It can be said that since Ye Xiao appeared, Tu Xiang has been yelling, but there is no such a sad roar. One ear of his is cut off, two pieces of meat on his buttocks are cut off, and a piece of meat is also removed from his arm. There is no place for his back to be complete. Even the clavicle on his shoulder is also pierced, and his body is still nailed to a tree, but there is no pain It can be compared with a knife just now.

It's just too scary.

Even though I knew Ye Xiao's strength was very strong, I didn't expect him to be so strong

At this time, the old man has come to Ye Xiao's, and without the long gun, he even grabs Ye Xiao's shoulder empty handed

Ye Xiao, who is about to continue to chop Tu Xiang, sneers in his eyes and slashes at the old man's palm with a backhand knife

There was no imaginary sound of the knife cutting into the flesh and blood, and there was no scene of any flesh and blood splashing. Instead, there was a dull sound of metal interweaving. Ye Xiao's knife was actually grasped by the old man.

Ye Xiao frowned and fixed her eyes. Then she found that the old man had a pair of gloves on his hand. I don't know what material the gloves are made of. They can hold the sharp moon washing knife.

Even the sound of rubbing out metal

Ye Xiao wants to resist with a knife, but the moon washing knife in his hand is caught by the old man, and he can't pull out the knife for a moment

Both the old man and the woman obviously didn't expect Ye Xiao to use such a move. However, the old man was obviously an expert too. His other hand clenched his fist and directly hit Ye Xiao's head.

Facing this blow, ye Xiao sneered and pushed his left foot hard. His body rolled like a dragon in the sea. The old man's fist hit Ye Xiao's head, and ye Xiao's body appeared in front of the old man's body, and the moon washing knife finally got rid of the old man's palm, and his body was still rolling It's on the belly of the old man.

The old man was frightened, and his body quickly retreated. However, his fist was pressed downward. Obviously, he didn't want to make ye Xiao feel better

Ye Xiao didn't intend to close the knife, and continued to row to the old man, and his left arm had been waved to the top of his head

"Bang..." The old man's fist hit Ye Xiao's left arm heavily. A huge force came, and ye Xiao's body fell down. However, the moon washing knife in his hand also made a long cut in the old man's body

Ye Xiao's body is still falling. For a moment, where can he dodge? When he is almost in a desperate situation, ye Xiao's left hand turns and a flying knife appears in his hand. His wrist shakes and a cold light shoots out, which directly shoots at the woman's heart

Even though there is a lot of meat there, even if she knows that this knife may not kill her, the woman still instinctively waves the sword to resist

"Clang..." With a sound, the throwing knife is swung open by a sword, but ye Xiao also takes this opportunity to turn hard, and her body stands up again

All this seems like a long time, in fact, it is between the calcium carbide sparks

Ye Xiao, who stood up again, did not continue to chase after the old man. Instead, he made a move and ran towards the woman. Almost instantaneously, he had come to the woman's body. He could even smell the fragrance of the woman.

Even though she knew that she might be a peerless beauty, the moon washing knife in Ye Xiao's hand was still merciless

To the white neck

The woman is frightened, and her body quickly retreats. The sword in her hand stabs Ye Xiao's heart at full speed. Even if ye Xiao can really cut herself, his sword is enough to penetrate his heart.

Of course, it's not to say that the woman takes death as her own. Just now ye Xiao forced her to fight with her sword. Now she is just saving herself in this way

Sure enough, in the face of the stabbing sword, ye Xiao's body had to flash to one side, and the moon washing knife in his hand could no longer cut the woman's neck.

But in this instant, his body has returned to Tu Xiang's side again. The moon washing knife in his hand keeps rolling, which seems to be a magic stroke on Tu Xiang's body. In the blink of an eye, he has made seven knives, each of which takes a piece of flesh and blood from lingchi's body

In such a moment, Tu Xiang's left face has been cut off, two pieces of his chest have been cut off, and his other ear has been cut off

The whole person has completely become a bloody man, but there is not a knife fatal. The unspeakable pain makes Tu Xiang faint in the past, but he is soon awakened by pain, constantly wandering between coma and wakefulness

He understood that ye Xiao would not kill him easily. He was torturing himself.

Not only did he understand, but the old man and the woman also saw that ye Xiao was punishing Tu Xiang, and it was the most cruel criminal law in ancient times, lingchi

He is revenging for Luo Ling Chi

Otherwise, he can kill Tu Xiang with one knife. At that time, it will be much easier to escape from here or deal with himself and others, but he just won't kill Tu XiangJust cutting off his flesh and blood.

This is a devil. What is more cruel than seeing your own flesh and blood being cut off and seeing your own blood flowing slowly and exhausting while you can't do anything?

Tu Xiang regrets that he betrayed Luo lingchi, or that he didn't run away early. He regrets why he didn't commit suicide immediately when he saw Ye Xiao. If he killed himself immediately, how could he bear such pain?

But there are many medicines in the world, but there is no regret medicine

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