Ye Xiao, who was in a deep sleep, was suddenly awakened by an extraordinary powerful energy. He resisted the pain from his body and walked towards the energy source step by step. However, when he was halfway there and saw a humanoid machine, the whole person was stunned

"This How can this be possible, how can transformational people have such powerful energy? " Ye Xiao can clearly sense the strength of the other side, and there is no suspense. Once that thing finds itself, and catches up with itself, then he will surely die!

How could this bastard get this thing out? Ye Xiao's eyebrows are locked, and the whole person is holding his breath and slowly leaves towards the distance. Ye Xiao is only a few hundred meters away from the falling place. If he finds out about it, he will be in great trouble!

In SG Organization headquarters, the face of the man with grimace mask was extremely dignified, because the ultimate reformer did not find Ye Xiao at all. In other words, the boy had already escaped when he fell? How could that be possible, and in that case, how could the boy escape?

"Whoosh!" Just when the man with the grimace mask was confused, the ultimate reformer suddenly found out that he found the trace of Ye Xiao

"It's not good to be found out!" Ye Xiao's face sank, and the whole person jumped up in an instant. He tried to resist the pain from his whole body. He took a silver gun in his hand and ran away towards the distance

The ultimate reformer found out that the target he was searching for had escaped. He was immediately angry. His whole body was like a cheetah, supporting the ground with both hands and imitating the cheetah with his limbs The speed was improved to the extreme. The distance between the two was only a few hundred meters, but the speed of the ultimate transformation was too fast. Almost a few seconds later, the distance had been shortened to only tens of meters!

"Damn it!" Ye Xiao scolded, and his whole body stopped, because he found that he couldn't run away. The robot's speed was too fast!

"Click After the reformer caught up with Ye Xiao, he didn't have any hesitation at all, and rushed towards Ye Xiao! The powerful Qi force makes all around have the silk concussion! You know, before ye Xiao, it was able to kill an expert at the first level of gas refining, even in seconds!

Although he was seriously injured now, he could not raise any resistance in front of the whole ultimate reformer. That is to say, the terrible breath from the remoulding man made him lose his fighting spirit? Ye Xiao's heart is shocked, but it is often at this time, the best time to stimulate their own potential!

The Zhentian gun in the hand is directly wielded, and a yin-yang dual attribute attack appears in front of Ye Xiaoshen in an instant. The Qi force like a shock wave is attacking the remoulder!

"Boom After being attacked, the reformer who originally rushed quickly stopped. It seems that the dual attributes of yin and Yang pose a threat to him

Ye Xiao, holding a silver gun, without any hesitation, pursues the reformer actively!

"What's the matter? This What is this? " After seeing the silver gun in Ye Xiao's hand, the ghost faced man in SG headquarters changed his face, because he could feel that the silver gun was not an ordinary thing at all, or it didn't look like something in this world at all!

It was at this time that the reformer moved again. After the last attack, it seemed to have learned a lesson this time. His eyes were fixed on the silver gun in Ye Xiao's hand, but he attacked Ye Xiao without any rules

"Pa!" The speed of transforming people is too fast, and the strength is too great. Ye Xiao does little harm to him. However, the damage he causes to Ye Xiao is beyond estimation. One stroke hits Ye Xiao's back, and ye Xiao's whole person rolls in the air with exaggeration. At the same time, a mouthful of scarlet blood gushes from his mouth

"Hum, it's a waste to leave this good thing in your hands. Today it's a gift for me. It's been prepared for more than 20 years." With that, the ghost disappeared!

Ye Xiao was hit by the man who transformed him, and the whole person fell into a parabola towards the distance

This is the result of the transformation. After watching Ye Xiao fall down, his whole body instantly runs to the sky of Ye Xiao, then jumps up, one knee down, and kneels directly towards Ye Xiao's cervical vertebrae


With a loud noise, the original kneeling reformer was immediately hit by a strong blow and flew out. In the original place, she thought that a beautiful woman in Hanfu appeared. She slowly lifted Ye Xiao up and looked at him and said, "Ye Xiao, ye Xiao, how are you?" Ye Xiaoyao looked at Ye Xiao's appearance, and felt a kind of inexplicable pain in her heart. Although she knew that ye Xiao would not die like this, how could the person who could fuse the green jade pendant die so simply? But her heart is still inexplicably uncomfortable!

When ye Xiaoyao was ready to destroy the transformant directly, a figure suddenly appeared beside him, a man wearing a grey robe and a mask of grimace!

"Yes?" Ghost face male facial expression slightly a change, this Ni son how suddenly appeared? How can she appear at this time

"It's you again. You appear three times and four times. If you fight against the boss, you will die!" Ye Xiaoyao originally had a burst of anger in her heart. The person who could have the green jade pendant was naturally the target she was guarding. Now the target was almost killed, which is enough to show that it was her own fault. How could she not be angry?The ghost faced man was very frustrated. He thought this was the last time, and ye Xiao was bound to die. But who knows, at this time, the woman appeared. The ghost faced man didn't know what the identity of the woman was, but he only knew that he appeared suddenly three years ago and began to disturb his own arrangement. The most important thing is that she is still very strong Protected by the world, I can't do much harm to her

"Goodbye!" The grimace masked man said, then turned around and left, and the transformation man had already let it fly back in an instant when the grimace masked man noticed the arrival of Ye Xiaoyao

"Want to go!" Ye Xiaoyao waved his sleeve and saw a blue air force drawing out in an instant. He didn't give the ghost face man any chance at all. The Green Qi force surrounded him directly. At the same time, ye Xiaoyao quickly put down Ye Xiao and directly attacked the ghost faced man!

"Damn it, come again!" Ghost face man is most afraid of this green gas, because this thing can't be broken. When he fought with her, it was this thing that made him headache. That's why he didn't want to fight with this little girl!

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