"The name of this move is very strange, meteor! Although this simple prick, a stab looks very powerful, but what does it have to do with meteors? Why do you have such a name? " The picture that ye Xiao deposited in the depth of his mind makes the whole person stand still

And the young girl out of the virtual side seems not anxious, waiting on the side!

It was also at this time that more and more people came to the hall, and their strength was even stronger and weaker. When they came, they just chose some of their own skills or assessed them! However, when they saw Ye Xiao directly indulge in the same place, they all showed a shocked face, because in this virtual world, in general, they would not enter the spiritual world of this kind of thing that I had forgotten. In this case, it would only happen in real life, which is often called the state of Epiphany! But in this virtual world, it is not common!

"Isn't this the guy who killed Williams before?"

"Yes, it seems that the staff of this guy are quite good. Before that, Andy's cousin was going to teach the boy a lesson, but he was caught by green dragon, and he was defeated by one move! Tut! I'm afraid the sword demon will not go to Qinglong, but he must be looking for this boy! "

"It seems that Williams's back is not weak. Tut Tut, the wasteland has been silent for such a long time. I didn't expect to have new fun. Although I won't join in, I'm glad to see it!"

Ye Xiao couldn't hear the words of those people from the outside world, or he could hear them, but he was ignored by himself. The gun was called "meteor", and the most dazzling moment of a meteor was the moment when it cut through the sky, and the strongest moment was that moment! It turns out that the essence of this shot is fast Fast to the extreme, the world's martial arts only hard to destroy, only fast not broken, is this the truth? "Whoosh..." The spear behind Ye Xiao suddenly pulls out and stabs forward. Rao is in this state. In this virtual world, the people around him are all jumped by Ye Xiao's sudden stab

But only one of the people present could understand That is Qinglong, who was not far away and originally selected his own skills. His eyes narrowed. Because the previous shot actually caused a slight vibration in the surrounding space. You know, this is a virtual world. In other words, these things simply don't exist. Here is a supercomputer. All these things are based on some high-tech data Yes, but Rao can resonate with each other. How strong is an ordinary shot? Is that what he got here?

"Is this boy sick? You're practicing here? Doesn't he know it's a virtual world? There's no use at all, OK

"That's right. He thought he was smart, but he was so stupid..."

"No, no!" Ye Xiao is correcting himself in the depth of his mind. The strength of his shot is not enough, the strength is not enough, and the speed is not enough. If you demonstrate according to the previous picture, if you practice this move, it will be enough to tear the surrounding virtual space!

Ye Xiao didn't need to continue to practice. He knew that if he could do it easily, he would be in the hell. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the young girl in front of him and said, "I'll also give you the unknown!"

"I've given it to you!"

"Give it to me?" When did she give it to herself? It's totally impossible. If she gives it to herself, how can she not know? This is not a joke!

"Yes, when I gave you Genesis before, I already gave it to you. This gun skill, called nameless, naturally has its own implication. If you can't find it, I can't help it!"

Ye Xiao is so stupid that he can't find out? How can we call it nameless? What kind of international joke? Ye Xiao suddenly feels that this guy is a little bit of a pit father's meaning, or said nameless, should not only have one move, and this move is called nameless, and then he can use one move to turn ten thousand moves?

After ye Xiao walked out of the hall, he found that Kelly had already been with Austin Nisha. When they saw Ye Xiao coming out, they came over and said with a light smile, "you boy finally came out. We thought you were going to spend the Spring Festival in it."

"Spring Festival..." Ye Xiao is slightly stunned. When he comes in, the real world should be the first day of the lunar new year? On New Year's day, sister Qin and Su Qin should Shake your head and don't let yourself think about so many problems. Now my goal is only a rapid breakthrough, and the peak of strength!

"Brothers, I have to hurry back now. By the way, I'm a new member who has officially joined today. Where should I live?" Ye Xiao suddenly thought of this serious problem. He was just about to go back, but he suddenly found that he did not have a place to live in the wasteland!

"Or you can live with us. Anyway, the house over there is very big, and there are plenty of rooms." Austin said with a smile!

"Is that a little disturbing?"

"Why, I didn't say that we are friends. What's the matter between friends? I'm still counting on you, brother ye, to be prosperous in the future. Don't forget our poor losers Austin patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder and laughed!"No way!" Ye Xiao opened his mouth and said, "I'm going back now. I'm pressed for time. In a month, I'm going to enter the ninth floor of the ruins tower, so I won't play with you first!"

"Poof..." One side of Nisa suddenly heard Ye Xiao's words, and a mouthful of tea that she had just drunk came out directly. She looked at Ye Xiao with exaggeration on her face and said, "brother ye, you Are you all right? " In fact, it's not Nisa's exaggeration, but ye Xiao's words are too shocking. Let alone how short a month is, ye Xiao's goal of entering the ninth floor of the ruins tower is really too shocking. Since the appearance of the remnant wilderness world, the highest record is Kearns, who ranks first, but only breaks into the fourth floor, and can't stay in the fourth time How long it took to get blown down! Thus, how exaggerated is the ninth floor? If ye Xiao enters the ninth floor within a month, then That can't be described as genius

"Brother ye, what you said is not true?" Carey also thought it was incredible, because it was beyond their understanding. He had never thought of where anyone could get to, and it was still within a month?

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