Ye Xiaoshun looked at the past and found that the sentry here should have just been built, or in other words, these talents came here this morning, walked slowly and said to the sentry, "what's the matter?"

"Sir, we need to check the contents of your car. I hope you can cooperate with us." The sentry looked at Ye Xiao and said not humbly or haughtily! Ye Xiao did not answer his words, but looked at him slowly and said, "which army are you?"

The sentry was slightly stunned, then looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Sir, you don't need to know this, you..." What the sentry said just half of what he said suddenly stopped, because he saw that the man in front of him had at some time a little green book, and the cover of the small book was painted with a wolf head, and the inside was written with a so and so army, leader of wolf tooth special brigade, code name: enchanting the soul!

In the eyes of these soldiers, the wolf tooth special brigade is the most sacred place. Although it is not known to the world, those soldiers almost all know such a mysterious place. They are the fangs of the motherland, protecting their motherland in secret! So when he saw Ye Xiao's small book, he immediately respectfully saluted him, and then said to Ye Xiao, "Hello, chief!"

"Well, good!" Ye Xiao nodded slowly. In fact, the reason why Ye Xiao showed him Xiaoben was that he could see his heart clearly, so he showed him a look, and then said to him, "now tell me which army you belong to!"

"Report back to the chief, I belong to the static naval area, wolf special forces!"

"Wolf special forces?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, the country has such an army? Why haven't you heard of it?

The soldier seemed to see ye Xiao's doubts and quickly explained: "report back to the chief, the wolf special force was established in the last month, which belongs to the static naval area, and general Zhang is our commander!" 4

"General Zhang?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng: "are you his soldier?"

"Report back to the chief, no!"

"Oh Ye Xiao is a little relieved after hearing this, but what is general Zhang preparing to do when he suddenly creates such a wolf special force? And send them here? Wolf? Wolf tooth? ha-ha! Ye Xiao ha ha ha a smile, this son of a bitch should not want to make a special brigade similar to wolf teeth?

"Well, I see. If your boss asks, you can't tell me my identity. As for what you want to say, it's up to you! Work hard Ye Xiao said and patted the sentry on the shoulder!

And the sentry said respectfully, "yes, chief!"

After that, ye Xiao turned and walked toward the car. With Ye Xiao, the sentinel naturally did not stop him. However, although Ye Xiao left this way, he regretted the incident afterwards. He was very, very sorry. Because the so-called exercise, special training, was actually to catch Ye Xiao, or the criminal evidence smuggled by Ye Xiao, but the sentry tried to catch Ye Xiao or the criminal evidence smuggled by Ye Xiao Xiao is free! General Zhang, let him say the reason, but because ye Xiao was born in Langya, and Langya is the soul of the motherland, the sentry did not open his mouth, and then was secretly executed by general Zhang. Although this matter does not seem very big, it is a very difficult clue for general Zhang. To know how much he lost in order to get Ye Xiao's news, can you This was destroyed by a sentinel. Can he feel comfortable!

After ye Xiao transported the things to Uighur, he quietly hid the things in a certain place, because things in Yunnan had not been dealt with. Originally, ye Xiao's plan was to come to Uighur to cooperate with vilatigu. After he explained the situation in obaras, he would hand over the rest to vilatigu's people. At that time, ye Xiao would give him a lot of money Commission, but now vilatigu has defected, that can only be shelved here! Wait for Yunnan that side, after the war wolf Yunnan side of the situation is settled, can go south directly!

When ye Xiao gets on the plane and goes to Chang'an, in the villa of the Xiao family, Mr. Xiao is sitting in his position, while the other three branch helmsmen are sitting on both sides, and then some experts of the Xiao family! But they didn't sit down! There were four people sitting on the table. Mr. Xiao took the lead in saying, "Cai zhe was killed, and vilatigu defected. Please tell me what you think of yourself!"

Qu Yun, the helmsman of Qinghai Branch, looked at the other three helmsmen and then said, "master, we all feel sorry for the killing of the helmsman CAI. Therefore, I suggest that the branch of Shaanxi Province can be abolished completely, and then the Xiao family will take charge of it! But as for the Uighur region, a new helmsman should be set up! "

"I agree with Mr. Qu!" At this time, Chen Jie, the helmsman of Ningxia Branch, also slowly declared: "but master, I happen to have a young and promising person here, and his loyalty is not to be considered, and I want to recommend him to be the helmsman of Uygur branch!"

"Shit, Chen Jie, you're too shameless, aren't you?" At this time, Zhao Qi, the helmsman of Gansu Branch, directly patted the table, pointed to Chen Jie and yelled: "you still want your own people to go to Uighur? Do you still want a family to dominate? Or do you want to go straight to the old man's decision? "

Chen Jie's face changed and glared at Zhao Qi: "you can take care of yourself. You don't do anything. You're still here chattering!"Qu Yun's face was also changeable. He said this just to pave the way for his subordinates. He also wanted to let his subordinates take over the position of Uighur. But now Chen Jie is so shameless that he says such a request directly to the old man!

"Pa!" Mr. Xiao stood up directly, looked at the three people in the audience coldly and said, "you all have no other ideas except to estimate your own power?"? Or are you all ready to take my place? " Master Xiao glared at the crowd. At the moment, no matter Zhao Qi, Qu Yun or Chen Jie, they all lowered their heads slowly after hearing the anger of master Xiao. It's not that they are not angry in their hearts, but they are angry and dare not make random hair. They are very clear about the strength of master Xiao, and none of them has reached the level of dark strength, in other words, only one of them has reached the level of dark strength It's just high power! And among the five helmsmen, Cai Zhe of Shaanxi Province, was shot dead with random guns! Therefore, the remaining three people were not good at Kung Fu, so they were trembling in front of master Xiao!

"Say it Looking at Chen Jie, master Xiao suddenly said, "first of all, tell me, are you ready to expand your power step by step, and then want to dominate the whole red flower club?"

"Master, I dare not, dare not!" Chen Jie jumped down. Even if he had this idea, he couldn't admit it. God knows how master Xiao will punish him!

"Hehe, dare not?" Master Xiao sneered, then looked at the three of them and suddenly said, "since you dare not, from now on, ye Xiao, the eastern suburb, will be the helmsman of the branch of Shaanxi Province! As for the helmsman of Uyghur branch helmsman, I am going to give it to Ye Xiao. What do you mean? "

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