"What's going on?" At this time, a middle-aged man in a black leather jacket, with a pair of silver rimmed eyes, slowly came over, but the feeling that the dress was a little out of place with him!

"Brother Wen, this boy said that we hongwanxiang is a JB thing..." The driver and the boss of hongwanxiang came out and quickly broke free of Zhang Yongliang's hand and ran towards the middle-aged man!

"Oh?" The middle-aged man was slightly stunned. Then he looked at Ye Xiao and Zhang Yongliang around him. He could see that both of them were practitioners. Otherwise, how could ordinary people kick the door of a taxi directly? "Why are you so angry

"You know what the hell you ask, don't you?" Zhang Yongliang angrily scolded: "tell you Laozi is in a hurry to play now, and I don't have time to pay attention to you. Damn it!" Then he turned directly to Ye Xiao and said, "brother Xiao, let's go first. Don't miss the time here!"

"Wait!" The middle-aged man suddenly said: "I said two, this is your wrong!"

"I'm sorry for you, next door!" Zhang Yongliang was originally full of anger. Think about it. He didn't play much when he first came to Yunnan Province. When he took a taxi for the first time, he was actually trapped. When he was brought to such a ghost place, could he be in a good mood? So after hearing the middle-aged man's words, he turned around directly and hit the middle-aged man directly with his fist!

"Stop it!" Standing next to the middle-aged man, the two bodyguards saw that someone was unfavorable to their employer. Naturally, they quickly stepped forward and blocked Zhang Yongliang in front of him!

"Hum!" Zhang Yongliang didn't even look at the two bodyguards. Instead, he punched the nearest bodyguard with a bang. Then, before the other bodyguard responded, he gave another blow!

These ordinary bodyguards can't resist a punch with implicit strength. After the two punches hit the two bodyguards, they rushed to the middle-aged man Wenge in the next second, and directly pinched his neck with one hand and said coldly, "I don't want to cause trouble. I'd better not offend me! Otherwise, you'll end up in a terrible way Then he raised his hand and threw the middle-aged man out!

After the middle-aged man fell to the ground, he quickly got up, and the other younger brothers who followed him were just about to rush up, they were stopped by him: "don't chase me!" The middle-aged man was puzzled because he didn't understand the identity of the boy and the young man. He should have come from other places. But if he came from other places, why did he go to biyuntian as soon as he left the hotel? Is it the master that Chen Ke invited? The middle-aged man is puzzled!

"Brother Xiao, who is the boss of hongwanxiang? Isn't this biyuntian a place for Chen Ke? Is there anyone here who dares to compete with the prince of Huabang? " Zhang Yongliang a burst of doubt, looking at Ye Xiao sitting on the side of the mouth asked!

Ye Xiao shook his head, indicating that he was not very clear. However, at this time, the driver said, "look, the two are from other places. In fact, hongwanxiang is also the venue of Huabang. But behind the scenes, the second son of the leader of the flower gang has been taking care of it. However, the hongwanxiang is not as hot as biyuntian, and biyuntian is the playground of Chen Haiqiang's younger son His second son was naturally angry, so for so long, he has been competing with biyuntian in this way! "

Ye Xiao and Zhang Yongliang are both slightly stunned after listening to this, and then they are suddenly surprised. If this is the case, it can be understood that it is basically a fight within the gang! This kind of thing also existed in Shaanxi Province before, that is, the five helmsmen of the Red Flower Club at that time were fighting each other!

After driving for nearly half an hour, the car slowly stopped. Here is biyuntian club. In fact, no matter from the external decoration or internal factors, biyuntian is much more high-end than hongwanxiang. Hongwanxiang can tell by its name that it is a kind of massage bath! But biyuntian private club sounds at least more elegant! So here are some dignitaries around here!

The maid on the periphery of biyuntian obviously wears less than those in June. In short, it's the dew that should be exposed, and the one that shouldn't be! Just welcome Ye Xiao and Zhang Yongliang these two maids, no matter in appearance or figure, are out of the middle class!

"Two gentlemen, what do you want to play in biyuntian? I think it's the first time for you to come here? Do you want to be a member? " The two girls said, then one of them was holding one. One of them rubbed against Ye Xiaojiao's mouth with her soft and incomparable East. Ye Xiaojiao said, "we are a member here, and we can experience an imperial bath for free! There are post-90s technicians in the room, you can choose it! "

Ye Xiao's eyes had already begun to shine. His hands were unconsciously pinched on one of the maid's buttocks. After feeling a certain softness, he suddenly said with a smile: "let's go and sit down first. We'll call you later if you need anything." Then he pushed away the maid with the devil's figure! But Zhang Yongliang is also disgusted to push the woman away. He loves women, and he is that sultry type. He doesn't dare to show his love for women directly. But the problem is that he loves pure women, which is definitely not this kind of vulgar women!

They found a place to sit down in the hall. At the moment, it seemed that there was something going on. After they found the waiter and ordered two cocktails, ye Xiaonian looked at the stage. A woman in a white low cut dress said to Zhang Yongliang: "that woman is Zhao Xiaoqi. Do you think you are responsible for kidnapping Chen Ke or tracking Zhao Xiaoqi?"Zhang Yongliang looked at the woman who seemed to be talking about something with the microphone on the stage. After thinking about it, he said, "I still choose to kidnap Chen Ke!"

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao laughed and said, "you should have seen the photos of Chen Ke. It's estimated that before long, Zhao Xiaoqi and Chen Ke will meet. As long as Zhao Xiaoqi and Chen Ke are separated, you will go up and tie him away, and then contact warwolf directly. He will be responsible to meet you! Remember to be careful not to be found out! "

"Understand!" Zhang Yongliang drank the cocktail that the waiter brought! At this time, a hot girl in a short black dress sat directly beside Ye Xiao and Zhang Yongliang. The hot girl looked a little unconventional, but she was not very old. The two groups loomed in front of her chest and attracted people's attention!

"Two handsome men, would you like to buy me a drink?" The non mainstream girl said that she directly picked up the cocktail in front of Ye Xiaoshen, learned the actions of Zhang Yongliang before, and then looked at Ye Xiao and Zhang Yongliang and then said, "why do you look at me like this? Do I have flowers on my face

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