"What's the matter? What's going on there? " The man in black, who was ready to start his work, suddenly heard a rush of female voices behind him. Most importantly, they seemed to have heard the alarm. Who called the police? And ye Xiao after seeing that person, smile slightly, this wench looks like the speed is very fast! Of course, the person who called the police was not ye Xiao. As for who it was, no one knew. The person who came to the police, ye Xiao, also knew Yu Ziyu. Now he is the deputy director of the public security bureau!

Li Bao turns around and sees Yu Ziyu. Naturally, Li Bao also knows Ziyu. His father is the director of the Civil Aviation Bureau of Jinghai city. Although he is a big official in the eyes of ordinary people, I'm afraid there is nothing in the eyes of the eldest lady. Of course, no matter what, they all have the same identity, that is, the state public servants She was beaten up like this, so she had to stand out for herself? So he trotted all the way to Yu Ziyu and said, "director Yu, the boy broke my two arms and my nose on the plane before I... "

"Li Bao?" Yu Ziyu looked at Li Bao's appearance. She really wanted to laugh, and in her heart, she praised the guy who hit people, because she also knew that Li Bao was hateful. However, as a public servant, she could not catch Li Bao casually? What's more, Li Bao's father is also a department level cadre, so if you look at it, you will muddle along!

"Tell me more about it..." Yu Ziyu suppresses the mood that wants to smile, and then looks at Li Bao seriously and says!


"Why don't you dress up in the hospital? If you go on like this, will you die of bleeding? " Yu Ziyu did not wait for Li Bao to finish, and added a sentence!

"It doesn't matter. Director Yu, you must arrest this boy. He..."

"Ye Xiao? How is it you? " At this time, Yu Ziyu saw that it was Ye Xiao who beat Li Bao. However, for no reason in his heart, he said, "the villains have their own evil men. This is all true. Li Bao meets Ye Xiao, and he is afraid that the little wizard will see the great wizard. Even the young master of the dragon family will kill him. What else does Ye Xiao dare not do? I'm afraid I didn't waste it on the spot. You are all for your face!

"I didn't expect that today I went back to Jinghai and asked you to pick me up in person. I'm a little embarrassed!" Ye Xiao said, and then showed a man and animal harmless smile, and one side of Yu Ziyu said with a smile: "go to you, you will be embarrassed? I've been doing well recently. I have such an important identity. Didn't you tell me? And he's partnering with my brother to cheat me

"Well. What do you say Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, looking at Yu Ziyu, a face doubt way!

"Do you still pretend?" Yu Ziyu looked at Li Bao on one side and said coldly, "if you don't want to die, just stay away from him!" And then he said to me, "what's the siren that you want to go around me

"Er Don't do it Ye Xiao quickly stopped, at the same time, he said, "that's not a task. At that time, I'm not helpless. By the way, what do you know about my identity?" Ye Xiao is suddenly stunned, and then looks at Yu Ziyu with vigilance. This girl should not be deceiving me, right?

"Are you still playing with me? My enchanting captain? " After Yu Ziyu got on the bus, she glanced at Ye Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat!

"Er So you know all about it? Well, then "If you really want to go in, in fact, let your brother train you for a few months, I think it can almost meet the requirements," he said

"Go to you, I don't want to go!" Yu Ziyu small face a congealed, and then looked at Ye Xiao and said, "where are you going now?"

"Moon Tower!" Now that you are back, take a good rest for two or three days! Jinghai that is their own fundamental ah!

"Don't go in and sit down?" After getting off the car, ye Xiao lies down on the window and looks at Yu Ziyu, who sits in the window, smiling!

"I have something else to do. Get out of the car." Yu Ziyu said and then start the car, it seems that ye Xiao can give her to eat half, quickly escape! And ye Xiao is looking at the direction of leaving, indifferent smile, slowly walked in!

In Ziwei Pavilion of Mingyue building, "you tell me that I'm going to be engaged tomorrow. I'm so excited. Besides, for such a long time, I'm still going to see my parents for the first time. In my heart..."

"I said, ah Huang, are you afraid? These are all dark strength masters. Are you still afraid? Ha ha... " Wang Peng laughed at the side!

"Is the famous fat man still afraid? I don't know what the brothers below will think after they know this! " Zhang Yicheng said thoughtfully!

"Why are you all like this? Why don't you come with me? My parents are not in Jinghai. Although this is an engagement, it is formal enough. However, my parents can't come because of their health, so you can go with me? "

"What are you talking about? So lively? " In the public you a word I a word, Ziwei Pavilion box door was suddenly opened, a familiar voice from inside spread out!

"Brother Xiao?"

"Brother Xiao, how did you come back?""Go and go. How do you talk? Do you mean brother Xiao can't come back?" Huang Ming glanced at Wang Peng, and then said with a smile: "boss, is there anything happy to come back suddenly?"

"There's a fart It's a happy event Ye Xiao reached out and knocked Huang Ming once and said, "what did you say just now? So happy? "

"That's right. Ah Huang is going to see his mother-in-law now, but the boy is so nervous that he wants his brothers to accompany him. If you want to get married, the brothers must go, but the engagement is nothing but your family's business. Outsiders generally don't participate in it." Wang Peng on one side explained!

"Oh?" Ye Xiao looked at ah Huang and chuckled, "you boy, you want to see your mother-in-law? Tut Tut, this is a good thing

"Hey, boss, why don't you come with me? My parents are no longer Jinghai, and their bodies are not so long-distance, so... " Huang Ming is like a woman beside Ye Xiao, shaking his fat body, which makes people look like goose bumps!

"Go and stand there and see what you've become Ye Xiao is also goose bumps that the boy said: "when to go?"

"Tomorrow noon..."

"That's OK, but I can talk. I'm going to see Ouyang Qianqian's concert at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Don't delay me!"

"Damn it, brother Xiao, can't you? You've even got Asian queen?"

"That's right. Brother Xiao, do you want to give us a group of single dogs a living? That's the goddess of all men's dreams... "

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