do you want to forgive him? forgive? No forgiveness? Well, if he is willing to let Huayue charm out and sleep with him for a night, even if he forgives him?

As for Chen Sheng, he also looks at Ye Xiao curiously. He doesn't understand why Ye Xiao asked the waiter to come over

Soon, the waiter has come to Ye Xiao. Instead of picking up the wine glass on the tray, ye Xiao grabs the red wine bottle on the tray and smashes it directly at Huangfu meteor

"Pa..." The red wine bottle hit Huangfu meteor's forehead heavily. The purple red liquid was sprinkled everywhere, and the broken glass slag was flying everywhere. A bright red blood flowed down from Huangfu meteor's forehead

Some of the busy halls were quiet immediately. At least the whole area was quiet. Everyone turned their eyes to this side. When they saw the blood splashing from Huangfu's meteor forehead, all the people showed their astonished expression.

Who is that guy who dares to smash Huangfu meteor with wine bottle? Is he crazy?

The waiter who came over was also stunned. He thought that the guest needed red wine, but now he wants wine bottle as a weapon. No matter how he came from, once the young master Huangfu is investigated, his high paid job will come to an end

What can I do?

Chen Sheng is also stunned to see all this, this brother is too cow, a word does not agree to pull out the bottle to hit people, this is also too crazy, this is a party, but here came so many big people, and the other party is Huangfu meteor, in front of so many people, this is simply a death feud, even if he is the son of a senior official, openly It's not clear to offend Huangfu meteor.

And his side of Elena is also full of horror looking at all this, but after the shock, her eyes actually shot a burning light, I really did not expect to meet such a manly man here, if only we could have a beautiful encounter with him?

The only thing that can keep calm on the scene is Hua YUEWU. When Huangfu meteor said that threat, she expected such an outcome. Who is Ye Xiao, the godfather of the southern city of Jinghai City, and the actual ruler of Jinghai city's underworld. No one has ever dared to threaten him. This guy dare to threaten him. This is not to seek death ?

Even though the threat was ignored, she wiped her right hand with a handkerchief in front of Ye Xiao's face and threw it away casually. What's the meaning? It's a slap in the face. It's not to say that ye Xiao soiled his hand in front of the public. It's an extreme insult. Don't say ye Xiao, even Hua YUEWU would like to take the wine bottle and smash it.

In this world, no one can insult Ye Xiao and nothing will happen.

Hua YUEWU clearly remembers that ye Xiao, who had just arrived in Jinghai city and had nothing to lose, dared to fight against such figures as Shangguan wudaobai choufei, let alone a small Huangfu meteor?

Compared with Shangguan, he is much weaker

As for Huangfu meteor, he also looked at all this with a blank in his mind. Originally, he thought Ye Xiao was going to apologize to him, but he also thought about whether to forgive him for his rudeness. Who knows this boy started without saying a wordThere was burning pain in his head, but it was difficult to bring Huangfu meteor back to reality. He could not believe that someone dared to hit him in front of so many people.

It's impossible. It must be a dream? Yes, it should be a dream? But why does it hurt? Why is the brain that kind of sharp pain? When he heard the talk around him, Huangfu Liuxing understood that this was not a dream. He really dared to beat himself

"If you dare to hit me, do you know who I am?" Huangfu meteor got angry and yelled at Ye Xiao directly. He swore that he would make this guy regret. Even if he knelt on the ground and asked for his forgiveness, he would not let him go

"I care who you are..." Ye Xiaocai won't be polite to Huangfu meteor. What he hates most is that he moves out of the backstage after being bullied.

At the same time, he grabbed Huangfu meteor's hair and ran into a glass coffee table beside him

"Ah..." See such a scene, a lot of girls immediately issued a voice of exclamation, this can be fatal?

As for Huangfu meteor, he was so white with fear that he tried to break free. However, ye Xiao's strength was so strong and his hair was torn so painful that he could not break away from him for a moment

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