"Ah..." Spencer cried out in the air, but there was no way to do it. He could not move his arms greatly. Looking at the rat tide getting closer and closer, Spencer was terrified. How dare he and how dare he do this? I'm Charlize's son, the third Super Master!

"Father, it was Ye Xiao who killed me..." The last paragraph goes out of the information loop Then he sank directly into the rat tide. The Qi refining master, however, had a strong breath in his body. At the moment of falling, he jumped in depth. He wanted to jump out of the rat tide range, but he was seriously injured. He only jumped once. In the next moment, the whole person was directly engulfed by the vast rat tide

Ye Xiao did not hesitate. Even when Spencer was thrown out by himself, he had already galloped away in the distance. At this time, if he still stayed here, what was the difference between waiting for death? When ye Xiao fled toward the coast, there were more than four or five hundred people in a city that could hold 100000 people in the middle of the wasteland. These people were basically those who had not yet reached the level of fake gas refining. They had no energy to maintain the energy shield of their houses. So they had to escape in this deserted city. The city wall was 18 meters high These giant rats are unlikely to cross the wall!

At this time, the information ring on the arm of a man over 50 years old on the wall of the abandoned city suddenly pops up a screen, and then a dark picture appears on the screen. At this moment, the pupil of the man's eyes shrinks and murmurs: "Spencer..." In the picture, his son seems to be thrown out directly by someone with great strength, and the place where he falls is the vast rat tide

"Ah..." At the same time, a voice came out of the information ring: "father Ye Xiao killed me

"Ye Xiao..." Charlize's face suddenly became ferocious, and in his eyes, he could clearly see the murderous spirit, just like the substance. Charlize's heart was sad and angry, but he didn't lose his mind. The man named Ye Xiao must die, but it's not now: "boy, I hope you can survive the rat tide tonight, so that I can avenge my son in person! But... " After thinking about it, Charlize said slowly, "now that I don't care, maybe it's time to compete with Kearns for the first place..."

The first place in the remnant wasteland is that it has extremely high welfare and martial arts training ground. When his strength reaches their level, he also consumes more energy. Therefore, he also needs to choose a suitable place to practice. In the whole remnant wasteland, only Kearns has a good boundary But it is the first place to be qualified to occupy!

Ye Xiao quickly rushed to the shore and looked at the huge rat tide behind him. But he didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, ye Xiao raised a wave of fighting thoughts in the sea: "what's going on? When was there such a powerful thing in the sea Although the heart is worried, but the rat tide behind, but like the wind, a ruthless, ye Xiao instant, toward the sea and away!

After the rat tide arrived at the shore, there was still a small part of the water, but soon, those guys quickly turned around and were afraid to go to the shore

Ye Xiao frowns more and more tight, even these animals can feel the difference of the sea water. What is there in the bottom of the sea?

"Squeak..." The boundless giant rats on the coast still make a kind of attack similar to the rhythm. Although the sound has no effect on Ye Xiao, the sound is very upset at this time Can't calm down at all!

It was at this time that the sea, not far away, began to emit "gurgling, gurgling..." After that, there were still huge whirlpools on the sea. A black corner with the thickness of a thigh slowly came out of the water, and it became bigger and bigger, and the waves around it began to roll

Then ye Xiao saw a Buddha like head slowly emerging from the water. Both the facial features and the look were similar to the Buddha statues Ye Xiao had seen before. However, there was something similar to the Buddha's statue in front of him. There was something like a rhinoceros horn on the top of his head. It seemed extremely incongruous!

It seems that the bottom of the Buddha was dragged by something, accompanied by the sound of the surrounding water, or slowly emerged. After three minutes, the Buddha, who was about 20 meters high and sat on his knees, finally came out of the water

"What the hell is this?" Ye Xiao's face changed dramatically. Is that what the rat tide is afraid of? How could that be possible? The crisis I feel is not from this strange Buddha at all!

"Hua Hua Hua..." When ye Xiao was puzzled, the surrounding sea water turned again. The sea wave was more than ten meters high in an instant. The water splashed all over the Buddha. More sea water invaded the shore and spewed away towards the rat tide

"Roar..." When ye Xiao was forced to stand on the water, a huge roar came from the depth of the sea water, and then a huge whirlpool was generated in the sea water not far away. Then, a single horn, like a python, flew out of the sea"This This is Jiaozhou Ye Xiao starts to be afraid. Is this really true? In 1995, the python in Anhui Province was robbed. If it was successful, it would turn into a Jiao, and if it failed, it would die. However, the boa was killed directly by several lightning bolts. In ancient times, there have been legends about Jiao, but not many people believe it. But now, this thing actually exists. The giant python transforms and turns into a Jiao! However, the dragon in front of us should have taken shape. Otherwise, it would be impossible for us to have such powerful energy. It could almost control the weather around us and stir it randomly, and the whole sea would shake with it

"How could that be possible?" Ye Xiao is so stupid. How can this kind of thing, which has only been heard and never seen, appear here? Looking at the body with more than two meters exposed, which is similar to the head of a python, there is a fist sized flesh lump in the center of the eyebrow, and the white pattern on the neck, and the blue pattern on the back, the ochre breast, and the colorful color of the two limbs like brocade

"Roar!" There was another roar. As the waves rose and fell, ye Xiao clearly saw that giant python, like a dragon, darted out of the sea and flew directly towards the Buddha, which was nearly 20 meters away Although it was night, but then the weak light around Ye Xiao could clearly see that the Jiao was slowly winding the horn Buddha directly. The big mouth of the giant opened directly, and the upper and lower four fangs were exposed and directly bit the Buddha's head

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