"Nonsense, but we have to wait for the Qin family to speak. But you can rest assured that the Qin family has sent someone to invite them. Even if the Qin family can't show up for the time being, shouldn't we come? Do you know who his master is? " How could Liang Pei deal with such a cowardly master if he didn't want to complete the task of long Tianba?

"Who is it?" Li Wanji asked subconsciously!

"Liu manglong!" Liu Yu raised his eyes and looked at Li Wanji and then said calmly, "my master has promised me to come to help you. Are you confident now?"

"What? Liu manglong Although Li Wanji is not a person in Chinese traditional art, he has heard a little about some experts in the field of Chinese art at that time! Liu manglong is said to have almost gone abroad. The reason is that he thinks that Kung Fu has reached the highest level in the world, and he has no desire or desire, so he chose this way! And his this world's No. 1 name in China's martial arts circle is indeed spread! It's just that there are very few people who challenge him, and the talented masters at the level of strength have never even met him once!

"Of course Liu Yu said with pride that in fact he didn't want to move out of his master, but this matter was of great importance. If they didn't finish the task and let long Tianba disappointed, it would be troublesome!

When Li Wanji heard that Liu manglong was coming, he was naturally happy. He suddenly turned to the door and yelled, "Yuncheng..."

"Cheng Yun..." After Li Wanji called out, he found that his son did not make any movement, so he called again, but there was still no sound outside the door! In doubt, Li Wanji turned and walked toward the door on foot. But when he opened the door of the living room, a figure suddenly appeared. Before he could respond, he felt a sore throat and became difficult to breathe!

"Master Li, what are you going to do in such a hurry?" It was Ye Xiao who had already sneaked into Li's villa before. When Li Wanji opened the door, he grabbed his neck and asked coldly! At the same time is step by step towards the living room to go!

At the same time, Liu Yu and Liang Pei, who had been sitting, were like frightened kittens. "Shua" jumped up and their eyes were staring at Ye Xiao. They could not have imagined that ye Xiao would break into Li's house alone at this time!

"Ye Xiao, what are you going to do..." Li Wanji is choked by Ye Xiao, suffering from breathing, and his face is swollen. However, he looked weak before, but now he is caught by Ye Xiao, but he doesn't show any sense of panic, but it makes people a little confused!

"What? Is it not clear to Mr. Li? " Ye Xiao chuckled, but let go of Li Wanji and said in a cold voice, "don't blame me for not reminding you, you'd better not move around, don't try to tell the outside! Otherwise, you will die

Li Wanji puffed at the corners of his mouth, but did not answer. For ye Xiao's naked threat, he could only suppress his anger and unwillingness in his heart, because the two people present were not ye Xiao's opponents at all! And this is why he was worried before, because there is a saying that people are close to each other and the enemy country is exhausted! In such a distance, even if he Li Wanji has tens of millions of people, but ye Xiao can still kill himself in an instant! "What are you doing here?" According to the anger in his heart, Li Wanji asked in a cold voice!

"Isn't that nonsense?" Ye Xiao glanced at Li Wanji, and then slowly walked towards Liu Yu!

"What are you going to do?" Liang Pei saw Ye Xiao walking towards Liu Yu, and his heart sank. He jumped over and stood with Liu Yu and glared at Ye Xiao!

"Liu manglong? Is it the best in the world that you can almost buy with money? " Ye Xiao sneers at Liu Yu. Naturally, Liu manglong has heard of it. In terms of Kung Fu, he does have some skills. He is a master at the later stage of dark strength. However, he is the best in the world. He is not so rich in water. At the beginning, almost all the experts who came to him to compete with him were bought with money. However, Su Anyi's gifted masters were despised at all. He was just like a clown And still dark strength level!

"What are you talking about?" As soon as Liu Yu's face changed, the real man was going to rush up and fight with Ye Xiao, but he was stopped by Liang Pei. Liang Pei looked at Ye Xiao coldly and said, "if you are going to kill us today, then go ahead and see if you have the ability to kill us! And if not, tell the purpose directly! "

Liang Pei's shock is to let Ye Xiao slightly surprised, slowly opened his mouth and said: "worthy of being the daughter of master Liang!" Ye Xiao did not answer Liang Pei's words, but looked at the woman in her early thirties and said something inexplicably!

"Last time, if it wasn't for Mr. Liang's face, I would have given you up!" Ye Xiao stopped for a moment after saying this: "but last time I can let you go, this time I can still do it, otherwise you can't stand here and talk to me intact! Just to remind you, some things can be managed and some things should not be taken care of. It is true that each of them has its own responsibility, but it should not be too pedantic. Do you think so? " Ye Xiao picked up a wine pot from the living room table, then lifted it up and dropped a drop in his palm. He saw his right hand shake gently. The drop of wine that was supposed to volatilize jumped up and rolled over his middle finger!

Later, Liang Pei and Liu Yu saw a scene that they would never forget. Ye Xiao suddenly flicked his right hand, and the wine drop was instantly ejected and directly hit four or five meters away from the wine pot on another table. Almost no sound was made. The next moment, they saw a pinhole like hole on the wine pot and the wine inside More along the small hole, slowly flow out!If long Jinhao saw this scene, he would be very surprised, because this hand, the man with the grimace mask had also demonstrated it to him. Dripping wears the stone! Liang Pei and Liu Yu are people who have seen the world, but after seeing such a scene again, they all doubt whether it is true. How accurate is the power? What more powerful force is needed?

"Go back and tell long Tianba that I, ye Xiao, will find out what happened in those years sooner or later, and let him prepare to accept my revenge. Of course, you can also understand that I am declaring war on him now!" As ye Xiao said this, he went to Liang Pei and then said, "if you have a chance to meet Mr. Liang, please say hello to him for me, and say that ye Xiao will never forget the kindness of that year. However, if there is another time, the kindness of that year will be written off."

Liang Pei didn't dare to stay any longer. Now she is full of Yexiao's move before. Dripping wears away the stone. I'm afraid the master of the dragon family may or may not be able to play this move. He has never seen or heard of it. Naturally, she is not very clear about it! Now the only thing he knows is that as long as ye Xiao is in the northwest, I'm afraid there is no chance at all! And this matter also must report to long Tianba!

Li Wanji saw that Liang Pei and Liu Yu ran faster than rabbits one by one after hearing Ye Xiao's words, which made him wonder. He didn't see the scene before, but it doesn't mean that he didn't know ye Xiao's strength. The sudden escape of these two people must have something to do with ye Xiao's strength. He wanted to kill Ye Xiao in front of him, but he didn't have that one at all strength!

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