Wang Peng, who follows Ye Xiao's side, looks depressed. He has heard Ye Xiao talk about his so-called apprentice before. But when I see him today, although he has a lot of pomp and power, how can he feel a bit guilty of "two"? How talented is brother Xiao?

"I said wells, can you put it another way? It sounds like your Chinese is also good. How can I move? I'm older than you Ye Xiao is depressed. I didn't say it on the phone last time. Why doesn't he have a long memory?

With a simple smile on his face, wells looked at Wang Peng beside Ye Xiao and asked, "this should be martial uncle, right? Hello, uncle. This is wells Kahn Then he reached out to Wang Peng! And Wang Peng is also subconsciously out of his right hand and he shook, this boy is not too familiar with it?

After shaking hands, wells pointed to the two limousines and said to Ye Xiao and Wang Peng, "let's get on the bus first. It's not safe here. Of course, some masters are not afraid of anything. But we are here to destroy the conspiracy of the Holy See. So we should try our best to reduce the trouble before the grand banquet starts. Are you right

Ye Xiao looked at Wells in front of him, his face changed slightly, and he lowered his voice and said, "have you reported this matter done by the Holy See to the family?"

"Of course As he walked along, wells whispered, "the Kahn family and the family are inseparable from each other. This time, they can not only deal with the Holy See, but also help master get old Well, I can help you, master, so we are very happy in our family! "

"Your family?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng: "they know me?"

"Of course, master, you don't know how famous you are?" Wells curled his mouth and said, "of course, there are some things that can't disturb the old guys, but the Kung Fu you taught me has enabled me to defeat a baron in such a short period of time. Although the Baron is in the lowest rank in the Kahn family, it can be regarded as a master in any case, so we are the Kahn family The elders of the clan all agreed that what you taught me was the secret that China did not pass on. They were very interested in the hermit families of China long ago! And I've heard some rumors about Chinese Taoists... "

Ye Xiao smiles and doesn't say much about it. Ye Xiao is naturally clear about the Chinese hermit family, but he is not a member of the hermit family. Moreover, ye Xiao suspects that wells is really a real martial arts talent rarely seen in the legend, because how long does it take? He has already reached the middle stage of dark strength. If he continues to develop at such a speed, he may not be able to step into Huajin in a short time?

After getting on the car, ye Xiao and wells sat on one side, Wang Peng sat in the back row. After the car started, Wells said again: "master, we have preliminarily investigated some of the purposes of the Holy See's doing this, but we have not found out the specific action yet!"

Ye Xiao looks at wells and signals him to go on.

"It is true that the Holy See prepared the feast for all forces, but they did it to hide people's eyes. Their ultimate goal is master you. They want to kill you at the feast, so they even brought two cardinals and three cardinal priests! There are only nine cardinals in the whole Vatican, but this time, two cardinals and three cardinal priests came here, which shows how much they attach importance to it! "

"Of course, master, you can rest assured that since we already know their purpose, we will not let them succeed. Moreover, I have brought six Marquises with me this time! So we don't have to worry! " Said wells on the side!

However, ye Xiao's face is particularly dignified. If this news is true, then it means that the Vatican has concentrated almost all the power of Europe in Sweden? There are so many masters. Every cardinal has a pseudo Qi refining state. If there is any divine power, I'm afraid we can reach the level of Qi refining! One is not terrible, but their union!

There is also the high priest, ye Xiao has never met. It is not clear what kind of level their so-called high priest is. Moreover, these are just the results of wells' investigation. In other words, there may be some unknown experts hidden in the dark!

Ye Xiao began to think about it. This grand banquet hosted almost all the major forces in the world. If they really chose to do it by themselves, when and how would they choose?? Ye Xiao knows very well that if they invite themselves, they will certainly not do it by themselves in public. Because the Holy See has a good reputation in the international upper class, it represents light and justice. So if the Vatican chooses to do it by itself, it may be before or after the feast of the golden age begins

"You come, do they know?" Ye Xiaona originally opened his eyes out of the window, and then looked at wells around him and asked!

"Of course we know that since we can plant ghosts around them, they can naturally plant them around us. But the only thing we don't have to worry about is that our core must be trustworthy. Even if the Vatican is more capable, it can not penetrate into the family." Wells explained, at the same time, he said: "the address of the grand banquet is in a private manor in the easternmost part of Stockholm. It is said that the owner of this manor is a priest of the Holy See, and the specific details are not very clear!""Oh?" After hearing what Wells said, ye Xiao changed his face slightly, then looked at him and said with a smile: "so, this time they are going to start at the manor?" Ye Xiao originally thought that the Holy See would probably do it before or at the end of the day, but if the banquet was on their turf, it would be unwise, because all the changes were has the final say of them, for example, their common trick "pagan!" Once they put on such a hat, then what room can he have to refute? I'm afraid it's good not to make all the sieges on the scene

"It's not necessarily true, but we can't help but guard against it." Wells on the other side chuckled: "if it's a big deal, let's make things bigger. Since they want to play, we will accompany them to the end, and direct the intercontinental missile to this side. Don't believe that the Swedish government will sit by and ignore it? No matter how powerful the Vatican is, can they stop intercontinental missiles without relying on the Swedish government? Even if the government and the government are on their side, they are not afraid of it. The bigger the incident is, the more passive it will be for them. Therefore, most of them may choose to act in secret! "

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