Looking at the big white dress in front of him, did he suddenly think of the big one in front of him? God, how could that be possible? Is this a success? Ye Xiao doesn't seem to believe it at all!

The man in white looked at the originally repressed thunder cloud gradually dispersed, and said with a smile to Ye Xiao: "but how to say, this time it's you who saved me. This is for you, it's my reward!" Then he took out a blue bead from his arms and handed it directly to Ye Xiao!

The bead is about half the size of a fist. It's crystal clear. Somehow, ye Xiao seems to be able to feel a sense of dignity from the bead, or a strong momentum, which can not be blasphemed!

"Is this a little too expensive? Besides, it was me just now..."

The man in white directly interrupted Ye Xiao's words and said with a smile: "no matter what, in short, it's you who saved me. This is the fact. Take him, or I won't be able to soar at ease!"

Ye Xiao originally wanted to say that he didn't save him by himself. Besides, it was too expensive. At least Ye Xiao felt that he had a little bit of a loss when he got what he got! But after looking at the dignified look of the man in white, he stretched out his hand and said slowly, "good!"

"Take care The man in white saw that ye Xiao put away the beads he had given him. At last, a trace of joy appeared on his originally playful face. As soon as the words fell, a white light column appeared on his head, which directly covered his whole person. In this moment, the original human shape changed in an instant, forming a Jiao with a pair of giant claws, which can be really called today For the dragon?

Before ye Xiao did not see its body long with huge claws: "take care

"I almost forgot to say..." Flying to the general giant Jiao, he suddenly opened his mouth and said to Ye Xiao, "my name is silver moon." When the voice dropped, a huge roar came out, and then it flew straight up

"Silver moon?" Ye Xiao looks at the figure gradually disappearing in the sky, murmurs to herself, and then looks at the bead in his hand. Suddenly, he finds that there is a miniature dragon in the blue bead, but it is not so clear

"Squeak..." At this time, ye Xiao, holding a pearl in one hand and a sky gun in the other, suddenly finds that there are still so many giant rats on the coast. Originally, there are so many dead rats. This makes Ye Xiao feel dizzy. However, when ye Xiao is considering whether to stay here until dawn, he suddenly finds out that the giant rats will look at themselves again, There is a fear

To be exact, it's the fear of seeing the beads in your hands God, these cold-blooded killers are afraid? Before that, the giant Jiao, who had not been completely transformed and had not been robbed by thunder, swallowed hundreds of giant rats in one gulp. They were not afraid of them. They were deterred by one shot, and they were not frightened. But now when they see the beads in their hands, they are afraid?

Ye Xiao tries to walk towards the coast step by step. With every step he takes, the giant rats turn to their hind legs as a whole. Ye Xiao moves forward quickly, and they retreat quickly

"It's strange. Since these guys are afraid of themselves, why don't they go away and stick in front of themselves?" Ye Xiao was surprised, but he still walked towards the shore step by step. When he was sure that these guys were really afraid of themselves, he did not have so much scruples. He went directly to the Bank of Shanghai and walked towards the deserted tower. Although Ye Xiao didn't know what the bead was, he always wanted to know what floor he could reach?

In the desolate city, Charlize looked at the fading light in the East and the thunder cloud, and murmured: "there is a python crossing robbery. I'm afraid that boy should have died? It's a pity that you can't live in that situation! "

"Lord Charles, save my life!" At this time, a harsh voice sounded in Charlize's ear. As the sound fell, a figure had already rushed to hide behind him. It was at this time that the other two figures appeared beside him!

"Who are you?" Charlize ignored the two men with a stick and a sword, but turned to look at the man behind him and asked coldly!

"My name is Roy ANN, because I know a secret, so they want to kill me..."

"Secret?" Charlize was slightly stunned, while Andy, the sword demon on the side, yelled in a direct angry voice: "you bastard, believe me or not, I have cut you with my sword directly!" Sword devil Andy's heart that gas ah, when he was so played by a gangster? At this time, if Charlize hadn't been standing here, he swore that it would have been absolutely shattered

Now, if you can save me, my Lord Roy Ann was terrified. He didn't expect that even the devil would find himself so quickly. How did they know they had hidden in the ruins?

Charlize turned to look at the stick and sword demons and said, "since there are secrets, we should share them with you. Do you think so?"

The sword devil and the stick devil looked at each other, and then looked at Charlize in front of him and said with a smile: "you are an elder, so don't make money with us. This boy has cheated us, and you can't listen to him and give him to us!""Why should I give it to you? Where he is is is his personal freedom! " Charlize took a step forward, directly blocking the two men's rush. He looked at them coldly and said, "why don't you try? I haven't been exercising for a long time Then he began to move. It seemed that as long as these two people had any change, he could rush to kill them!

Andy coldly looks at Charlize in front of him. Although they are all first-class gas refiners, they do not have enough confidence to kill him. However, they can not give up killing Roy Ann because of Charlize's words. Although their ranking is relatively low, 18, 15, and in front of him, Charlize is indeed the top three experts !

However, this does not mean that the two people will be afraid. After reaching a certain level of strength, without overwhelming premise, it is very terrible for two first-class Qi refining masters to join hands. In other words, Spencer, who has just entered the first level of gas refining, is not very strong in his personal combat effectiveness, and whether Andy or stick devil can defeat him, but there are two If the strength is as good as Spencer, the stick devil will not be able to defeat it easily, even for a long time! So the sword devil Andy and the stick devil did not flinch, but were ready to challenge, because they were both sure of their lives, and he could not kill the alliance between them!

"Charlize, we don't want to do it. You must know that even if we do it, you won't get much benefit. Do you think it's worth it to do so for his inexplicable sentence?" One side of the stick devil suddenly opened his mouth, his eyes staring at Charlize in front of him, and his spirit was also tight!

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