"Bang!" Another shot, that Golden Valley Xian a side to hide in the past, and then casually grabbed a stool around to throw at sharna, at the same time his whole figure is toward Sarna attack and go, sharna raised her legs, fiercely split the stool flying, and then turned and drew a gun to shoot at jinguxian!

However, at this time, Jin Gu Xian has already rushed to him, and with a fist, his right hand, which was ready to pull the trigger, instantly takes back the desert eagle in his hand as a hidden weapon, aiming at the eyes of jinguxian! Jin Guxian's eyes are awe inspiring. In order to fear that the shot will directly hit his eyes, he can only forcibly withdraw the blow. He is very clear that if this shot hits his eyes, then he will face Sarna's violent attack!

Of course, when Gu Xiaoxian is familiar with the pistol, she suddenly stops to see his friend, but it's not a good time for him to stop seeing the pistol

"Do you know me?" Ye Xiao pointed to himself, but he didn't stop. He swung his right fist and hit him directly in his abdomen. His furious strength immediately knocked Jin Guxian upside down and knocked all the tables and chairs around him to the ground. Then he slowly stopped!

The sudden appearance of Ye Xiao surprised sharna, but then she was shocked by Ye Xiao's sharp fist. Her eyes were like looking at a rare treasure. Unexpectedly, with one punch, she was able to beat the strength equivalent to the strength of the master? Is NIMA wrong about herself?

In fact, ye Xiao can beat Jin Guxian with one punch. It's all luck. In other words, although Ye Xiao can beat Jin Guxian, he can't be so relaxed. Although the boy in front of him is not energetic, he has the threat, especially the reaction speed and the ability to attack before, which makes Ye Xiao judge his real strength! It's just why there is no such breath of neijiaquan, which makes Ye Xiao puzzled!

"Xiaoxiao, I didn't expect you to appear at such a critical moment? Is this what you call hero saving the United States Sharna ran to Ye Xiao's side with a smile and directly stretched out a hand to hold Ye Xiao's arm, saying delicately!

After ye Xiao heard sharna's words, the whole person was not good. The peat was definitely intentional. He was still a little virgin, and then he bullied me like this: "don't you think it's very numb? Still Xiaoxiao Well, I'm not a woman

"It doesn't matter. That's what people call it. What can you do?" When she said that, she would like to rub the two magic objects on her chest against Ye Xiao's face. The feeling of seeing and touching could almost torture Ye Xiao to death. Especially when ye Xiao was about to push her away, she put her lips close to Ye Xiao's ear and whispered, "otherwise, after a rest, you can come to my room, OK? ”

"gudu!" When ye Xiao heard the seductive words of Sarna's words, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva. One hand was dishonest, and gently put her arm around her infatuated young man's waist and said, "is that true?"

"It's true, of course. When did they cheat you?" Salna said it in a delicate way! It seems that she is beside Ye Xiao. She is really a pure girl who doesn't know anything!

"Good!" Ye Xiao nods hard. If he doesn't go, he is a fool!

Just when ye Xiao and sharna are in love, Jin Guxian has slowly stood up. Ye Xiao suddenly started, which made him a little bit unable to rub his hands. What surprised him most was Ye Xiao's fist, which was too strong. Rao was already a second-generation gene fighter, but he also suffered a lot of injuries!

Looking at the two men not far away, Jin Guxian was completely angry, especially Ye Xiao. Originally as a member of the SG organization, he was very clear about ye Xiao's position in the SG organization. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire SG organization was established to eliminate the Ye family. As a Korean, although he does not know what the Chinese Ye family represents, he does, Today, if you can kill Ye Xiao, the boss will surely reward him or even help him reach three generations of gene soldiers, even to reach the legendary four generations!

So when he thought of this place, Jin Guxian was completely excited, regardless of his injuries. The whole person rushed toward Ye Xiao like a lightning bolt. Sharna's eyes tightened and she said, "Ye Xiao, be careful!"

Ye Xiao has been paying attention to Jin Gu Xian from the beginning, so when he moves, he has already realized that Sarna's strength is only the level of hidden strength. Therefore, if she is close to Jin Guxian without a gun, the consequences will be unimaginable! Ye Xiao pushes sharna away gently, and the whole person stands there. When Jin Gu Xian rushes over, ye Xiao directly meets her!

The purpose of Jin Gu Xian's saving strength is to make ye Xiao and sharna seriously injured together. However, Jin Guxian underestimated Ye Xiao's strength. When he rushed over, ye Xiao didn't dodge to meet him. He lifted his fist, and the strength of his right arm was the best at this moment, and the air around him raised waves of heat and buzz The buzz!

At the next moment, their fists hit each other with a "bang" sound, and then they heard a crackle. Jin Guxian's originally muscular right arm bent instantly, and then because he could not bear the strength of Ye Xiao's right fist, it directly twisted and broke!We should know that Jin Guxian is only a little stronger than Ma Jie, and Ma Jie's own defense is much stronger than Jin Gu Xian. However, Ma Jie's strong defense can't resist Ye Xiao's full right fist, let alone Jin Gu Xian!

"Ah Jin Guxian's right arm was broken, and the pain made him scream heartrendingly. However, the strength of Ye Xiao's fist was not removed. In the next moment, Jin Guxian was directly lifted by the force and flew out. When he hit the wall not far away again, he fell heavily on the ground!

At this moment, ye Xiao did not stop, but directly ran after him. Looking coldly at the man who fell on the ground and wanted to get up, but because of the pain in his right arm, he still fell to the ground and asked, "are you a gene fighter?"

Ye Xiao's words immediately surprised sharna not far away. Gene fighters, like transformants, are all SG organizations, and only SG organizations can make them. It's just amazing that the son of Jin Chunwei group is also organized by SG, and is also a second-generation gene fighter?

Jin Guxian did not have the slightest fear in his heart. He just gnawed his teeth and looked at Ye Xiao grimly and threatened: "you'd better let me go, otherwise, I won't let you live. I'm not Ma Jie. You can kill me if you want!"

"Ha ha!" Ye Xiao ha ha ha a smile, a foot direct dish on his chest, so condescending to look at him, cold voice said: "you really don't believe I dare to kill you?"

"If you have the ability to do it?" It seems that Jin Guxian doesn't believe Ye Xiao's words at all. Even though he is interrupted by Ye Xiao's fist, he is not afraid at all!

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