On the fifth day of Ye Xiao's arrival in Moscow, which was the third day of old orb's death, oblas invited Ye Xiao to the VIP room in the headquarters building of the Tomahawk gang. They looked at each other and sat down. Obras sent Ye Xiao a cigar. Ye Xiao was not very interested in European games. Now, let alone cigars, it was the latest period of cigarettes I seldom smoke, especially when I step into Huajin. When I ask for more dark strength in my body, ye Xiao almost doesn't even touch cigarettes!

So when obaras handed over the cigarette, ye Xiao repeatedly waved her hand and said, "I don't smoke this. In fact, I have an important thing to talk to you about today." It has been five days since Ye Xiao came to Moscow. The original plan was to reach a consensus with the Tomahawk Gang within three days, but it was delayed for a few days because of some internal situation of the Tomahawk gang!

"Oh?" Obaras was slightly stunned, then looked at Ye Xiao and said, "Ye, now you are the top level of the Tomahawk gang. If you have anything, just say it!" Obaras really admired Ye Xiaona, and he also understood that the Renault family regarded the Tomahawk Gang as a thorn in their eyes, but the forces he now controlled were not enough to compete with the Renault family. The most important thing is that in the past four days, the momentum of overall suppression of the Tomahawk gang has appeared in the world! Fortunately, the Renault family is not the only family in the world, so as long as they don't drink the Tomahawk Gang, they have nothing to worry about!

Ye Xiao looked at obaras, thought about it and said, "I don't know if you know the dark warlord of Theo in the east near Amur state!"

"Theo warlord? You're talking about Hawkins' mercenaries? " Orbras was slightly stunned and asked!

"Yes Ye Xiao nodded and then said, "the underground forces in Northeast China are controlled by the dragon family, while the underground king of Amur is rocky. I am going to let rocky replace Hutchins and unify the southeast of Russia!"

"Haggins is an outsider. If rocky is unified, then we are basically our own people!"

"You mean, prepare rocky to deal with the dragon family in the southeast?" Obras is not stupid. Of course, as the overlord of Russia, the Tomahawk Gang naturally hopes that his own power will become stronger and stronger. Therefore, he also wants to thoroughly eliminate the Russian Mafia and the West Austrian warlords in the southeast. However, obaras understands that the Mafia is deeply rooted and supported by foreign forces, so it is not so easy to eliminate it. Therefore, it can only cooperate with the Mafia, Otherwise, even if the Tomahawk Gang clears up the Russian Mafia, the Tomahawk gang will suffer a heavy blow. However, he doesn't care much about this Theo warlord! At that time, Huggins was favored by old orb, so he has been peaceful with the Tomahawk gang for so many years. But now that he takes over the Tomahawk Gang, it is reasonable to deal with him!

"I've heard about this rocky, ye. Do you think he has to trust him?" Obaras did not wait for ye Xiao to reply, but directly asked!

"It must be worth it!" Ye Xiao nodded: "if you let him deal with the dragon family in secret, it will help me to distract a lot of attention in China. In this way, it will be much easier to deal with the dragon family."

Orbras knows Ye Xiao's domestic environment in China, and also knows the contradiction between the dragon family and other aristocratic families in China and ye Xiao. At the moment, he also simply asks about the specific situation, because the resources in the southeast are much poorer than those in the southwest and northwest, so obaras is willing to let Ye Xiao command his own human feelings!

"Well, I promise you, but it seems that there are many masters under this Hutchins. The most important thing is that he seems to have several missiles in his hand. This is not a joke. If something happens in the world, it will be troublesome." Albus nodded, but he was still a little bit frightened when he mentioned Hutchins, because they were also the black forces, even if they had great ability. Once Hutchins detonated those missiles and had adverse effects in the international community, I'm afraid the tomahawks gang would be implicated!

"Don't worry about that!" Ye Xiao chuckled: "to start a war against the Western Warlords is to use your people to suppress the Western warlords. I don't believe that Hawkins will directly use missiles against the Tomahawk Gang? And then again, based on your contacts in Russia, if the theo warlords really dare to use missiles, I am afraid the Russian military would have known in advance. It would be better if the military could annihilate them! "

"Ha ha!" Obaras laughs. He already knows what ye Xiao means. With the help of the Tomahawk Gang's position in Russia, he not only uses underground forces to suppress it, but also uses the government and military to control it thoroughly. Even he can't have a chance to breathe!

"Ye, I understand this matter! We also know what to do. In fact, the arms of the theo warlords are bought from the Mafia and our Tomahawk gang. We just need to cut off their arms smuggling and say hello to the Mafia. We have to deal with the theo warlords, and the Mafia dare not intervene at will. In this way, if there is no economic income, it is not enough to pinch it It's pinched? " Obaras smile ha ha looked at Ye Xiao, slowly said!Ye Xiao nodded slowly after hearing this. In fact, the overall strength of the theo Warlords was not much different from that of rocky. The only thing they were more powerful than rocky was their weapons and their ways were wider than rocky's. Therefore, rocky didn't dare to attack him, but this time! After ye Xiao thought of this, his mouth has already shown a pair of invisible smile!

"In that case, it's up to you."

"No hurry, ye!" Orbras took a puff at his cigar and said, "I have one more thing here. It's about South Africa."

"South Africa?" "What's up there?" he asked Ye Xiao is actually very sensitive to South Africa. The old man said that he went back to South Africa recently. He didn't know exactly what to do in South Africa. However, ye Xiao didn't know whether he was going or not!

"An island country to the north of South Africa, of course, is an island country, which is basically a relatively large island. Its area is about half of that of Taiwan in China. In fact, what I want to talk about is the resources of this island country. In addition to some gold mines, there are diamond mines that have only been developed. It can be said that it has been the most popular in the world in the last two years or two In seven days' time, there will be a grand auction in the island country of South Africa, and the content of the auction is the mining life of the mine! " Orbras eyes narrowed into a gap, whispered to Ye Xiao!

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