"Squeak..." More and more rat groups began to gather towards the remnant wasteland tower. It is no exaggeration to say that ye Xiao is almost full of rats in all directions at the moment. Although Ye Xiao can pierce four or five giant rats' bodies with one knife, so as to block some giant rats' actions, that root can not delay the action at all!

The most important thing is that ye Xiaocai found that there were more giant rats around the remnant wasteland tower than those behind him. He had no way to get close to the remnant tower. If he approached again, he would be devoured by it. Once so many giant rats were trapped in it, I'm afraid they couldn't support three breaths, and they would have to play it out!

"What to do?" Ye Xiao quickly analyzes, but no matter what method, it's impossible to escape these giant rats, because to a certain extent, it's like the sea water rushing towards him To the sea When ye Xiao thought of this place, he suddenly thought of the sea. This is the wasteland. Before that, he was far away from the coast, but here is the boundary of the remnant wasteland tower, and the coast can be reached 20 miles to the east of here. If not for these rugged terrain, you can see the vast ocean from here!

After thinking about this, ye Xiao held the silver gun behind his back in his hand. At the same time, he held two throwing knives in his left hand. Without thinking at all, he directly stabbed the coming giant rat on both sides. He roughly calculated that there were nearly 20 flying knives on his body, so he had to use the remaining flying knives to open a short-term blood path!

"He's heading east..."

"Changed direction? Does he want to go into the sea? The sea at night is much more dangerous than on land. Besides, these giant rats can swim

"However, this is the only way out. If he really escapes into the sea, at least these giant rats will have other food sources, and most of them will not go to the sea, so it can be said that he has saved his life for a short time! But whether we can break through the encirclement of the giant rat, we don't know! "

"You see..."

When people were talking about it, I suddenly found that ye Xiao outside the deserted pagoda was shot by one person, as fast as a meteor, and rushed towards the rats. The most important thing was that the speed was too fast, which produced a light of black and silver

"My God, isn't he trying to kill himself? The rat tide can even chew the fine steel. If he rushes in like that, he will be swallowed directly within a short distance... "

The man closed his mouth before he finished his words, because at this time, the light of the intersection of black and silver broke through the weakest group of rats in the East. Most importantly, in the places where they passed, those mice would be injured if they didn't die, and those blood became the food for the latecomers. Therefore, for a while, those giant rats didn't chase Ye Xiao for a short time, but moved towards them one after another The bodies of their companions rush

"That move..." The sword King standing by the first window has a dignified face. Although he ranks eighth, the sixth ranked drunkard does not want to fight against him. He once said in public that he is not as good as the Dao king. If the battle between life and death is fought, he has only a 30% chance to win! The king of Dao, if he had not been beaten down by the eighth place green dragon, he would have been in the fifth place!

"Very strong!" The king of the sword made another conclusion: "just that move, even I'm afraid I have no chance to escape, that kind of prestige is too strong I'm afraid the boy is another enemy When the king saw Ye Xiao break through the rat group, he already knew that ye Xiao could not die. As for saying that the sea is more dangerous, unless the boy has a brain in his head and goes to the deeper place, otherwise, it should not be a problem to insist on six o'clock the next day in the sea! After thinking about this, Dao Wang went directly to the second floor. As for the guys below, he didn't pay attention to their lives, because the rat tide is also a natural disaster. The fittest survive. If they can't make sure of the energy shield of the abandoned tower and let the giant rat rush out, who can blame it? Anyway, those animals can't get to the second floor

After ye Xiao rushed out of the rat group, the whole person felt relaxed. His step did not stop, but he was extremely excited. Just now, when he broke through the rat group with "meteor", the feeling was so wonderful. It seemed that he had mastered the essence!

Excited, ye Xiao again wields a long gun and stabs in the distance But this time, it was the same as before in the training ground. Although it was strong, it didn't have the strength and speed of attacking the rats

However, this is also one of Ye Xiao's exercises. Looking at the giant rat rushing to her back, ye Xiao keeps moving forward in this posture

All of a sudden, ye Xiao noticed that there was someone walking fast in front of him. His speed was as fast as that of himself. He was shocked. However, in this case, if there were more people, there would be more security, so ye Xiao would pursue and go towards that breath! And when ye Xiao pursues to the breath, the man seems to have noticed Ye Xiao's existence and rushes towards Ye Xiao step by step

Almost two or three breath, two people met in the distance

"Are you the new man who just came in the day today?" The bald young man's face was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the breath of these words just came today would be so strong!"It's me. I don't know if you are?" Ye Xiao looked at the bald youth in front of him and asked him to run towards the coast! And the bald youth seems to have the same plan as ye Xiao!

"My name is Spencer!" When the bald youth was talking, his eyes were fixed on the silver gun in Ye Xiao's hand. His intuition told him that it was a good weapon, a good weapon he had never seen!

"Hello, Spencer. I think we should practice so that we have more chances to live, don't we?" Ye Xiao looked at the bald youth in front of him, and said with a smile! Ye Xiao naturally realized that the bald eyes seemed a little strange, but in order not to be eaten by these animals, he could only cooperate with him for a short time!

"No problem, of course." Spencer simply answered, and then said, "your name is Ye Xiao, right? I don't think we should speed up a little. When the animals catch up, it will be difficult to do it! "

"I think so!" Ye Xiao nodded and managed to throw those things out of a distance. If they were caught up again, it would be hard to say! They joined hands and ran quickly towards the shore

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