In the reception room of Fengyu manor, an old man over 70 is sitting at the moment. He is the current owner of the dragon family. When Mr. Qin enters the reception room, the whole person is even more radiant, smiling and taking the lead to say: "dragon master, it's really hard to meet you. I'm not good enough now, so I hope to be more tolerant !”

Long Tianba listened and said with a smile: "master Qin is laughing." After looking at Qin Zhengguo and Qin Laozi, long Tianba directly cut into the topic and said, "this time I come to see you, I really want to talk with you about something!"

"The matter?" Mr. Qin was slightly stunned. He naturally knew that long Tianba had come to look for them in person. There must be something wrong with him, but he didn't expect that he would tell them so directly!

"Yes, it's about ye Xiao!" After saying this, long Tianba told them about ye Xiao's background and deeds, and then slowly opened his mouth and said, "what I said is only what can be seen behind the boy. This time, I am going to unite with the five families and directly attack him. Even the forces behind him should be considered. But the problem now is that we are afraid of the hidden forces behind him That's why I came to discuss with Mr. Qin to see if I can contact the hidden Qin family and ask them to do something about it? "

After hearing this, master Qin finally understood what longtianba was planning. Although the hidden Qin family had something to do with them, even he didn't want to see them, let alone let alone let the hidden Qin family get rid of Ye Xiao. Those hidden aristocratic families also have their own rules, and they can't easily break them! "Brother long, this is not my brother's help, but I really can't do anything about it. I'd like to kill that little bastard. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Even if I want to meet the hidden Qin family, it's even more difficult! It's not the same thing that you have to go through layers of notification, and then you don't see me in the end! " Mr. Qin shook his head helplessly!

Although long Tianba thought that it might not be so easy, he didn't expect it would be so difficult. "Master, since this is the case, why don't you try it first? Maybe you can pass it? Of course, all the expenses are borne by my dragon family! " As a matter of fact, long Tianba is so polite to master Qin, and he is also interested in the hidden Qin family behind them. So long Tianba will have a chance to become the behind the scenes controller of these aristocratic families and smoothly promote to the hidden aristocratic family. Long Tianba still remembers that it was not long after the stars disappeared in the early leaves, just in the small city of Jinghai According to the information he got, the two families not only entered the list of hidden aristocratic families, but also entered the nine hidden aristocratic families! Therefore, he envied this even more. The backbone members of the family had long been not interested in some material things in the secular world, but what they pursued was higher. Although they had the support of the mysterious man behind him, it had been nearly 20 years since the dragon family was still the dragon family, and there was no big change at all, but the power of the mysterious man Almost all over the world, and he also knows that he can't rely on the mysterious man at all. He is just a chess piece in his hand. So if he wants to break the shackles and break the fate of the chess pieces, he must find his own way. The first step is to unite and hide the aristocratic family!

After looking at long Tianba's sincere expression, Mr. Qin sighed slightly and said to Qin Zhengguo: "Zhengguo, now that I don't have much time, it's time to find a way out for our Qin family. First, in my name, report our Qin family's situation. Forget it. Tell your aunt about it directly. She's in seclusion The Tibetan Qin family has been around for nearly ten years, and I think it must have some status in it. I'll see what she says then. "

"Yes Qin Zhengguo didn't object, but said in response. In fact, Qin Zhengguo also hoped that the hidden Qin family could give them some help, especially now that the old man is dying. If the hidden Qin family is still indifferent, they will soon be disintegrated by the Xiao crazy son

The Dragon Tianba on the side of the mountain heard what he said. After Qin Zhengguo left, he said: "master Qin, once this is successful, I will never forget your great kindness!"

"All right, all right!" Master Qin shook his hand slightly: "I just hope that when I ascend to heaven, you can take care of the Qin family, and I will be satisfied."

"What do you say? From now on, the dragon family and the Qin family have reached an alliance. The Qin family's business is our dragon family's business!" Long Tianba looked at Mr. Qin and said seriously!

"Ha ha! Good, good Mr. Qin smiles and says "good" for three times. Then the smiling cheek begins to solidify. The old man sitting in the wheelchair seems to have lost the support of some kind of strength and is paralyzed!

Long Tianba's face changed slightly. Although his body was not good before, it was absolutely impossible for him to be so breathless? How to tell oneself to just finish the matter, die of breath? Long Tianba went over and tried his breath. He found that he had no breath!

"Old man? Mr. Qin? " Long Tianba tried to shout twice, and found that there was no response at all. At this time, Qin Zhengguo just came by. When he saw his father's appearance, he immediately called out: "Dad..." But in this moment, Qin Zhengguo seemed to understand what his father meant His body is precisely because of Ye Xiao, and he in order to let his sister hand, so choose to hold his breath! And only in this way, they have a reason, have an excuse to let the hidden Qin family help!Long Tianba has already introduced the forces behind Ye Xiao. Even if long Tianba does it in person, he may not kill him. Therefore, only by asking the hidden Qin family out can he succeed

Huang lingyao left her father and worked hard to get into the airline company. She came to Chang'an by herself. Of course, she came to Chang'an for the purpose of looking for the young man in Zhongshan suit that she met in Bashu. Actually, she had a strange feeling. When she first met the boy named Ye Xiao, she had a kind of bang However, the feeling of heart beating is wonderful, and she also knows that this kind of thing can't be told to her parents, because she said clearly that they would not agree, so she left her job behind her parents and came to Chang'an!

As one of the world's four ancient capitals, Huang lingyao is the first time to come to Chang'an city. After getting off the plane, she stopped a taxi and went to the destination she investigated!

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