Jinghai City supreme beauty bar, a corner position, a man in a black suit, also wearing a large sunglasses is leaning on the sofa, with a Cuban cigar in his mouth, very comfortable smoking. Opposite him, there is also a man in a robe, sitting on the sofa, but not holding a cigarette in his mouth Glass high foot wine glass, gently shaking, and then a cup of red wine to drink

"You guessed right again. He went to Wugou mountain villa as expected..." Spit a mouthful of smoke ring, sunglasses male tone gloomy said.

"Hehe, it's the same everywhere. He's dead..." The robe man said lightly, his face full of confidence.

"Can the man you arranged really kill him?" Obviously, the man with dark glasses doesn't believe what the man in robe says. Ye Xiao is not an ordinary person. He can definitely be called the first person to fight against Jinghai. He has witnessed with his own eyes how strong his fighting power is. Even if more people are mobilized, he may not be able to kill him.

Of course, we can still beat him back, but once he runs away, no one can rest assured.

"Of course, you should have heard of bullets..." The man in the robe smiles mysteriously.

"Gunshot?" The man with sunglasses changed his face. It's a legend in the underground world. It's said that his bullets have never been empty. If he is invited, ye Xiao will be dead

"Well, it's not that he came in person, but his proud disciple, OROS..." The man in the robe said with a faint smile.

"OROS?" The sunglasses man frowned, and then said, "is that the challenge generation gun king, but also with the war to draw with the OROS?"

"Yes, it's him. Although he is not as powerful as his master, he is also recognized as a master in the underground world. With him and other people I arranged, do you think ye Xiao can survive?" The man in the robe sneered, as if dissatisfied with the distrust of the sunglasses man.

The sunglasses man didn't say anything more, just nodded. If there was such a character, ye Xiao should die.

"Now, you can send out your men..." The man in the robe continued to snort.

The sunglasses man nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Soon, the phone was connected. The sunglasses man didn't say anything more, just spit out two words: "go out..."

With his order, five kilometers away from Dongfanghong nightclub, a group of armed men in black rushed out of a warehouse, climbed into the car that had been prepared for a long time, and rushed to Dongfanghong nightclub. Their task is to kill, kill as many members of the Longyao club as possible, and take advantage of their gathering in the Dongfanghong nightclub to severely damage them

However, a group of men in front of him, who were in the red window of the public car, had already sent out a warning to the crowd of people in front of him, who were standing in the black skylight of the public car, and soon there was a group of people standing in front of them The submachine gun launched a strafe at the Dragon Yao club on the motorcycle.

The roar of gunfire resounded through the night sky, and the sound of dada was heard. The members of this generation of patrolling Longyao club were instantly beaten into a sieve.

It seems to be stimulated by blood, these people are more excited, and once again speed up the pace of rushing to Dongfanghong nightclub, where there are more people to kill. The thought of being able to fight a group of club members with machetes with heavy weapons is a burst of excitement. It is simply a unilateral Massacre. They have lived so long, but they have not Have you ever met such an easy battle.

As for the use of heavy weapons in Jinghai City, it is not their concern. They are here to kill people. As for the consequences, they have nothing to do with them.

At this time, at the gate of Dongfanghong nightclub, ye yubai, covered with blood, rushed out with him. There were also some members of the Longyao club. However, they were in a mess. Some of them were covered with blood, some had ragged clothes, some had burned their hair and some were still smoking. It was obvious that they had been killed just now From the explosion.

"Do you really ignore the rules? A bomb was planted in the building... " One mouthful spits out the blood clot in his mouth, and ye yubai swears directly. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have gone to see Chen Jinnan.

"Let's get out of here first..." Seeing that ye yubai has no big problem, Xiao Nan breathes a sigh of relief. His body, who had rushed to the nightclub, returned to the Audi and started the Audi directly. Ye yubai also knows that it is not the time to complain. The other party has even done things like bombs. There is nothing that can be done. This is obviously a trap. Since it is a trap, it is natural to leave as soon as possible Good drive.

Without much nonsense, he rushed directly into the Audi car. Other members of the Longyao club did not care about anything else. They got on the motorcycle one by one and left

But it was at this time that there was a huge gunshot not far away, and it was still a continuous gunshot. Ye yubai and Xiao Nan all changed their faces. They even sent out heavy weaponsHow many casualties will this cause?

"Come on, everybody back out, back off..." Ye yubai opened the window and yelled at the members of the Longyao club who were still wandering around. In fact, there was no need for him to make more arrangements. The other members of the Longyao club had already mounted their motorcycles one by one and ran in the opposite direction of the gunfire.

But at this time, a black Volkswagen has already driven into the street of Dongfanghong nightclub. On the window of the bus, a tough man is twisting a submachine gun, and his face is ferocious towards this side

Behind the Volkswagen, there are more than 20 cars, each of which is full of people

Everyone held a black submachine gun in their hands. Even in the last car, a man even came out of the skylight with a rocket barrel. At the sight of this posture, ye yubai, Xiao Nan and even other members of the Longyao society all turned green. Is this a gangster or a war

At a time when people were almost desperate, a silent man came out of a building opposite Dongfanghong nightclub. When he saw the formation of the other party, a sarcastic smile appeared on his mouth

"Brother Xiao is really clever. These guys will attack at all costs, but what kind of storm can a mob set off?" Murmuring to himself, the man grabbed the walkie talkie in his hand and vomited out a sentence into it: "attack, shoot to kill..."

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